- Comment on Academia to Industry 8 months ago:
no it’s not. but you should know what you’re getting into.
in the beginning of my PhD i really loved what i was doing. from an intellectually point of view i still do. but later, i.e. after 3 years doing a shitty postdoc, i realized that I was not cut out for academia but nevertheless loved doing science.
however, i was lucky to find a place in industry doing what i like.
so i guess my 2c is: think about what comes after the PhD and work towards that goal. a PhD is usually not a goal in itself. hth
- Comment on Big think 8 months ago:
thanks for the explanation. i guess it really doesn’t work as a meme if I’ve doesn’t happen to know this particular image.
- Comment on Big think 8 months ago:
why the down votes? scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=de&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=S…
- Comment on Stuck fermentation? 9 months ago:
uh thanks for the update! I’m happy your beer is coming along nicely. personally I wouldn’t bother with hydrometer readings during fermentation. it sure is nice to see the numbers change but i find airlock activity to be just as good. i take a final reading after bubbling has stopped (only because I’m curious, never used the value for anything), and call it a day. anyways cheers!
- Comment on Stuck fermentation? 9 months ago:
any indication of airlock activity? did you taste it? (never used a wireless hydrometer: did it become stuck somehow, bubbles stuck to it may cause it to float, giving readings which are too high)
- Comment on Secondary Lager Fermentation Slow? 10 months ago:
thanks for the update!
- Comment on Secondary Lager Fermentation Slow? 10 months ago:
do you have an update on how secondary is coming along?
- Comment on Secondary Lager Fermentation Slow? 10 months ago:
my guess then it just needs more time. as another commenter said it, likely around two weeks, perhaps 3?
- Comment on Secondary Lager Fermentation Slow? 10 months ago:
how much sugar ended up per bottle? my book says 6.5g/l for a light lager during secondary. also what are your temps?
- Comment on Will they still be good? 10 months ago:
wouldn’t use it as it is but use it as an adjunct when you brew a similar style. fresh malt has plenty of enzymes to convert the additional starches.
- Comment on Passively regulating fermentation temperature 11 months ago:
i use aquarium heaters but never cared about the energy consumption. my experience is that since fermentation is exothermic they rarely kick in. especially with larger fermenters it’s usually more important to prevent it from getting too hot. so maybe running larger batches might be something for you.
- Comment on He murdered Bill Shakespeare. 1 year ago:
love a hot fuzz reference youtu.be/mcFN-I7_IjA?t=168&feature=shared
- Comment on Correlation, maybe causation? 1 year ago:
a regular on retraction watch (highly recommended): retractionwatch.com/?s=gueguen
- Comment on You teleport into the last game world you played. What happens next? 1 year ago:
my 1WO stares at me in utter disbelief how his supposedly ace of a Kaleun could fuck up this badly. again. (Silent Hunter 3. snuck into a convoy at night and bad weather. convoy zigs towards me, no time for final speed estimation, i go with last estimate, 4 eels in the water, all pass ahead. possibility: convoy slowed one knot due sea state. decide to surface to reposition. have a brainfart, my artillery starts shooting. hell breaks loose, star shells and searchlights everywhere. both engines AK, course 90. destroyer follows shooting star shells. half an hour zigzagging until he loses me.
- Comment on An Analysis of DeepMind's 'Language Modeling Is Compression' Paper 1 year ago:
does anyone know whether these results were obtained while taking the size of the dictionary into account?