- Comment on Germans no longer see US as trustworthy partner 8 hours ago:
Y’all trusted us?! Why?
- Comment on Warren Buffett: Tariffs are ‘an act of war’ 5 days ago:
Wait until someone tells him about sanctions
- Comment on I wish they'd stop calling themselves Conservatives 1 week ago:
Conservative doesn’t mean wanting lower taxes. It means the other thing. The lower taxes thing was always about the other thing anyway.
- Comment on Attempt to motivate people to take the stairs 3 weeks ago:
Not sure what bread or chocolate chips you are eating, but this isn’t even remotely true
- Comment on Makes your jaw drop in amazement 4 weeks ago:
“have to” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here
- Comment on your mom falls significantly faster than g 4 months ago:
An average bowling ball is 8.5 inches in diameter, giving it a cross sectional surface area of roughly 60 sq in. Restricting ourselves to feathers made by non-human animals, the longest feather measured was on a Yokohama chicken at 34 feet / 400+ inches. I can’t find the width of the feather, but it’s still likely it outdoes an average bowling ball.
- Comment on your mom falls significantly faster than g 4 months ago:
A feather has smaller surface area than a bowling ball.
Depends on the feather and the bowling ball. Even relatively small (by volume) feathers might outdo a bowling ball thanks to the numerous fine shapes they have.
- Comment on Consumer, we have detected that you are above the poverty line. The 99¢ price printed on this Arizona tea can only applies to those below the poverty line. Your total comes to $3.67. 6 months ago:
Of course, but in this specific case, we’re talking about something that could literally mean rich people pay more money for the same thing.
- Comment on Consumer, we have detected that you are above the poverty line. The 99¢ price printed on this Arizona tea can only applies to those below the poverty line. Your total comes to $3.67. 6 months ago:
If this were just “it costs more to be rich” I’d be all for it, but more likely it’s just about jacking up prices based on other factors. So it’ll probably hit poor people, too, by charging more for things they want more, forcing them to give up other stuff they want less.
- Comment on Mouse brains 6 months ago:
The song goes “Pinky and the Brain, one is a genius, the other’s insane”, which, if it implies anything, implies Pinky is the genius and Brain is the insane one
- Comment on I hope tgis is a troll, but it probably isn't 6 months ago:
I spent way too long trying to figure out what “tgis” stood for
- Comment on Irrational 8 months ago:
No, by our current understanding there is no length smaller than a Planck length, and any distance must therefore be divisible by an integer. That is, the length is made up of discrete quanta. Pi, or any other irrational number, is by definition not divisible by an integer, or it would be a ratio, making it rational. This has nothing to do with the accuracy or precision of our measures.
- Comment on Elsevier 8 months ago:
Plus, if you have two people with legit access, you can pretty easily figure out what’s going on and defeat it.
- Comment on Irrational 8 months ago:
My only guess as to what this could mean is that since quantum mechanics is quantum, i.e. discrete, the universe therefore cannot be continuous as the reals are. But this is a category error. Just because you could never find an object that is, say, exactly pi meters long, does not mean that the definition of pi is threatened. There’s nothing infinite that we can observe, but infinity is still a useful concept. And it works both ways; just because quantum mechanics is our best model of the universe doesn’t mean the universe is therefore quantum. 150 years ago everyone believed the universe was like a big clockwork mechanism, perfectly deterministic, because Newtonian physics are deterministic. And who knows, maybe they were right, and we just don’t have the framework to understand it so we have a nondeterministic approximation!
- Comment on Irrational 8 months ago:
So because quantum mechanics is well modeled by imaginary numbers, the existence of quantum particles threatens the definition of irrational numbers? That doesn’t make any sense.
- Comment on Nato is in talks to deploy more nuclear weapons in the face of a growing threat from Russia and China, the head of the alliance says 8 months ago:
Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool
- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 9 months ago:
Yeah, I sometimes forget that the law isn’t a code to be broken with this One Neat Trick. That goes double when you are going up against power.
- Comment on Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review to access the playtest 9 months ago:
The ToS forbids satirical reviews. I’d start a review by reading out this portion of the ToS and then make a list of things I hate, just saying I’m not allowed to talk about this aspect of the game.
- Comment on Blast! 9 months ago:
Also MFW my desire to be loved and understood is thwarted by my fear of loss and the existential horror of being known
- Comment on Justice system in America 9 months ago:
Aaron Swartz was never convicted for these crime, much less sentenced to 35 years. According to wikipedia, his maximum exposure was 50 years and $1 million in fines; he almost certainly would not have faced those in sentencing.
This is not to diminish the terrorist tactics of the prosecutors that lead to his death. ACAB
- Comment on "Yeah, yeah, I totally know what a lion looks like, just give me the brush" 9 months ago:
boomer-ass joke
- Comment on Western media launders israeli lies to manufacture more consent for Genocide 9 months ago:
I don’t think there’s a claim that the base itself was attacked, but instead that soldiers that were stationed at that base (which was a staging area for an invasion of Rafah) were attacked. The original Israeli source says that the soldiers were “near” the crossing. This seems like a far cry from the crossing itself being attacked, which is what the US articles claim or at least imply.
- Comment on evangelism 10 months ago:
I don’t want to be on this planet anymore
- Comment on why did the eclipse not darken proportionally? 10 months ago:
My guess is that it’s related to the Weber-Fechner laws of perception. This is the same principle that explains why turning a second light on doesn’t make a room seem twice as bright.
- Comment on Cory Doctorow on Search Engine Enshittification 11 months ago:
I completely agree with his points but enshittification is such a cringey word
- Comment on Sulfur Better than Hydrogen for Energy Storage, Engineers Find 11 months ago:
I just don’t trust Dr. Hossenfelder after her horrendous trans critical and pro capitalism videos.
- Comment on Biden 'outraged' over Israel strike on World Central Kitchen staff in Gaza 11 months ago:
Irrelevant. Someone who is outraged shouldn’t be offering to help in the future, either.
- Comment on Biden 'outraged' over Israel strike on World Central Kitchen staff in Gaza 11 months ago:
Amazing to be throwing around the word misogynist while unironically using misogynist insults
- Comment on Let’s not make the same mistakes with AI that we made with social media 11 months ago:
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Those who do learn from history are doomed to watch as those who didn’t repeat it.
- Comment on Let’s not make the same mistakes with AI that we made with social media 11 months ago:
Technology and policy matter. nytimes.com/…/facebook-refugee-attacks-germany.ht…