another Reddit refugee
- Comment on Meta Reportedly Unhappy With How Much Money Its VR Division Burns 7 months ago:
My 6 year old has never played or seen a video game.
I take her to the beach, playdates at the park with friends, we go mountain biking, etc. Hearing your stories makes my flesh crawl
- Comment on Extreme sports are weird 8 months ago:
Before we figured out tools and became apex predators we were prey animals… we’re SUPPOSED to be nervous and scared because that’s what kept us alive. Some people have speculated that this is why in aggregate humans are prone to being spiteful, destructive, bored, and shitty
- Comment on Dating apps are as if someone turned the job application experience into a pastime activity 9 months ago:
I logged into OKC after not being on there for years.
What the actual fuck? It doesn’t even make sense now
- Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 9 months ago:
By choice, dingus.
I don’t have that option. Big Ole difference. Maybe give everyone Lyme disease so they develop red meat allergies and we can talk
Okay. You want me to double down? I won’t eat at vegan places most of the time. Here’s the thing: vegetables are delicious. So why?
Vegans will support a vegan place no matter what and will talk it up as being amazing even if it sucks. I’ve been burned being told, “oh. That place is so good” and it’s just a matter of vegans circling the wagons and propping up a place that serves a lazy impossible burger with fake plastic cheese on it. Y’all ain’t accountable and it makes it difficult taking vegan food seriously. No wonder y’all’s food has an inferiority complex
- Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 9 months ago:
I and others are over here with soy, egg and gluten allergies that restrict pretty heavily what I can eat. But go off since you have it all figured out, king.
- Comment on Fisker now expects to go bankrupt within 30 days 10 months ago:
Yes, then they become toddlers and anything besides pizza or chicken nuggets is you trying to poison them
- Comment on Fisker now expects to go bankrupt within 30 days 10 months ago:
Babies can eat knives if they’re brave enough
- Comment on Tesla’s in its flop era 10 months ago:
“What could a banana possibly cost Michael? $10?”
- Comment on Tesla’s in its flop era 10 months ago:
It’s really not that difficult to not buy from Walmart and Amazon. I’m not saying any retailer is ideologically pure and chill across the board but mom and pop shops sell 95% of what they do and the money stays in your community
- Comment on acceptable screws 10 months ago:
JIS is more common on Japanese machines, ie Japanese cars and motorcycles. When I was a bike mechanic you used JIS for Shimano derailleur adjustment screws. Even tho a Phillips “fit” it would destroy the screw.
I actually can’t tell them apart from sight truth be told, but I’m also not wrenching anymore (not to mention the cycling industry largely moved on to hex and torx)
- Comment on acceptable screws 10 months ago:
No mention of JIS which is yet another “fuck Phillips” argument
- Comment on Biden 'outraged' over Israel strike on World Central Kitchen staff in Gaza 10 months ago:
Eric Andre.
And yes
- Comment on US Republicans introduce bill to name airport after Trump 10 months ago:
The Dulles Brothers were pieces of shit too… plus you’d end up in Dallas if you flew there no matter what it’s called.
Lose/ lose/ lose
- Comment on I'm loose bottom, tag yourself 11 months ago:
I travel through Boring Oregon (just outside of Portland) who’s sister city is Dull, so I guess that’s me
- Comment on The later books are really something 11 months ago:
These… weren’t Brian’s books
- Comment on The later books are really something 11 months ago:
Messiah is good Children is decent but spotty God Emperor is essentially a fever dream. I was like WTF while reading it but I love how off the rails it went.
The last couple are kind of forgettable.
The immediate prequels (house books) are a fun read and plotted well, but his kid isn’t as good of a writer
The legends books are garbage
The last 2 books that tie up the original series (hunters and sandworms) are not good and are infuriating in that elements from the legends books are reintroduced as deus ex machina bullshit. I saw the twist coming halfway through the last book.
I never read any of the other gap filler books that have been written in that universe. It got tiresome
Everything up until God Emperor is worthwhile with the prequels being a fun appetizer. Read the synopses of the others if you need to know what happens
- Comment on No tip 11 months ago:
If you have principles, yes.
Sorry that activism is inconvenient sometimes
- Comment on Tesla's Cybertruck may not be so stainless after all 1 year ago:
Even so, my friend’s ti bike has stains on it that he can’t get out sort of polishing/ brushing it
- Comment on “Wherever you get your podcasts” is a radical statement - Anil Dash 1 year ago:
They’re not really mentioning stitcher any more
- Comment on TikTok Is Destroying Itself From the Inside Out 1 year ago:
Instagram is absolute garbage compared to how it used to be. It’s still massive. Once people are hooked, it’s hard to wean them off. People were livid at reddit, but only a fraction of those who spoke up are here
- Comment on Smooth area on the bottom of my balls 1 year ago:
I just checked down there. It’s your chin
- Comment on If there was more than one Illinois, would they be called Illinoises or Illinoi? 1 year ago:
Illini? As in what the University of Illinois sports teams are called
- Comment on Elon Musk's X claims it's now a 'video-first platform' as it tries to reverse an advertiser exodus that has cost it billions in value 1 year ago:
I don’t see a problem as long as the videos are capped at 140 characters
- Comment on Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads 1 year ago:
How shitty a parent are you to either not know how to work parental controls or better… to talk to your kids about healthy attitudes towards sex?*
*besides abstinence
- Comment on Bluesky posts are finally open to the public 1 year ago:
I got my “early” invite code a couple weeks ago and it was pretty cool finding accounts I’d previously followed on Twitter… and seeing how they haven’t posted in months
- Comment on Milking machine 1 year ago:
Hook one of these up to a Sybian and let the machines fuck one another. Metaphors abound
- Comment on You're Supposed To Be Glad Your Tesla Is A Brittle Heap Of Junk 1 year ago:
*fewer moving parts
- Comment on You're Supposed To Be Glad Your Tesla Is A Brittle Heap Of Junk 1 year ago:
I mean, probably because musk has been so insufferable and publicly injects himself into the DNA of his brands. Musk and Tesla are deeply intertwined.
I think walmart and Google overall are worse than Tesla, but Sam Walton and the Google CEO I’d have to… ahem, Google, don’t slather their ids all over every aspect of those companies. That had the sense to keep their mouths shut and not hog the spotlight
- Comment on Gastronomical Masterpiece 1 year ago:
You know what’s up.
I usually throw a bit of miso in before cooking and add avocado if I have it
- Comment on Gastronomical Masterpiece 1 year ago:
An egg