- Comment on Remedy and Annapurna announce a strategic partnership agreement on Control 2 and bringing Control and Alan Wake to film and television 6 months ago:
I have so many thoughts on this that I’m having trouble articulating. On one hand, Remedy has built such a rich and lore-filled world beloved by fans, and they’ve already tried their hand at live action with Quantum Break (meh). This could and maybe even should be successful. On the other, those worlds are already pretty solidly built by the actors that portray them like Courtney Hope, Matthew Porretta, Ikka Villi, and James McCaffery. I can’t imagine anyone successfully stepping into those roles.
But then, we have the major flops like the Witcher adaptation and Halo (I think? Never a fan but I’ve heard good and bad things). I know those had even more lore and perhaps even bigger worlds, bigger budgets…and they still managed to disappoint the entire fanbase.
Can you imagine them doing justice to the Ashtray Maze on TV without a bunch of blurry CGI? Or the insidious self doubt and psychological terror in Alan Wake without a bunch of jump scares?
I love AnnaPurna and Remedy so I’m truly hoping for the best.
- Comment on Neva | Release Date Trailer | Coming October 15 6 months ago:
Yesss! I so wish I had picked that up during their launch sale when it was cheaper. I’ve been holding off cause of the comments while in Early Access but it looked phenomenal at launch. Seems like it just needs a bit of polish. It’s on my list for the next sale.
- Comment on Neva | Release Date Trailer | Coming October 15 6 months ago:
I’ve tried Hollow Knight 3x now and given up on it. I just can’t get into it for some reason. Loved Ori and the Will of the Wisps. HK goes in the bucket with Outer Wilds, universally loved games that didn’t click for me.
- Comment on Debtors' Club, a narrative driven, roguelite-style, city tax department management game, with a nice hand-drawn art style, released on Steam 6 months ago:
Love that the art style reminds me of a grown-up version of Rugrats. Looks interesting and fun. I’ll have to wishlist it for the current price.
- Comment on Neva | Release Date Trailer | Coming October 15 6 months ago:
Gris and Monument Valley hold very special places in my heart. This looks really promising.
- Comment on Now you'll be able to purchase sunlight at night! 6 months ago:
I don’t even want to imagine the environmental studies and hurdles they’ll have to jump through to artificially alter an areas day/night cycle. There’s a laundry list of environmental concerns that I’m sure any homeowner or eco-activist worth their salt would jump on. Not to mention glare and impacts to air traffic, on and on.
Would make my solar panels pretty darn effective though. Would probably be great for SAD in winter too. Clever idea. Not sure I can get behind it though.
- Comment on Two slightly off centre parallel universes 6 months ago:
This introduces the possibility that we’re experiencing 2 universes and creating a third within ourselves.
- Comment on Stinky Overflow. Plug it? 7 months ago:
🤯 you just blew my mind with that possibility.
When I put the pop-up stopper in, the drain flows much slower than without it. And! Without the pop-up stopper installed, I’ve never had the smell or slime. I hadn’t put two and two together.
I guess what threw me is that it’s happened with two separate (but similar) drain assemblies. Maybe I’ll try installing a grid style assembly. That might do the trick.
- Comment on Stinky Overflow. Plug it? 7 months ago:
Thankfully, it’s not that. As soon as I clean the sludge that accumulates in the overflow opening, the smell goes away immediately.
- Submitted 7 months ago to [deleted] | 5 comments
- Comment on Robots are the future 7 months ago:
Just like my Harbor Freight paint sprayer!
- Comment on ‘Star Trek’ Live-Action Comedy From Alex Kurtzman, Justin Simien & Tawny Newsome In Works At Paramount+ 7 months ago:
There was a while where I was really hopeful Apple would buy Paramount. Seemed like a good fit and I think Apple would do ST right.
- Comment on ‘Star Trek’ Live-Action Comedy From Alex Kurtzman, Justin Simien & Tawny Newsome In Works At Paramount+ 7 months ago:
Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago that Paramount wanted to dump Trek? Isn’t that why Prodigy is on Netflix?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for more Trek (nu-trek?) but I’m terrified they’ll spread the IP thin like Disney did SW. I guess SNW is the only episodic live-action series we’ll be getting.
- Comment on Sonos CEO apologizes for disastrous rollout of new app 7 months ago:
Pffft food coupons. It’s $5 off the purchase of your next device within 15 days of issue.
- Comment on What does it mean?? 7 months ago:
3:15 is the one. The spooky one.
- Comment on AVP has yet to sell 100k units 7 months ago:
I’m going to retract that claim. I think it came in one of my tech newsletters but since I can’t find it, I don’t want to mislead anyone. Maybe I’m mixing it up with another tech product.
- Comment on AVP has yet to sell 100k units 7 months ago:
I’m trying to find it but I know there’s an article out there showing they lose something like $1k per unit.
- Submitted 7 months ago to | 13 comments
- Comment on Unofficial Reddit API 7 months ago:
So it’s like cooking recipes but for programming. I hope they at least add some useless background info about their Nana using DOS or what have you.
- Comment on Unofficial Reddit API 7 months ago:
It’s wild how true that is. Wilder still that it seems only veteran redditors even notice it.
I wonder how much of the engagement is authentic vs. farmed or not. So much old content is being dug up and presented as fresh or OC.
- Comment on Real 8 months ago:
I wish I had friends. It would’ve prevented me from buying the shitty dishwasher that last less than 3 years.
- Comment on Next Gen Console Leak 8 months ago:
…I’m gonna need a bigger TV.
- Comment on What's the craziest or funniest Wikipedia outline you've seen? 8 months ago:
That was an unexpectedly titillating and insightful read.
- Comment on Games that stuck with you 8 months ago:
Damn! Your list made me remember that I missed Superliminal.
Which led me to Stanley’s Parable, which I hated. I maintain that I totally missed something despite a few playthroughs to “the end” but it seems to have just gone over my head.
- Comment on Games that stuck with you 8 months ago:
My game time is limited so I play what I hope to be most impactful. My list is chock full of unforgettable experiences:
**- Control
- RDR2
- Uncharted**
- Dead Space
- God of War
- Ori and The Will of the Wisps
- Disco Elysium
- The Artful Escape
- What Remains of Edith Finch
- Gris
The first three I’d say there was life before and then life after. The rest, I wouldn’t want to miss if I had a redo in life.
- Comment on Academia to Industry 8 months ago:
Is it weird that I still want to go for my PhD despite all the feedback about the process? I don’t think I’ve ever met a PhD or candidate that’s enthusiastically said “do it!”
- Comment on Welcome to the Age of Technofeudalism - The tech giants have overthrown capitalism 9 months ago:
This is the way.
- Comment on 40-year-old delivers for DoorDash to help pay down her $100,000 student loan debt—on top of her full-time job 10 months ago:
As a near 40 year old with the same amount of student loan debt, I have absolutely considered a part-time gig to help pay down the loans. But the amount seems so enormous, and the repayment would be so comparatively small, that the little free time with my family is far more valuable.
- Comment on About to try the Outer Worlds 10 months ago:
You are my kin. I tried it on Gamepass and brushed it off as boring like 15 mins in. I see all the great reviews and I want to try it again but now it stings to pay $15-25 for it. Enjoy it.
- Comment on Reddit embracing all out enshittification 10 months ago:
Just wait till the onlyfans chicks get a hold of it.