Roses are red Your camera is on And everyone saw you Hit a bong
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Submitted 8 months ago by to [deleted]
Roses are red Your camera is on And everyone saw you Hit a bong
🫰 🫰 🫰 🫰 🫰
Has a moment like this a few months back. But I don’t smoke weed and everyone just got to watch me eat granola.
I live alone and have a bad habit of verbalizing my thoughts; my worst nightmare is accidentally forgetting to mute myself while saying some inane shit into the call
I used to do this constantly but I had to break myself out of the habit. On long drives, I’d forget I would have passengers and blurt out half a sentence before realizing.
It also led my step mother to try and convince my dad I was schizophrenic at the time since I would do it in the house as well when I thought no one was around.
Mildly annoying since it was just an easy way to think things through, I never saw it as a bad habit.
Man fuck video chat
It’s a tobacco pipe!
Tobacco water pipe!
My shisha broke guys
During the beginning of COVID, I was on a group zoom interview, and saw someone hit a bong. I believe the hiring manager didn’t see it, and they got hired.
Hiring manager low-key looking for the hookup
Way before COVID I got hired at a bank the same time as another dude who was “off” about one week in we both show up except he was high as a fucking kite. He got escorted out then and there.
Like wtf my dude you’re here to do a job show some respect!
The best thing to use is “Magic Tape” to cover your camera. It adds a frosted window effect while not disturbing your screen’s brightness adjustment feature.
If your computer uses the camera for ambient light sensing instead of a separate sensor, they definitely fucked up building it.
The sensors are usually pretty close to the camera, so the chances of taping over it are relatively high.
I have had one like that in a while but some cheap models did. Looking at you Toshiba Satellite.
Several smartphones do this too.
“Is my nebulizer”
That’s a pretty good recovery, worth a try when you’re ‘on the ropes’
Make sure to throw around the phrase “reasonable accomodation” a bit.
Bonus points if it’s about 3 feet long like the one the stoner in Cabin in the Woods has.
Back in the day one of my friends had just the most gigantic glass bong I’ve ever seen. It was too long to smoke and reach the bowl to light by yourself at the same time. Typical use was one person lit, the other person draws, no smoke had reached them yet so the lighter stops, smoker had to empty their lungs then try to clear the whole thing in one go. If there were enough people you could get the bowl going and pass it around the circle fast enough to keep it lit
I’ve been on the lookout for a convertible travel mug/telescoping bong ever since that movie came out.
That thing was my favorite part of the movie. At least until I saw the rest of it.
I think such a thing is like a lightsaber. Building your own is a rite of passage.
It’s ok, if you’re in IT this is actually a requirement to stop the blood lust.
If you seek Amy, I think I’d like that.
Here’s Thomas. After managing to get in the same company as his first Girlfriend, still getting caught playing hookey. This time on camera.
I’m not sure I understand your comment
No problem.
It’s supposed to be a reference to an old novel. 8 months ago
Take another rip while throwing up the horns, establish dominance 8 months ago
“Its one of those days Amy, I don’t care”