- Comment on YouTube offers virtual trophies so you can feel bad about quitting premium 9 months ago:
No add ons. Just how youtube premium was behaving on both my android youtube app and my Firefox browser back when I cancelled.
I still love the balls of saying "this is what you experienced an undisclosed amount of time ago? ThAtS nOt HoW yOuTuBe AdS wOrK."
- Comment on YouTube offers virtual trophies so you can feel bad about quitting premium 9 months ago:
I had premium... until they started glitching my songs out because every time an ad would have played, they just skipped 15 seconds of the song, and since an ad never played, the trigger never got disarmed, and all of my songs would play for 5 seconds, then skip 15 seconds.
I was willing to pay to rid my life of ads, but instead I just got glitchy garbled music.
- Comment on Home Depot 9 months ago:
In fairness, when my scrawny ass was working refunds and continually hauling water heaters from the front entrance to the compactor in the far back, it was garden that was full of jacked dudes who helped me every once in a while.
- Comment on Child care costs more than a mortgage payment or rent almost everywhere in the U.S.: ‘There is no escaping it’ 9 months ago:
I stopped at the first sentence.
Every child is a choice.
Condoms, pills, vascetomies, abortions.
If your state is cracking down, the next one over isn't.
Fill a backpack with underwear and a toothbrush and start your new life.
I reject your "I just had no choice but to make crotchfruit" argument with absolutely every fiber of my being.
- Comment on Child care costs more than a mortgage payment or rent almost everywhere in the U.S.: ‘There is no escaping it’ 9 months ago:
You get YOUR head out of your ass.
Having children when you can't provide for them makes you the problem.
Simple as that.
If you can't care for kids, don't drag them into a miserable impoverished existence then whine at everyone else to bankroll you.
- Comment on Child care costs more than a mortgage payment or rent almost everywhere in the U.S.: ‘There is no escaping it’ 9 months ago:
Yes there is.
Don't have kids.
- Comment on Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much 9 months ago:
"My party is committing genocide and lost all of its credibility and ethos. Boo hoo."
At least they aren't using the word "progressive" anymore.
- Comment on Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study finds 9 months ago:
I dont share my anecdote for the first time.
I have heard in equal parts that I have a rare privilege and also that privilege will not last forever.
I challenge both takes a little, but mostly accept both as true.
- Comment on Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study finds 9 months ago:
That's been the tactic.
Baby steps.
- Comment on Ordered back to the office, top tech talent left instead, study finds 9 months ago:
My company ordered back to office, and as I was told, I was the only one to say no.
I generate too much value and have tolerated being underpayed enough that they can't justify firing me.
I'm also not some MIT AI machine learning savant. I come from a business analyst/ QA background, and I have made a SQL/Java/VBA system for virtually free that does the work of a team of 10 every day, but it's just my underpaid ass running it.
When I lose this job, honestly, I'm fucked and it will be a nightmare because I'll probably need to go into an office, and I'm in no shape for that.
But for today, I said no and I keep doing my job.
- Comment on Never make the mistake of visiting a community for your favorite podcasts 9 months ago:
Generally you add your meme.
Youre an active member tho.
I get it, but dont endorse it.
- Comment on Pesticide Use Has Increased by Over 80% since 1990, Causing Pollinator Declines and Water Contamination 9 months ago:
Who is your grandma and why exactly was it the 90s that made her need pesticides?
- Comment on Never make the mistake of visiting a community for your favorite podcasts 9 months ago:
Me and Supernatural.
- Comment on Remember... 9 months ago:
Which is why it got raised when Dems had the supermajority.
- Comment on Xbox president: Studio closures will ensure 'business is healthy for the long term' 9 months ago:
Yes, the modern mindset. Murder the product, preserve the manager's paygap.
- Comment on West Bank: Israeli Forces’ Unlawful Killings of Palestinians 9 months ago:
How long will take for mainstream to realize what this entire circus is about?
They full well know. They arent paid to tell the truth.
- Comment on As Israel Begins “Final Phase” of Genocide, Biden Slams Pro-Palestine Protests 9 months ago:
Anyone who has stood up has been curb stomped.
- Comment on NYPD’s Raid on Columbia Cost Hundreds of Thousands in Overtime Alone. The Crackdown Will End Up Costing Millions. 9 months ago:
Its fine, its the peaceful protesters and those who support them that pay the majority of the taxes that are spent on silencing the peaceful protesters.
Its just like a double punishment.
- Comment on As Israel Begins “Final Phase” of Genocide, Biden Slams Pro-Palestine Protests 9 months ago:
The thing that I have found shuts the "you only have 2 choices!" and "BuT tRuMp!!!" people is to remind them that as of March 2023, 49% of Americans are registered Independent.
Democrats and Republicans have 25% of the country each.
Since the liberal party went "progressive", dove head first into fascism, censorship, domestic spying, etc, that 49% has all but assuredly risen, and the number for Democrats has lowered.
"A third party candidate isnt viable!" is absolute unfettered horse shit.
The American people are making their will decisively known using the election system, we are just allowing them to smother out any non-Party movement.
I dont think Bernie could win it anymore though. A) He has just gotten too old. B) He had 2 shots, and the DNC murdered any reputation he had that he could win. C) He clearly simply just doesn't want it anymore.
We need Citizens United overturned to get money back out of politics so a candidate from the overwhelmingly majority political group, Independents, can have a candidate with their political affiliation printed on the ballot.
We are never going to get them to give up that power though.
As far as I can tell, America is just fucked and all we can do is brace for when the fascism is literally at our front door and the majority of America becomes the "rebel insurgent" according to the fascist DC agenda (which really already started with Occupy Wallstreet when 'peaceful protesters' were added to the list of DHS domestic terrorist organizations).
- Comment on As Israel Begins “Final Phase” of Genocide, Biden Slams Pro-Palestine Protests 9 months ago:
Amen brother.
All the way through I have been saying "we need to hold Biden's heels to the fire, not be sending the message that his fascist tactics are working."
"BuT tRuMp!!!"
Now Trump wins because liberals are disenfranchised and what's worse, I predict that will only drive the DNC deeper into fascism.
They rigged Bernie out, and doubled down on the fascism then.
This cycle, there isnt even a viable candidate that they are suppressing, and they are tripling down on the fascism.
Biden has already lost, and Progressives are more likely to team up with him than to resist him.
America really is fucked right now...
- Comment on Public must have access to U.S. report on military aid 9 months ago:
Biden administration has no reason to withhold Congressional report on how foreign recipients of U.S. military assistance comply with human rights law
Uh... yes he does. He has been knowingly funding a genocide for a while now.
He has also killed any effort in the UN to stop it, and has made zero calls for sanctions on US Senators that publicly threatened the WJC if they try to interfere in the genocide.
- Comment on What happens to those who are severely disabled while in prison? 9 months ago:
Ummm, from what ive seen, the general vibe is, you know how your boss would like to chain you to a desk in an office and ignore all your human wants and just make you a mindless drone that does their bidding, and as long as you are chained at that desk, you know that every couple days/weeks/months they will suddenly cater to your needs for a 45min to 4hr task, and based on how they like your performance, you stay chained to that desk or you get your needs catered to just enough to make you want to do WHATEVER you just did again?
That's what jail/prison is.
Human rights removed. Behavioral programming at maximum.
If I lost my leg right now, I would be destitute.
2 years in a prison and I'd probably be one-leg-hopping all over the place. Or buried out back. And we are learning that American police stations and prisons have a problem with literal shallow graveyards behind their buildings.
One of the major explainers about why badges hate 1st Amendment Auditors.
- Comment on The reason prosthetics are so good in Star Wars is because the Jedi use live lightsabers to train. 9 months ago:
Correct, younglings use training sabers that don't cut.
Padawans, knights, and masters spar with their whole ass sabers.
- Comment on USA: The Minimum Wage Should Be $24 per Hour Not $7.25 10 months ago:
Shit, does it make me conservative for me to want to go back to no Citizens United and reinstated Glass–Steagall? Throw Roe v Wade back in there for good measure?
All liberal accomplishments, but it would really just be regaining all we have lost in the past 25 years.
- Comment on USA: The Minimum Wage Should Be $24 per Hour Not $7.25 10 months ago:
I started out at community College and got an internship at the state. The people I worked for at the state pressured me to transfer to university.
I lived on my own and survived off the 13 bucks an hour 20 hours a week and student loans.
Preparing for my third university semester, my student loans got rejected. They cited "you went from a Junior to a Sophomore" as the reason, didn't accept "I went from a 2 year program to a 4 year program" as an answer, and wouldn't tell me why it took them 2 semesters to come up with this rejection reason.
Never qualified for Pell or FAFSA. My parents were broke, but the house they foreclosed on a couple years later was too much equity for me to qualify for student aid.
Then the state fired me because of budget slashes (I interned for the Department of Education in the late 00s).
So I dropped out and carried the debt with no degree for a little over a decade, the principle actually rising, before I converted the debt to a consolidation loan and paid it off in 3 years.
So ya, I agree. Modern US university is a scam.
- Comment on USA: The Minimum Wage Should Be $24 per Hour Not $7.25 10 months ago:
Mininimum wage should be 7.26.
A 3 bed 2 bath home should be 80k.
A week of groceries should be 60 dollars.
A semester of university should be 2500 dollars.
Most jobs should not be minimum wage.
Employers should be giving profit share bonuses.
Millionaires and billionaires should be paying a higher percentage of taxes.
A massive percentage of our public trust should not be going to Israel.
- Comment on recruiting theocracy 10 months ago:
Chaplain: a member of the clergy attached to a private chapel, institution, ship, branch of the armed forces, etc.
By definition, a Chaplain is a religious insurgent.
Insurgent: a rebel or revolutionary.
So, an Insurgent Chaplain: An individual who is a Champlain in a country founded on the concept of separation of Church and State, but insists on being a paid state official to enforce their religion on members of the state.
- Comment on Biden calls Japan and India xenophobic: ‘They don’t want immigrants’ 10 months ago:
Sure, I can google for you.
- Comment on Biden calls Japan and India xenophobic: ‘They don’t want immigrants’ 10 months ago:
Also incorrect.
Largely due to the birthrate crisis and a problem with abandoned homes, they are trying to entice people from other countries and of child bearing age to sign contracts where they get an abandoned home for dirt cheap if they commit to renovating the home and living in it for at least 10 years.
- Comment on House Passes Bill That Defines Criticism of Israel as “Antisemitism” 10 months ago:
Referencing that treasonous book is double ungood.