- Comment on People are, as a rule, small and obedient creatures. They like to be told what to do. Shortsighted and small-minded. And, in packs, vicious yapping beasts. How do you resolve this? 11 months ago:
It’s the smell. It offends me.
- Submitted 11 months ago to nostupidquestions@lemmy.world | 9 comments
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
You should actually address my point.
“Love it or fuck off” is so kindergarten.
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
But you avoided my point.
Hundreds say yes. You say no. But your opinion wins. Is that immoral?
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
I think that people are, as a rule, small and obedient creatures. They like to be told what to do. Shortsighted and small-minded. And, in packs, vicious yapping beasts.
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
But it’s one opinion vs hundreds. They have a party and one man cancels it. surely
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
And they misunderstood my point, triggered dopes that they are. And the post was removed before I could reply.
Christ, you people are so smug in your imbecilic dark holes.
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
But it isn’t just me. It’s a couple hundred people. Who have voted YES, enthusiastically, by their participation. They clearly want to continue talking.
But one person’s opinion overrides that? That’s crazy.
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
You are like the 10th person to make this weird overlooking of the facts.
It isn’t just one person. It’s a couple hundred people. With a hundred different points of view. Enthusiastically conversing.
That outweighs a single person’s judgment. Yes, even if he is offended by the subject
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
But it isn’t just me. It’s a couple hundred people. Who clearly desire to converse. Some agree, some disagree, some are undecided and some are learning something new.
But one person’s opinion trumps all that?
Surely you see how utterly fucked that is.
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
But it isn’t my individual opinion that the moderator contradicts.
It’s the opinion of a couple hundred participants in the conversation tree. Who have expressed their enthusiastic YES through participation.
Surely the moderator’s single NO doesn’t outweigh that, morally speaking.
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
Does reading comprehension just drop off every time there’s a solar flare?
We’re talking a couple hundred people. Materially expressing a big YES for the conversation.
But the moderator’s single opinion morally overrules that because the rules say so.
That’s absurd.
- Comment on Neurodivergents of Lemmy. Do you think of yourself as (A) Cursed by fate, permanently damaged and suffering OR (B) Gifted by fate with a nonstandard package of strengths and weaknesses? 11 months ago:
You people are so duvmxd I can’t bear to even spell it
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
Biased is fine. Hell I’m biased. It’s the utter obliviousness to decent behavior that bugs me.
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
Obtuse it is.
- Comment on Neurodivergents of Lemmy. Do you think of yourself as (A) Cursed by fate, permanently damaged and suffering OR (B) Gifted by fate with a nonstandard package of strengths and weaknesses? 11 months ago:
don’t call me buddy, friend
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
Without a process for appeal and review we all know how that goes. We are not infants.
- Comment on Neurodivergents of Lemmy. Do you think of yourself as (A) Cursed by fate, permanently damaged and suffering OR (B) Gifted by fate with a nonstandard package of strengths and weaknesses? 11 months ago:
yes you did
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
I just had exactly such a thing happen in this sub earlier today.
The kind of person who does that, who justifies it to themself, I can’t relate.
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
You are either playing a game or incredibly obtuse.
- Comment on What are the advantages of victimhood? What are the disadvantages of victimhood? 11 months ago:
I can’t imagine there’s anybody that has never been victimized. What a deranged concept.
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
That would be thin solace. Like getting your dead cat taxidermized.
- Comment on Neurodivergents of Lemmy. Do you think of yourself as (A) Cursed by fate, permanently damaged and suffering OR (B) Gifted by fate with a nonstandard package of strengths and weaknesses? 11 months ago:
I’m an alien since birth. Getting better at understanding them.
- Comment on Neurodivergents of Lemmy. Do you think of yourself as (A) Cursed by fate, permanently damaged and suffering OR (B) Gifted by fate with a nonstandard package of strengths and weaknesses? 11 months ago:
You spelled “maybe” wrong.
- Comment on A post may receive a hundred replies and host a fat and exciting conversation tree, but if one moderator doesn't like it then it may be locked or deleted. Is that immoral? 11 months ago:
I value my conversations. And when they are taken from me I am robbed. That is a form of harm.
You do not feel similarly?
- Comment on Neurodivergents of Lemmy. Do you think of yourself as (A) Cursed by fate, permanently damaged and suffering OR (B) Gifted by fate with a nonstandard package of strengths and weaknesses? 11 months ago:
The shamans of yore called spectrum maladies “the teaching disease”. Because it provides a rare and valuable lesson about an important (to shamans) part of our reality.
Like a periodic bump might lead one do discover wheels, cars, ic engines and the field of mechanics. But a smooth ride leaves you oblivious.
- Comment on Neurodivergents of Lemmy. Do you think of yourself as (A) Cursed by fate, permanently damaged and suffering OR (B) Gifted by fate with a nonstandard package of strengths and weaknesses? 11 months ago:
Good answer. Kudos on the factorial alphabetization too.
- Submitted 11 months ago to nostupidquestions@lemmy.world | 56 comments
- Submitted 11 months ago to nostupidquestions@lemmy.world | 24 comments
- Comment on What are the advantages of victimhood? What are the disadvantages of victimhood? 11 months ago:
That’s so full of yikes that I just can’t.