- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 5 days ago:
These same discussion happened with photoshop and “brush tools” why are those acceptable to make it less labor intensive, but this isn’t?
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 5 days ago:
What have you debunked?
The same “repeating” can be said to you, and is probably why you’re projecting more fallacies onto me.
Ant “debunking” you’ve done, is to justify your bias that certain tools to replace humans are okay. And that’s obviously a hypocrital take, so what’s your real issue here? Just like anyone else, the term “ai” is just a trigger and you don’t like it? It to have it poured to your already “acceptable” tools make you go “REE”?
These same conversations were had with luddites like you when spellcheck came out, than PS, than grammarly. And guess what? They’re acceptable in everyday use.
The same will happen with AI as people treat more like a tool than a toy. Than jackasses like you will be left behind again, but then try and justify it like you are beee when the next one comes out.
Hypocritical Luddites like you are just the worst kind of fucking people.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 5 days ago:
Says the hypocrite that says one tool that replaces humans is okay, but not another.
Okay buddy, just because you can’t make a coherent argument or come up with a legitimate reason why one’s acceptable doesn’t make me slow. If anything just shows how flawed and fucked your reasoning is.
People have always used tools to replace humans. So this decry NOW over ai is what’s bullshit. They shouldn’t enable to use PS brush tools either. Same process, same outcome, the ai can actually be able to do more and remove labor. But now “that’s” not okay. This is what me and other users are pointing out.
But your “ai bad” bias, has made you ignorant to any actual discussions.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 5 days ago:
You seem to be missing the point that’s been made here since your ignorance is “ai bad”.
A tools a tool, any tool can be abused. So it’s a very hypocrital view to say these tools are acceptable, but make up arbitrary reasons why those ones aren’t. That’s what’s being done here, and why people are trying to shift the conversation focus to the “tool itself”.
Since even photoshop, grammarly, or any other non-ai tool is labour a usable too.
If we want humans doing stuff, why is a brushing tool acceptable? It’s not a human doing the work. So yeah the views here are extremely hypocritical.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 5 days ago:
Ah, so this kind of tool is allowable, but not another? Pretty hypocritical thinking there.
A tools is a tool, any tool can be abused.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 5 days ago:
Ah, so this kind of tool is allowable, but not another? Pretty hypocritical thinking there.
A tools is a tool, any tool can be abused.
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 5 days ago:
Why do you think grammarly is a thing dude…?
People ALREADY use an llm for spellcheck, and it’s acceptable, yet this crosses a line…?
It’s always funny what people will find acceptable, but also balk at when it’s fundamentally the exact same thing.
Of these devs want to claim “no ai” and everything is human, than they can’t rely on spellcheck either. Both are automated tools no?
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 5 days ago:
A tool is a tool dude. Why are you trying to justify one over the other?
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 6 days ago:
What do you think grammarly is dude?
- Comment on Indie devs have begun adding a no generative AI stamp to their store pages 6 days ago:
Then you better give up spellcheck and autocorrect.
- Comment on A crate for puppy 6 days ago:
You live in one yourself, they get one away from you.
- Comment on Meta claims torrenting pirated books isn’t illegal without proof of seeding 1 week ago:
In Canada it’s legal to download and watch content for personal use, so it’s when it’s shared that it becomes an issue.
Just like you could record anything with a vcr, you just couldn’t share it with your friends.
- Comment on Countries across the world use more land for golf courses than wind or solar energy. 1 week ago:
Can leave it as a public park instead of a private endeavor that the public can’t access.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 2 weeks ago:
??? Multiple people have told you the same thing……
Sounds like you don’t want to admit that you fucked up.
It sounds a lot like you’re the one who is ignoring definitions to bitch and moan 👋
Well sounds is a lot different than being factually incorrect and obtuse like you….
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
Phones in general are bigger, in each of those examples, smaller models also exist.
So how does that support your point? Lmfao.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
??? Plenty of people are pointing the same thing out
It’s just you swinging this dude, and I’ve provided proof that you’re wrong, you’ve cherry picked a single definition and I provided multiple separate sources. As well had to explain how the minimalists phone still wouldn’t by definition ever be the “flagship” of its small and has no features.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
As I explained previously, you’re cherry picking definitions to support your point.
Multiple other definitions that I provided you contradict that, and saying the same thing doesn’t suddenly make it true.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
They used to make small flagships.
When, you keep saying that, but flagships have always been large and fancy. Can you provide an example? Because what it seems from every explanation you’ve made in this thread, you just don’t know what the term flagship means…
Sounds like you just need to learn words properly, the only one wrong here is you using an established term incorrectly and are conflating a small phone as a “flagship” which has NEVER been the case. Please provide an example of a flagship being small and compact, I would love to see how you came to fuck this well established term up so horrendously.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
And no phone manufacturer has ever called their small phones their flagships, so for to OP to say they miss them, is them not actually knowing what the term is.
Can you provide an example of a phone that fits OPs definition as being sold as a “flagship”? Because OPs arguing for something that’s never been done before.
Flagships CAN be small, but it’s never been done in history before, still waiting for an example, I’ve asked twice now. Because OPs barking up the wrong tree. That’s the issue here.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
Does “fit in your hand” not mean small and compact?
I’m not the one using the term flagship to mean a non flagship phone. You’re trying to change established definitions and conventions.
You want a fancy small phone, no phone manufacturer has ever called a phone that fits that description as a “flagship” so to say you miss the. Is just straight up bullshit and you being an idiot and not using established definitions correctly.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
So you don’t want a flagship, you want a small compact phone with all the fixings. That would no longer be the flagship anymore by using established conventions.
Flagship has specific meanings and you’re ignoring them to bitch and moan.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
So the smallest and worst ship would be the flagship, that’s the defence? Lmfao that makes total sense dude.
How does that mean the smallest and most compact? As my original comment stated, that’s like claiming a cigar boat in the flagship, which no navy would doc even if they were making smaller boats. Their largest and fanciest, would STILL be the flagship of the fleet….
I did read a dictionary, which is why I’m speaking up for OP fucking up what a flagship is meant to be.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
This makes no sense. Large doesn’t mean fancy. Back in the day, making the phone smaller was fancy.
Which has nothing to do with the the historical term “flagship”.
The minimal company’s flagship phone is a minimal phone. It’s their signature phone. The flagship was the ship that had the ranking officer/admiral on it, representing the fleet. Apple, google etc all decided their flagship phone would be huge.
If it’s not the fanciest and most expensive, then by definition and original convention, it’s no longer a flagship phone.
Terms have specific uses, let’s not dilute them to make ourselves feel better. Language IS fluid, but. It when people are obstinate to already preestablished conventions… a small phone will never by definition every be considered a flagship, but bloviate of you want.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
Flagship means the best of the best, of course it’s gonna be large and fancy lmfao.
There’s plenty of phones that fit your niece, but it’s like expecting a cigar boat to be the flagship of the navy dude lol.
- Comment on Dave The Diver's creator wants to make games about Dave's backstory and explore different genres 4 months ago:
So be like SteamWorld? I love their concept, as long as it’s well done.
- Comment on 3D printed cloverleaf antenna maker 4 months ago:
I think the black thing they show at the end is the usual tool to do it, this just looks like 20 extra needless steps.
- Comment on Google Search To Show If An Image Is AI Generated, Edited Or Taken With Camera. 5 months ago:
No, b but it seems like you’re assuming they would look at this sandboxed by itself…? Of course there is more than one data point to look at, when you uploaded the image would noted, so even if you uploaded an image with older exif data, so what? The original poster would still have the original image, and the original image would have scraped and documented when it was hosted. So you host the image with fake data later, and it compares the two and sees that your fake one was posted 6 months later, it gets flagged like it should. And the original owner can claim authenticity.
Metadata provides a trail and can be used with other data points to show authenticity when a bad actor appears for your image.
- Comment on Google Search To Show If An Image Is AI Generated, Edited Or Taken With Camera. 5 months ago:
Its literally the method that’s used…
Okay, what does an image metadata and advertising have to do with each other…? I’m not here for conspiracy theories, I’m here to have a discussion, which you clearly can’t do.
You claim I don’t know much… I stated as much… yet you don’t know how images a verified…? The fuck…?
- Comment on Google Search To Show If An Image Is AI Generated, Edited Or Taken With Camera. 5 months ago:
So you gonna address what’s identifiable about a phone… or are you just gonna ignore this and scream about the one thing we know can prove authenticity of an image? I’ve addressed the can be faked… you gonna address any of my points…?
- Comment on Google Search To Show If An Image Is AI Generated, Edited Or Taken With Camera. 5 months ago:
Meta data creates a string, if you want to claim ownership of an image and I show an image with earlier metadata, who’s is the real one? Yes it can be faked, but it can also be traced. Thats not a reason to not do something, the hell? That’s like suggesting you can’t police murders because someone can fake a murder.
What is identifiable about the type of phone you have…?
And without that exit data you can’t prove any of that… you realize this… yeah…?