- Comment on Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots 5 months ago:
This is hard to verify on Google. What did he do?
- Comment on Why is there no Christmas version of Spirit Halloween? 5 months ago:
Year round, in many European cities you can find the Kathe Wolfhart stores. Omg. It will change you life. Grinches cured with one look at the weihnachtspyramide. The cruelest of summer heats is quenched. Life is good under thousands of handmade, wooden Santa’s.
- Comment on Starbucks' new CEO will supercommute 1,000 miles from California to Seattle office instead of relocating 6 months ago:
Don’t worry, he probably has some arrangement to only go like once. A month.
- Comment on Consumer, we have detected that you are above the poverty line. The 99¢ price printed on this Arizona tea can only applies to those below the poverty line. Your total comes to $3.67. 6 months ago:
The business model for many many many businesses is to give the rich a good deal to encourage more business, and to give the poor a mediocre to poor deal, because they have less options and the volume is lower.
- Comment on When Harris had to pick a VP, all media kinda agreed it should be a white male, to balance the fact that she is black and a woman. So Waltz is the DEI hire. 6 months ago:
It’s almost like you can do BOTH.
- Comment on If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore? 7 months ago:
OK good luck setting up the economic system that doesn’t just reward the rich.
- Comment on If everyone is fired by AI, who's going to buy the products and services made by the companies if no one has money anymore? 7 months ago:
That’s the neat part. No one.
If the rich can hire a handful of the middle class to build and maintain their robots, then they can just cut the poor and working poor out of the economy entirely, and they will be willing to accept any conditions for food and shelter.
We can arrange the economy anyway we choose. Taking all of the decision making for themselves is part of the plan.
- Comment on Why is homebrewing so middle-class, straight, white, male? 7 months ago:
Back ten, twenty years ago you basically had to go to Europe to try good beer. Who was traveling to middle class white Americans.
Starting a brewery before recently was often a mark that someone had time and info to practice brewing at home, interest in European food and history, plus the start up capital/safety net to start the business.
Now a bunch of relatively privileged people who think it’s possible for them too…
- Comment on Why is the US not considered a third world country? 7 months ago:
The Gucci belt
- Comment on Is it better to rent a cheap/shitty place, or rent something suitable that you struggle to afford? 7 months ago:
No one is making low cost housing. Yes sure making more houses might stop the bleeding on cost.
But no developer is like “yeah I want to build some affordable housing. Something those stuck in the slums aspire to”.
They make the shit with the best margins.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
- Comment on Go ahead 7 months ago:
Main, branch, little free.
- Comment on Young people these days only use the word "slut" in dirty talk, such that calling someone a slut in polite company is now unacceptable. The sluts stole the word for themselves. Great job, sluts! 7 months ago:
It went from a patriarchal normative, to being reclaimed. Are people down voting over the ambiguity of “polite”? Or because rediscovering the term “reclaimed” isn’t really a shower thought?
- Comment on Is it better to rent a cheap/shitty place, or rent something suitable that you struggle to afford? 7 months ago:
OK. Yeah. Those are sacrifices. Shorter commute and no pests? Huge upgrades though. It sounds worth it, unless you really really value your privacy.
Commute of fifty minutes? The max for me.
And I feel something like pests would be a great reason to spend more on housing. But in this case spend less.
Definite market failure there are not more housing options at more price points in more locations and quality.
- Comment on Is it better to rent a cheap/shitty place, or rent something suitable that you struggle to afford? 7 months ago:
I’m failing to see what’s wrong with the cheaper place.
- Comment on Many people don't realize this place is just as toxic and censored as Reddit just in smaller scale, hell I'm afraid this post will be removed as well, they hate any type of discussion... 7 months ago:
I’m Online and This Is Deep
- Comment on Could anyone explain the linguistics around the word "shit"? 7 months ago:
Bad words just become extreme. The modify the emotion. They often don’t mean anything literally. You have to look for other clues or just memorize the terms.
- Comment on every company right now 7 months ago:
Remember when that janitorial company changed its name to include the term CRYPTO and it’s stock went through the roof and the SEC investigated them for fraud?
I can’t find the story unfortunately
- Comment on Thanks, Amy. 7 months ago:
It’s a tobacco pipe!
- Comment on People in San Francisco Are Mad That a New App Lets You Spy on Bars to See How Busy They Are 7 months ago:
Where’s my husband? - desperate housewives of silicon valley
- Comment on Would America be as divided if Trump lost to Hillary in 2016? 8 months ago:
Doubtful. Clinton wouldn’t have focused on division. Sure, it would have simmered like during Obama’s years. But you can name 99 polarizing things Trump did and I can think of few Clinton would have done. Besides, you know, being a woman and continuing Obama’s legacy.
- Comment on Does different parts of the world use different standards for water pressure similar to voltages? 8 months ago:
Everyone else is focusing on whether the rest of the world uses metric and not that fact that water pressure at a given faucet or shower head will be governed by bernoullis equation which will take 99 things into account such as:
The max height of the water reservoir The height of your faucet The design of the pipes leading from the reservoir to your faucet Air pressure The pumps in the system Etc
- Comment on It must be challenging to give heimlich maneuver to a choking turtle 8 months ago:
Probably harder on a tiger.
- Comment on Not to mom shame... 8 months ago:
The kids don’t have hats. Does she hate her kids??
- Comment on YouTube Seems to Be Cracking Down on a VPN-Powered Discount 8 months ago:
So if it makes sense to charge people in India 1/4 the people in the US why can’t we pretend we are in India? People travel to other continents for healthcare.
- Comment on The fine art of negotiation 8 months ago:
The implication is clear. The art of the deal?
- Comment on The fine art of negotiation 8 months ago:
As others pointed out, a lot of factors would go into this decision. How many working hours can she normally put in if the average client only pays for an hour? How much time does she have to spend cleaning herself up between? How much risk is there in taking a new client?
Its pretty similar to working freelance compared to a paycheck. If I wanted to go on my own as a freelancer I could probably charge 2-3x my hourly salary rate as a freelancer. But I’d have to hunt for my next meal. I’d have to figure out all my 1099s. I’d have to change stragies to get new clients… Or I can just work my current corpo job making an OK salary but always know I have a paycheck coming and insurance.
- Comment on By improving the performance of a Nerf gun, you "buff" it, which is ironic 8 months ago:
I think the direct implication is that the bullets are padded with foam. Softened.
- Comment on How Nvidia became an AI giant 8 months ago:
Nvidia makes a real product. An AI bubble might hurt them but probably not the same as the companies who have been buying their product.
- Comment on Why do we associate reverby electric guitar with the ocean? 9 months ago:
by reverb-heavy electric guitars played to evoke the sound of crashing waves