- Comment on Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian says AI should moderate social media 18 hours ago:
The real answer? They use people in countries like Nigeria that have fewer laws
- Comment on That explains a lot 23 hours ago:
And good luck ever having any luck again if there are no four leaf clovers around!
- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 2 days ago:
Sorry, I got a bit over-excited. I hate capacitive touch controls in absolutely anything with a passion and I in particular hate them on my stove because I don’t want my stove to start beeping when I wipe it, nor do I want the controls to malfunction any time they get wet because I accidentally overboil the water.
- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 2 days ago:
Would be lovely, but what I’m afraid is going to happen is that you have to stop in order to change the climate settings because some idiot bean counter told the UX and engineering departments to find a way to save money so they got rid of the climate control module and put it in the infotainment screen. And the passenger can’t even change the song while driving because they got rid of the forward and backward buttons too.
Mandate physical controls for everything that the driver has a reasonable need or desire to touch while driving (climate, seated heats, horn, etc). And then also do what you suggested in addition to that. Can’t let car manufacturers have too much free reign.
- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 2 days ago:
Tesla was the trailblazer, but what’s worse is that everyone else followed. Now Mazda of all companies is kind of a trailblazer in getting back to sanity (there were articles about them ditching touchscreens or at least touchscreen-only setups a couple of years ago already).
What’s really funny to me is that even so-called premium German brands went to pretty much full touch. Used to be they’d put in the engineering time to make buttons feel more solid to push and nowadays they just give you a big slab of touchscreen you can’t even feel properly while driving.
Everyone is just pinching pennies because touchscreens are cheaper than buttons.
- Comment on Google’s ‘Secret’ Update Scans All Your Photos 3 days ago:
For true privacy you’ll want something like GrapheneOS on a Pixel, with no Google apps or anything. Some other ROM with no gApps as a second choice.
Other than that, Apple SEEMS to be mildly better. I’ll give you an example: Apple pulls encryption feature from UK over government spying demands
While it’s a bad thing that they pull the encryption feature, it’s a good sign - they either aren’t willing or able to add a backdoor for the UK security services. Then there was this case. If the article is to be believed, they started working on security as of iOS 8 so they could no longer comply with government requests. Today we’re on iOS 18.
Apple claims their advertising ID is anonymized so third party apps don’t know who you are. That said, they still have the advertising ID service so Apple themselves do know a whoooooole lot about you - but this is the same with Google.
Then regarding photo scanning - Apple received a LOT of backlash for their proposed photo scanning feature. But it was going to be only on-device scans on photos that were going to be uploaded to iCloud (so disabling iCloud would disable it too) and it was only going to report you if you had a LOT of child pornography on your phone - otherwise it was, supposedly, going to do absolutely nothing about the photos. It wasn’t even supposed to be a categorization model, just a “Does this match known CSAM?” filter. Google and Microsoft had already implemented something similar, except they didn’t scan your shit on-device.
At the end of the day, Apple might be a bit more private, but it’s a wash. It’s not transparent and neither is Google. I like using their devices. Sometimes I miss the freedom of custom ROMs, but my damn banking apps stopped working on Lineage and I couldn’t be arsed to start using the banks’ mobile websites again like I’d done in the past. So I moved to iOS, as Oneplus had completely botched their Android experience in the meantime while I’d been using Lineage so I was kinda pissed at what I had considered one of the last remaining decent Android manufacturers (Sonys are overpriced and I will never own a Samsung, I hate them, I didn’t like my Huawei or Xiaomi much either).
So if you want to run custom ROMs, get a Pixel or something. If not, Apple is as good a choice as Android. A couple of years ago it was the better choice even, as you’d get longer software support, but now the others have started catching up due to all the consumer outrage.
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
This seems to be truth social
- Comment on Economist warns that Elon Musk is about to cause a "deep, deep recession" 1 week ago:
Well yea, but he’s gonna make a fuckload of money during the process and so are his rich friends, so really, it’s way better than the alternative, which was electing a woman
- Comment on Economist warns that Elon Musk is about to cause a "deep, deep recession" 1 week ago:
As a country, paying interest indefinitely is actually cheaper than paying the debt off, unless the interest suddenly goes sky high, which it generally does not. It’s usually less than inflation.
If you believe that firing hundreds of thousands of government employees in just one year and stopping a bunch of social programs is just a “fly that breaks the camels back”, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
- Comment on Linux's Sole Wireless/WiFi Driver Maintainer Is Stepping Down - Phoronix 1 week ago:
I haven’t seen Wireless driver issues in years. Any non arcane devices have drivers and most distros enable most of them in their kernel.
- Comment on The eye-popping amount of money Elon Musk has already slashed from the Education Department as staff melt down 1 week ago:
Overturned by whom? The Trump admin already stated that the courts have no right to judge anything they do.
- Comment on The eye-popping amount of money Elon Musk has already slashed from the Education Department as staff melt down 1 week ago:
Hope you’re a millionaire because there’s going to be tax cuts for the rich so the plebs can keep paying the same or more, it’s almost guaranteed.
- Comment on Leo knew it was a joke and laughed because it was just a joke 2 weeks ago:
It’s one of the categories of humor. You can also be funny by timing, reference earlier works or common knowledge, etc. Best jokes combine multiple things. In this case, exaggeration and reference to common knowledge (DiCaprio likes em young)
- Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 2 weeks ago:
Where are they giving babies heroin?
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 2 weeks ago:
Hetzner has better pricing if you don’t need to scale down dynamically.
- Comment on Only 22 countries have never been invaded by Britain 2 weeks ago:
The map is bullshit tbh. It includes countries where the brits actually helped achieve independence (the Baltics after WWII).
The definition of invasion according to the book is apparently “has fought in conflicts in territory”.
E.g Sweden is uninvaded according to this map. If Norway invades Sweden and the UK goes to help Sweden, it’ll count as the brits having invaded Sweden for this map.
- Comment on Its so joever 2 weeks ago:
It’s content lifted from other social media
- Comment on Working below minimum wage to save the planet 2 weeks ago:
They do which is why I wouldn’t recommend it.
- Comment on Working below minimum wage to save the planet 2 weeks ago:
You can be making money anytime nowadays if you’ve got a driver’s license. Not that I’d recommend it though.
- Comment on New thermoelectric generator converts vehicle exhaust heat into electricity, boosting fuel efficiency 2 weeks ago:
Wouldn’t be powerful enough actually. You’re better off having a battery that’s in good condition. I’ve done nearly 100 km with the alternator belt off. It being a diesel, it didn’t need to fire sparks though.
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 2 weeks ago:
That’s also quite valid. And the walk to the corner store is pretty much a break to slow down and just… Think. Personally I value those breaks fairly highly too.
- Comment on Incoming!! 2 weeks ago:
The tesla would have to be going a lot slower and you’d need to get really close before slamming the brakes. Better off accelerating real hard with a Tesla behind you instead, or maybe just not endangering people. Unless it’s a cybertruck in particular.
- Comment on Gulf of Make a Report to Apple 2 weeks ago:
Will they be deleting the user complaints after copying them to the empty void? Or is user-complaints a stream that dd consumes, rather than a normal directory or file?
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 2 weeks ago:
I’ve turned into a fairly materialistic person after starting a family, which kinda goes against this list, but I promise I have a point.
I’ve now started valuing my time in money, quite explicitly. Let’s say an hour of my time is worth roughly 50 euros. I can make more money by doing more work, I’m not limited to 40 hours a week when feeling productive, nor am I required to fulfill 40 hours a week when I have a bad case of executive dysfunction. So any time I’m out running errands, it technically IS costing me this much money.
If I have the option to spend X hours doing something, I’m going to ask myself if it’s worth it being X * 50 euros poorer for this. Spending time with friends or family? Absolutely worth it. Going on a walk to clear my mind? Still worth it. Drive around a bunch of drunk people for money? Nope, because nobody is going to be paying me enough to make it worth my while and it’s not an activity I enjoy doing very often.
I’ll make a similar calculation for spending money to gain more free time. If I’m working on my car and something is going to take me 10 hours, but my shade-tree mechanic 3 hours @ 35 euros an hour on his lift… Yeah, I’m going to pay him and hang around while he’s doing it. I just bought 7 hours of free time (so 350 euros) for 105 euros.
That does NOT mean that when I make the calculation that I’m going to always actually use the saved time for work right away. I might just hang around at home, take the baby for a spin in the stroller, listen to podcast I enjoy… Hell, maybe I’ll take a long ass bath. This is just a way to get myself thinking “hey, my time is worth too much to be doing this”, because in the past I rarely said “No” to anyone who wanted me to do anything, and also I’d spend lots of time on anything that could save me a minuscule amount of money.
- Comment on Elon Musk just offered to buy OpenAI for $97.4 billion 2 weeks ago:
Honestly that’s probably just the data it’s been trained on, rather than explicit instructions to censor the incident.
Makes sense that a Chinese AI would be trained on more Chinese sources than a western AI.
- Comment on Shopping for used Teslas be like: 2 weeks ago:
They’re a pretty sweet deal used nowadays in Europe and it seems like the ones made in the 2020s have decent build quality finally
I’m somewhat scared that someone would trash it. I’m also somewhat worried that if Russia ever invades Estonia, Musk will disable all Teslas in the country for the lulz.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
Yeah. I’d settle for a 17 mini, but I doubt we’re getting one of those either, given that there was no 14, 15 or 16 mini :/
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
The 3rd gen SE is 4.7 inches, the new one is rumored to be 6.06 and shaped like iPhone 14. MacRumors often gets these things right, too.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
Most people don’t care and if there’s no microSD slot, you can sell more expensive phones via overpriced internal storage. No 3.5mm jack, but we’ve got these wireless buds you could try. Would be stupid for companies to put these things back unfortunately.
- Comment on I miss when you could get a flagship phone that could fit in your hand 3 weeks ago:
The next one will likely be big. They also discontinued the Mini which was an awesome phone.