The US president accuses Israel of not doing enough to protect aid workers and civilians.
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Submitted 10 months ago by to
The US president accuses Israel of not doing enough to protect aid workers and civilians.
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Biden is so outraged that just in the last few days he’s promised them tens billions of dollars in F-35s, F-15s, and huge bombs. His talk of grief and anger is cheap political theater to save his presidential bid and anyone who actually believes him is wilfully blinding themselves. What he actually does, which is the only thing that counts, is continue to supply mass-level war crimes.
He is a neocon giving the most facetious of lip service to the left wing half of America.
Liberals officially have no party.
Small wonder since we have let this 2 party farce go on for so long.
In the historical sense of liberalism, liberals have a party. Left-wingers don’t.
Idk when the first one ships but the order is set to be completed after 5 years from now. Biden’s still a fucking loser over how he handled Isreal, I hope he keels over because of it, but we do still have to acknowledge the nuance that the F15s won’t affect the current situation in Gaza.
Irrelevant. Someone who is outraged shouldn’t be offering to help in the future, either.
Biden is ok with the alshifa hospital boming that killed 400 lives just 2 days ago, but here we have 4 killed with international passports from countries he has to pretend he gives a damn about.
We have to wait until it’s a European or American who is killed to be “outraged”?
Wait. You just now figured it out?
So outraged he bypassed Congress to sell Israel MORE bombs! SO OUTRAGED!
What’s the meme of the guy shooting another guy, and asking how someone else could have done this?
Eric Andre.
And yes
His "outrage" is meaningless. He's actively aiding and abetting.
US credibility is taking a hit on the global stage.
As for Biden, I can really see why this issue is hurting his campaign in the US. As well as supporting genocide it just makes him sound super insincere and duplicitous.
Didn’t he just give them another 18 billion?
They dont give a shit how Biden feels or what he thinks is.
Because his entire political career he’s been running around telling anyone that will listen that absolutely nothing would ever make him support Israel any less.
It’s an abusive relationship, and we’re all like the kids stuck in the house with no say on our living situation
No, we took their 18 Billion in exchange for F15s five years from now.
“Hey, stop being evil! …also here’s like an entire military’s worth of bombs n’ shit so you can keep being evil.”
selling 18bn dollars worth of fighter jets to israel im outraged, honestly. how dare they
So outraged that he’s sending more bombers and munitions! Seriously, fuck this country.
How can I help our comrades in Gaza fight this?
Then he signed a purchase order for five thousand more orphan seeker clusterbombs.
Biden outraged at deaths he helped facilitate.
Who could have predicted this! Certainly not those troublesome leftists
“not doing enough to protect aid workers and civilians.”
Killing. Killing aid workers and civilians. Good Christ is libspeak fucking nauseating
I just read: “Biden administration set to greenlight $18 billion sale of F-15 fighter jets to Israel”
Oh sure… he’s “outraged”.
Those are older air superiority fighters to be delivered in a couple years. That’s the least bad thing we’ve sold them.
So is he going to do anything material about it? Or is he giving that statement to the press and then immediately calling up Bibi to reassure him it’s just for show? I have a feeling I know the answer.
Shh Bibi is ok
“For fucks sake, I told you not to kill any civilians with those bombs!
Want some more bombs?”
I don’t get it - they keep using the weapons we’ve been shoveling over there to kill the wrong people! I’ve tried scolding them but they just won’t stop slaughtering the innocent! I have no idea but to get them to stop. I have no choice but to give them more weapons and hope they do better.
Imagine manufacturing modernized muntions and warfare technology only to sell it to the friendly neighborhood genocidal maniac who goes on to use the vast technological advantage to kill unarmed civilians, journalists, aid workers, and UN related staff.
And then pretending you actually care about blatant genocide.
Not outraged enough to stop sending Isreal jets and bombs tho
Outraged enough to do something against it? Or at least enough to stop supporting it?
I'm glad he's outraged.
Hopefully he's out of weapons to send them, too.
Hes not
Hes not
"Outrage" is almost worthless then. ☹️
Surely you must have known this was going to happen. 10 months ago
Australia, USA, Canada, and UK whose people were killed directly sells arms to Israel. The chances that the same weapons they supplied were used to kill them are high. So the fake outrage is pure theater.
33000 Palestinians are dead, 13000 fucking children are dead, and that’s fine. Nothing to see, nothing to investigate, keep sending weapons. 10 months ago
Correction: 33000 Palestinians are confirmed dead. Israel has systematically destroyed the Gazan healthcare system so the Gazan Health Ministry can't count dead people (the GHM only reports people its doctors officially confirmed dead). I wouldn't be surprised if the real number of dead was double the official number. 10 months ago
At this point I’m wondering why we don’t switch the numbers and tell us how many people we have left because that’s kind of where we’re at right now I think 10 months ago
Right. How can one not be outraged by the entire war? How can you be a decent human being and only be outraged when people more similar to you die and not other INNOCENT people. These people supporting any war are enemies of the people. They are not leaders.