Anti-aging pill for senior dogs is now in clinical trials::undefined
The article doesn’t say how this works at all.
It sounds awesome, but I’d like to know more about it before I gave my dog a magic chewable.
Submitted 1 year ago by [bot] to
Anti-aging pill for senior dogs is now in clinical trials::undefined
The article doesn’t say how this works at all.
It sounds awesome, but I’d like to know more about it before I gave my dog a magic chewable.
LOX-002 inhibits insulin like growth factor 2 which is thought to reduce useful lifespans of dogs through some metabolic mechanism
wait. metformin does the same thing.
Leftists: Only the rich will get the longevity drugs!
Reality: Let’s give ti to the dogs…
Reality: “let’s test it on the dogs.”
How do people not see that this is the ultimate subscription fee?
Coulda used that sometime before last week :/
If it’s any condolences, it’s probably still a few years away from public access.
I’m sorry mate that you lost your doggo. Take care
Damn maybe that crackhead that kidnapped a scientist to make a dog live forever was onto something.
Why, though? Greedy breeders “produce” more dogs than there are loving families for and as a result dog shelters are constantly full with sad dogs who don´t have a home. This drug will result in shelters getting even more overcrowded. Death is a natural part of life, just as birth, I wish more people would get that.
Why, though?
I’m pretty cynical, but this is a new level.
Greedy breeders already “produce” more dogs than there are loving families for and as a result dog shelters are constantly full with sad dogs who don´t have a home. This drug will result in shelters getting even more overcrowded.
My dog lives longer and shelters get more crowded? That’s a complete non-sequitor. Much like my choice of lunch doesn’t impact your lunch situation.
Perhaps my reading comprehension is poor, but the article seems to indicate that the pill will give a dog more “active years” and not necessarily more years. I guess we’ll find out in four years when it’s done.
I’m pretty cynical, but this is a new level.
Accepting death as a part of life is in no way cynical, it´s logical.
My dog lives longer and shelters get more crowded?
Don´t think only of yourself, try to see the bigger picture. Not just your dogs will live longer, a lot of dogs will with that drug, resulting in less adoptions. Since commercial breeders are not going to “produce” less dogs just because of the new drug, there will obviously be a higher population of dogs. The number of people who want to adopt a dog will decrease while the number of dogs available will increase, this will necessarily result in more dogs who don´t find a home. It´s really quite obvious if you think about it.
Yeah, what we need is something that makes dogs have shorter lives, like up to a year at most. Wait what?
What actually shortens the life expectancy of dogs is the selective breeding for unreasonable external characteristics that has long been carried out by dog breeders
This might eventually help us understand how to extend human lives.
But why would we want that? In my opinion that would be a mistake The planet is already severely overpopulated and as I said, death is a natural part of life, just like birth.
I want my senior, rescue dog to live longer, as long as he’s healthy and happy.
That is of course very sweet of you and I understand it on a personal level. You love your dog and would do anything for him and so you even wish he could live infinitely if that was possible. However, maybe you could also try to understand my reasoning as well? I was talking about human/canine society as a whole and if all humans and/or dogs would get to live, let´s say, twice as long or even become immortal, that would lead to severe problems regarding overpopulation, don´t you agree?
Is there any research going on for anti-aging in cats yet?
There is a vaccine that is supposed to prevent kidney failure in cats, causing their life expectancy to double
Ok, but now people.
Doesn’t that guarantee you’ll die of cancer instead? Or gruesome accidents. Or both.
I was trying to figure out why the one dog in this picture looked so weird
Turns out it’s two dogs
What about for Senior Frogs???
I wanna be young at senior frogs!
What about Senior Hogs???
I believe pharmaceutical companies already sell drugs to temporarily give extra life to senior hogs. 1 year ago
My dog is such a dumbass he would spit out the immortality pill even if I cover it with peanut butter 1 year ago
I have 2 dogs, 1 that does this and 1 that eats everything including cat shit from the litter box. That dumbass will live forever if I give him this pill, because he’d eat his sisters too. 1 year ago
Oh don’t get me wrong, mine will eat basically anything. The only thing that he will fuss about is pills. He’ll eat random nuts, berries, and discarded food on the ground when I take him for a walk, but God forbid I try to give him his flea&tick for the month 1 year ago
That dropped apostrophe on “sister’s” makes that ominous on first read 1 year ago
Have you tried something like a Pill Pocket?
My goldie-mutt would spit out every pill I ever gave her no matter how much cheese or peanut butter it was buried in, but since we started using these she gobbles them up instantly. The ding dong thinks she’s getting a treat everyday but joke’s on her, it’s her medicine. 1 year ago
Pill pockets worked on my cat twice. After that he was like “waitaminute! This is medicine!” So now I put the pill in the pocket and just shove it down his throat and he gets real treats afterwards. 1 year ago
Or have you guys tried giving the pill alone? My cat has multiple pills every day, I always saw my dad give my dogs pills growing up, you put it on the back of their tongue and they can’t help but swallow it. A little neck massage and some coaxing with gentle head pets and holding their head back has always worked for me. My cat doesn’t even get up when she’s lying down and hears me open the pills. She perks her head up, almost like she looks forward to it. She’s a weirdo.