- Comment on 'It Has Plateaued': Should We Be Worried About Console Gaming's Future? 4 months ago:
I got a different take from this article. The economy doesn’t really play into the fact that games are so big today because you have to make it bigger than the previous one. Same with the console stats. Gotta make it more powerful. But we are at a point where most people can’t see the difference between PS5 and PS4. It’s going to be even less obvious when PS6 arrives.
I agree that it’s time for a hard reset.
- Comment on Day 72 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 5 months ago:
I’ve been playing through Fallout New Vegas for the first time. Got it modded to look modern too so that’s been a really nice touch.
Fallout 3 was my very first Fallout and played it way back when it came out, then proceeded to skip new Vegas and played thru 4 back when that one released.
All this time I was time I was like damn, 3 is my favorite only because of nostalgia and actually ran a quick play thru back in April when all the Fallout hype started because of the TV show.
But I also bought New Vegas finally during this hype and am almost done with my first playthrough and wow I get why it’s considered the best Fallout game.
The RPG elements are perfection, the stories are so interesting and gameplay is challenging but fair. I’m so glad I can now understand all the hype behind this game.
- Comment on how is final fantasy XVI 5 months ago:
Geezus the story isn’t ass. I know you prefaced with it just being your opinion, but with a charged comment like that’s it’s hard not to want to push back.
- Comment on how is final fantasy XVI 5 months ago:
I asked my brother this who’s a huge fina fantasy fan and he says it’s the best story wise since 10. 13 is just boring, 15 is so convoluted and bloated. 12 is pretty good but the retread in Ivaice always felt like a cop out. 16 is the most consice FF story wise in years.
- Comment on There is no history on the History channel. There's nothing true on TruTV. There's no music on music television. There's no science on the science channel. 5 months ago:
Cable is dying and they will do whatever it takes to keep it afloat until the last second
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
How about the fact that baby Metroid was so important it still comes up all the way into Metroid 5.
- Comment on Dr Robotnik's Ring Racers is a gorgeous free SNES-style arcade racer, built using Doom Legacy 10 months ago:
I like the fact that Eggman is not the villain in this. I’d like to see more of this in future Sonic games. We’ve seen plenty of times where other videogame mascots have teamed up with their arch rivals to stop a greater threat.
- Comment on Legend of Zelda 10 months ago:
You mean the old ones or all of the series? Skyward Sword, Breath and Tears are all very polished games.
- Comment on Legend of Zelda 10 months ago:
It’s cool to hear someone say their favorite is TP. I always felt like it was OOT on steroids. Which in my opinion is a good thing. I wish TP had gotten more than an HD port of the original. Would love to see that get a facelift for the Switch with higher polygon count and his res textures.
- Comment on Steam is a ticking time bomb 10 months ago:
I see we have a contrarian in our midst.
- Comment on I'm finally putting out a demo after 4 years of development on my indie game. 10 months ago:
Hey looks pretty cool!
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Dude millennials were sporting the stach too
- Comment on Akira Toriyama has passed away at the age of 68 11 months ago:
I’m more sad than I expected. He influenced a lot of my younger years more than I realized. To think some nobody white boy in the Midwest can feel sadness for a great man in the other side of the world from an entirely different culture.
You will be mised Toriyama. Thank you for.the beautiful stories.
- Comment on Lemmy Active Users looking good 11 months ago:
Great news. it’s also nice to see they are more accurately counting active users with the latest update.
- Comment on Anti-aging pill for senior dogs is now in clinical trials 1 year ago:
- Comment on Anti-aging pill for senior dogs is now in clinical trials 1 year ago:
Is there any research going on for anti-aging in cats yet?
- Comment on Anti-racism be like 1 year ago:
I’ll be honest, this comment section is confusing. Every comment I read makes me feel bad about myself and I’m not sure which comment is agreeing with which.
I still think it’s bad to put slaves on your products but why am I supposed to feel bad about the white people?
- Comment on Reddit seeks to launch IPO in March 1 year ago:
Also Reddit has been around for over a decade and lemmy has existed for about 4 years. It’s hard to compare the two in that regard.
- Comment on I do believe they exist 1 year ago:
Wait how is nobody talking about this stock photo making no sense? Like what does the rabbit and bucket even fucking mean?l do you apply that to a meme
- Comment on Peak organization 1 year ago:
When was this implemented? I feel like this new to Spotify now
- Comment on Um actually 1 year ago:
Someone of us would also like to Devolve into sludge.
- Comment on How Disney and Warner Bros. Are Causing Internet Piracy to Boom | Platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ were supposed to do away with pirated media. Instead, they may make them stronger than ever. 1 year ago:
Thanks for the detailed explanation. I guess I’ve gotten so use to today’s pirating techniques that my perception of what is considered easy has changed. Reading through your post, I’m reminded of how much easier it really was back then.
- Comment on Star Trek: Discovery final season will premiere at SXSW; logline released 1 year ago:
What happened in the 2390s?
- Comment on Goodbye MatPat, thanks for everything 1 year ago:
And as usual Xers forgotten
- Comment on How Disney and Warner Bros. Are Causing Internet Piracy to Boom | Platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ were supposed to do away with pirated media. Instead, they may make them stronger than ever. 1 year ago:
Care to elaborate?
- Comment on How many Star Trek fans will see red because they don't see red? 1 year ago:
AI art is so dumb
- Comment on 8 Years later my Steam Link is still getting regular updates 1 year ago:
I use mine all the time. It’s a great peice of hardware
- Comment on Gamecube is the most underrated console while it was in circulation. 1 year ago:
Talk about an unpopular opinion. But hey your entitled to your opinion
- Comment on How to lift a motorcycle 1 year ago:
I won’t believe it until I see the whole bike without any support ropes out of frame.
- Comment on The more you know 1 year ago:
Haha I love this