NFTs will keep their value forever…
Academia to Industry
Submitted 8 months ago by to
Comments 8 months ago 8 months ago
Will GPT-7 then be a burntout startup founder? 8 months ago
Ah. The synchronicity. 8 months ago
PhD level intelligence? Sounds about right.
Extremely narrow field of expertise ✔️ Misplaced confidence in its abilities outside its area of expertise ✔️ A mind filled with millions of things that have been read, and near zero from interactions with real people✔️ An obsession over how many words can get published over the quality and correctness of those words ✔️ A lack of social skills ✔️ A complete lack of familiarity of how things work in the real world ✔️ 8 months ago
“Never have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with!” 8 months ago
Translation: GPT-5 will (most likely illegally) be fed academic papers that are currently behind a paywall 8 months ago
I guess then we would be able to tell it to recite a paper for free and it may do it. 8 months ago
No it won’t. 8 months ago
Now it can not only tell you to eat rocks, but also what type rock would be best for your digestion. 8 months ago
I prefer moon rocks, they’re a little meatier 8 months ago
the only thing this chatbot will be able to simulate is unreasonable persistence 8 months ago
This is more important than brains to get a PhD. Anyone could get one if they are persistent enough. 8 months ago
Wow… They want to give AI even more mental illness and crippling imposter syndrome to make it an expert in one niche field?
Sounds like primary school drop-out level thinking to me. 8 months ago
I’m planning to defend in October and I can say that getting a Ph.D. is potentially the least intelligent thing I’ve ever done. 8 months ago
Same, bruh. But I transitioned from biophysics to money & people management and shit’s pretty okay. 8 months ago
PhD level of intelligence
No it won’t. At some point, some AI will, but that point is still far away.
I’m sure it’ll know how to string words and sentences together real nice, even to the point where it makes sense. It will still not have a clue what it’s talking about, it’ll still not understand basic concepts as “understanding” requires a whole lot more than just an advanced ability of pushing words together. 8 months ago
I like how they have no road map on how to achieve general artificial intelligence (apart from lets train LLMs with a gazillion parameters and the equivalent of yearly energy consumed by ten large countries) but yet pretend chatgpt 4 is only two steps away from it 8 months ago
Hard to make a roadmap when people can’t even agree on what the destination is not how to get there.
But if you have enough data on how humans react to stimulus, and you have a good enough model, then you will be able to train it to behave exactly like a human. The approach is sound even though in practice there prooobably doesn’t exist enough usable training data in the world to reach true AGI, but the models are already good enough to be used for certain tasks 8 months ago
The approach is not sound when all the other factors are considered. If AI continues along this approach it is likely that big AI companies will need to usurp next possible tech breakthroughs like quantum computing and fusion energy to be able to keep growing and produce more profit instead of these techs being used for better purposes (cheaper and cleaner household energy, scientific advances etc). All things considered excelling at image analysis, creative writing and digital arts wont be worth all the damage its going to cause. 8 months ago
Is it weird that I still want to go for my PhD despite all the feedback about the process? I don’t think I’ve ever met a PhD or candidate that’s enthusiastically said “do it!” 8 months ago
It’s a lot of fucking work. If you enjoy hard work, learning about the latest advancements in your field, and can handle disappointment / criticism well, then it’s something to look into. 8 months ago
that and if you can find lab/group with recent publications and funding. not sticking too hard to failed ideas also helps 8 months ago
No, not weird at all. PhD’s are pain, but certain people like the pain. If you’re good with handling stress, and also OK with working in a fast-paced, high-impact environment (for real, not business talk BS), then it may be the right decision for you. The biggest thing that I would say is that you should really, really think about whether this is what you want, since once you start a PhD, you’ve locked the next 6 years of your life into it with no chance of getting out 8 months ago
I generally tell people the only reason to do it is if your career pursuits require it, and even then I warn them away unless they’re really sure. Not every research advisor is abusive, but many are. Some without even realizing it. I ended up feeling like nothing more than a tool to pump up my research advisor’s publication count.
It was so disillusioning that I completely abandoned my career goal of teaching at a university because I didn’t want to go anywhere near that toxic culture again. Nevertheless, I did learn some useful skills that helped me pivot to another career earning pretty good money.
So I guess I’m saying it’s a really mixed bag. If you’re sure it’s what you want, go for it. But changing your mind is always an option. 8 months ago
+1 to all of this. See also: 8 months ago
no it’s not. but you should know what you’re getting into.
in the beginning of my PhD i really loved what i was doing. from an intellectually point of view i still do. but later, i.e. after 3 years doing a shitty postdoc, i realized that I was not cut out for academia but nevertheless loved doing science.
however, i was lucky to find a place in industry doing what i like.
so i guess my 2c is: think about what comes after the PhD and work towards that goal. a PhD is usually not a goal in itself. hth 8 months ago
It’s like being drafted to a war while you only receive vague orders and you slowly realize what the phrase “war is a racket” means. You suffer and learn things that you didn’t plan on learning. 8 months ago
Allow me to just simply say DON’T DO IT. DON’T FUCKING DO IT. There are very few examples of regretting something you haven’t tried but this is one 8 months ago
Having a PhD doesn’t say you’re intelligent. It says you’re determined & hardworking. 8 months ago
Eh. Maybe. but don’t discount those phds who were pushed through the process because their advisors were just exhausted by them. i have known too many 10th year students. 8 months ago
So copying everyone else’s work and rehashing it as your own is what makes a PhD level intelligence? (Sarcastic comments about post-grad work forthcoming, I’m sure)
Unless AI is able to come up with original, testable, verifiable, repeatable previously unknown associations, facts, theories, etc. it’s not PhD level…using big words doesn’t count either. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Would these even matter if it also randomly spits out nonsense they can’t figure out how to stop it from producing? 8 months ago
I can’t imagine looking at the world and thinking we need more industry. Also, I know a lot of PhDs. Knowing a lot of things about a particular subject in know way correlates with intelligence. 8 months ago
So when it helps out with a recipe, we won’t get a suggestion specifically for Elmer’s, but rather the IUPAC name for superglue? 8 months ago
Literally the only thing I’ve seen this used for that seems impressive is that Skyrim companion 8 months ago
It will have a post talking about the pivot to industry, but will not have actually done the transition itself. 8 months ago
Ah yes, ph.d intelligence, but the wisdom of a toddler. 8 months ago 8 months ago
By this logic I can finally add pizza to my salad! 8 months ago
mmm, unironically sounds like me. According to my iq test i had PhD level intelligence at 18, and what am i doing at 24? unemployed, playing video games, and crying 8 months ago
It’s alright, you can keep going for a bit, I’m about to hit 30 playing video-games and crying 8 months ago
Sounds like an improvement to me lol 8 months ago
Book Smart Street Smart 5 months ago
PhD intelligence but in all the other subjects. 8 months ago
They’ll give it all the social interaction and wisdom scraped from YouTube clips.