Here are 3 examples:
Fried egg, fried rice, fried chicken
All these “fry” are different. If you were to use the “fry” in fried rice to fry an egg, you’d get scrambled egg. Fried chicken is done by submerging it in oil, which you won’t do with fried egg or fried rice.
This post is made from the perspective of a Cantonese/Chinese speaker. We have different words for these different types of “fry” (煎, 炒, 炸 respectively)
(Turns out I did post it in the wrong sub and I didn’t realize, mb. Photon has once again screwed me over. Got mad for no reason.) 7 months ago
Fry means to cook with oil.
You have pan frying, deep frying, shallow frying, they all have additional descriptors, and you can usually infer the type from the product. 7 months ago
There’s also “air fry”, which is just an aggressive convection oven lol 7 months ago
Usually you need to spray or toss the stuff with a small amount of oil first, or stuff has natural oils. The term is usually for using “another oil” so I would say adding oil would be a must instead of its own oils myself. 7 months ago
Usually, the food has it’s own oil, which is heated by the air around it. That’s how air-frying gets food crispy (but it doesn’t always work). 7 months ago
Maybe with hot oil?
I don’t think confit would be considered frying. 7 months ago
Slow frying would be an apt description for a confit duck breast. 7 months ago
In your opinion, what’s the difference between pan frying and sautéing? 7 months ago
I think they can be used synonymously; sautéing may imply stirring or shaking the ingredients in the pan similarly to stir-frying. 7 months ago
“Saute” is french for jump, or jumped. Sauteing is this action:…/cozinhando-cooking.gif
It’s a method of frying in the sense that “stir frying” is a method of frying. Sauteing is frying in a pan, such that you’re turning the stuff over regularly by this tossing action.
One of the outcomes of sauteing is that your stuff gets browned in a randomized, pleasantly-varied manner, since with each toss-and-catch some items flip over and others end up on the same side again. 7 months ago
I thought pan fried was with a lot of oil, like pan fried chicken, and sautéed was with a small amount of oil. 7 months ago
English and French terms?