- Submitted 7 hours ago to [deleted] | 2 comments
- Submitted 7 hours ago to [deleted] | 3 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 7 hours ago:
In a world full of ego-driven megalomaniacs, it is rare to see public expressions of humbleness.
- Comment on Romantic 1 day ago:
Classic shitpost.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 1 day ago:
I like the analogy that Lemmy is like an email provider. Many possible providers, one Internet. Maybe we could get more traction if Lemmy were marketed in a similar manner? Or even have email service like sdf.org?
- Comment on Just saw this very important sign 🪧 2 days ago:
Very wise in this economy.
- Comment on OSHA is woke 2 days ago:
Does this mean the time of the lawyer commercials where we May be Entitled to Compensation may no longer be a thing anymore?
- Submitted 3 days ago to [deleted] | 57 comments
- Submitted 4 days ago to [deleted] | 18 comments
- Submitted 6 days ago to [deleted] | 4 comments
- Comment on Aerodynamic Improvements 6 days ago:
Will this change when Canada, Greenland, Panama, and now Gaza are added to it?
- Comment on 23-Year-Old Elon Musk Rep Granted Energy Dept. IT Access Without Security Clearance 1 week ago:
No security clearance? Trying to access security national security government systems?
That sounds like something that falls into the all enemies, foreign and domestic category.
- Comment on Olive Garden 1 week ago:
They were ok, but I think the cheaper Little Caesar bread sticks were better. More garlic, more Parmesan, more tasty than the Olive Garden equivalent.
- Submitted 1 week ago to [deleted] | 24 comments
- Comment on Supreme Commander HelpLine 1 week ago:
I’m not sure, I’ve only ever run this on Windows.
- Comment on Supreme Commander HelpLine 1 week ago:
If you have Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance, the standalone expansion to the original game, make sure to download the community-run Forged Alliance Forever (FAF) client.
A lot of quality of life changes, optimizations, better network code, mod support, custom maps released almost daily by the community, and it’s still actively played online even after twelve years.
All it needs is a copy of the game to verify, and it goes regularly on sale on Steam.
I like to play against the cheating AIx with one of my friends, and it never seems to get old.
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 1 week ago:
This is why I want to become more machine than man.
I crave the certainty of steel.
- Submitted 1 week ago to [deleted] | 1 comment
- Submitted 1 week ago to [deleted] | 18 comments
- Comment on Does anyone know what Trump is going to do with people with mental disabilities who get SSDI? Or can someone link me something on Trump and SSDI since google is cleaning up Trump from searches? 1 week ago:
Only in these games when you die in game, you also die in real life.
- Comment on NTSB to stop emailing news outlets with updates on plane crashes, press briefings 1 week ago:
Another very small step towards complete consolidation of media into the hands of a billionaire.
If America turns from a democratic country into an autocracy, its media will not report it as it would be unable to do so. By the time that happens all dissent will be effectively outlawed.
- Comment on We still have three eggs up for auction. 1 week ago:
Eggcelent! The NFT will be shipped shortly in a slightly damp envelope that smells faintly of coconut, as that is what my workshop smells like 3/4ths of the year. Also, this way you can distinguish it from the rest of the junk mail.
As a tip, I’ve also included a rare strand of Maggie Thatcher’s pubic hair, as a gift free of charge. Enjoy!
- Comment on Edward Snowden slams Nvidia's RTX 50-series 'F-tier value,' whistleblows on lackluster VRAM capacity 1 week ago:
How could Snowden get a hold of one of these in Russia? Maybe through an intermediary in Kazakhstan?
Then again it’s hard finding one here even in the US since they all went out of stock within 5 minutes of being listed.
- Comment on We still have three eggs up for auction. 1 week ago:
But sir slash madam, this NFT is priceless slash worthless. Surely it is worth at least three full eggs! Perhaps you can bop one of those chickens to get another one.
- Comment on We still have three eggs up for auction. 1 week ago:
I have for trade one exclusive NFT of a very rare, never used, forbidden thong of Margaret Thatcher. It portrays, in is fully majestic form, a stalwart Iron Lady in an iron chainmail thong, on horseback facing the sunset with a British flag atop Westminster Abbey.
It has been described as magnificent by my dope man next door, who gives it the highest of praise for capturing the essence of his ex-wife’s nature, saying “she’s just like that battle-axe of mine.”
This will surely be worth all three eggs.
- Comment on Russian nuclear icebreaker and cargo ship collide in Arctic 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Norwich restaurant charges £100 for a pineapple pizza 4 weeks ago:
Still more active than the slowest news day in history, April 11, 1954.
- Comment on Google searches for deleting Facebook, Instagram explode after Meta ends fact-checking 5 weeks ago:
Technically correct is the best kind of correct.
- Comment on If CEOs are a race, we have an even bigger problem 5 weeks ago:
People these days don’t respect the plight of BIPOC.
Black Insurance Persons Or CEOs
- Submitted 5 weeks ago to [deleted] | 7 comments