I’m sceptical about all this. In fact, I’m sceptical about everything!
- Comment on Do you feel like you've reached the end of what the world has to offer? 2 weeks ago:
The opposite. I’m afraid I will waste my life procrastinating, not even being aware of what it has to offer.
- Comment on Why are there silly license requirements? 2 weeks ago:
Yet somehow the same people can be trusted to select the best among them to make the rules for everyone.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I sense huge r/antiwork vibes. I hope it will be at least as much fun.
- Comment on Mozilla launches privacy friendly AI addon called "Orbit" 1 month ago:
No need for doubt. There is no technology in place that would guarantee any kind of privacy.
For the current version, we are using a Mistral LLM (Mistral 7B) hosted within Mozilla’s GCP instance.
- Comment on Is it really possible to tax the rich? 3 months ago:
Meanwhile down on earth, you’ve just caused an entirely new class of derrivatives traded on sketchy and unregulated markets, increasing the risk of fraud to all, including small individual investors.
Wealth is finite
The size of the observable universe is ~93 billion light-years. So, you’re technically right, but…
- Comment on What do you like/dislike about lemmy? 3 months ago:
What I like: The effort and persistence of the developers What I dislike: The ActivityPub protocol.
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 3 months ago:
The value of an art piece is always subjective. The price (closest thing we have to the objective value) is determined by the buyers.
What other mechanism would there be? A committee? That’s a bit nazi for my taste. A popular vote? Look at the election results to see why that might be a bad idea.
The theme is a bit touchy these days, especially in certain small country in eastern europe, where the new minister started to cut subsidies to the art she considers unworthy, obscene and politicized, in favor of art reflecting so called traditional values and national identity. The mere existence of the ministry of culture, established with the most noble goal of supporting art, creates this kind of potential vulnerability.
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 3 months ago:
What are the capitalists doing to prevent you from expressing artistically?
- Comment on YSK that there's a better index than the BMI to measure obesity called the Body Roundness Index 4 months ago:
It is one of the most widely used health metrics but also one of the most reviled, because it is used to label people overweight, obese or extremely obese.
That’s like blaming the ruler for labeling you too short or too tall… Can’t we just use the tool for rough assessment, while being aware of its limitations, and be happy about it?
- Comment on 7 years ago there were no billionaires worth more than $100 billion - today there are 18! 4 months ago:
No need to sign your posts, we can already see the username.
- Comment on 7 years ago there were no billionaires worth more than $100 billion - today there are 18! 4 months ago:
very same factories that produce consumer goods with a profit incentive today, can do the same for the benefit of the people tomorrow.
Yes. Until everyone ends up in poverty, because over time, nobody knows what to make and how much. The longer the supply chain the stronger the effect will be.
- Comment on 7 years ago there were no billionaires worth more than $100 billion - today there are 18! 4 months ago:
But there’s nobody to prepare the fries. The economy has transformed entirely to eating the rich…
- Comment on 7 years ago there were no billionaires worth more than $100 billion - today there are 18! 4 months ago:
The proof is in the pudding… we need more heroes like that.
- Comment on 7 years ago there were no billionaires worth more than $100 billion - today there are 18! 4 months ago:
govt owning shares, honestly. That way the public would get a voice
How would a public get a voice? The government would have a voice.
- Comment on 7 years ago there were no billionaires worth more than $100 billion - today there are 18! 4 months ago:
So what’s stopping them?
- Comment on Why isn't apple a popular ice cream flavor? 4 months ago:
Sounds like a Babylon 5 character. I vote for Lemmier!
- Comment on How do our brains process reality? I heard our eyes were just low-res cameras and our brains were doing all the heavy lifting in 'rendering' reality. 4 months ago:…/ep78-does-your-brain-have-one-model-of-…
Why do you see a unified image when you open your eyes, even though each part of your visual cortex has access to only a small part of the world? What is special about the wrinkled outer layer of the brain, and what does that have to do with the way that you explore and come to understand the world? Are there new theories of how the brain operates? And in what ways is it doing something very different than current AI? Join Eagleman with guest Jeff Hawkins, theoretician and author of “A Thousand Brains” to dive into Hawkins’ theory of many models running in the brain at once.
- Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 5 months ago:
Communists and fascist are the conservatives on my side of the planet though. They both appeal on “the good old times, when the world was right”. Both equally glorify physical labor and fights against the intellectualism.
- Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 5 months ago:
It’s the bullshit of hard work will result in success and money.
That’s funny, because it’s not the liberal leaning folks who glorify the hard labor.
- Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 5 months ago:
That only confirms my hypothesis that leftists don’t want a system of governance, but mom and dad…
- Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 5 months ago:
Filthy capitalists, giving people what they want!
- Comment on Why does the media print rags to riches stories? 5 months ago:
Yes, reporting on a success of an individual is practically the same thing as openning the gas valve… Jesus F. Christ !
- Comment on My friend gifted me a "fighting RPG" that turned out to be something else entirely 5 months ago:
The Lust series is pretty good. It’s a horror game similar to Amnesia or Penumbra, except you’re infiltrating a sex cult.
- Comment on Why do big corporations get to claim losses, but small businesses can't? 5 months ago:
IRS will audit you, and could deem you a hobby
Are there any negative consequences? I’d prefer to be downgraded to a hobbyist. Instead, the government has increased my taxes to around 70% of my yearly revenue. Social democracy, fuck yeah!
- Comment on Why 🤷♂️ do users 👨💻 dislike 👎 the use ✅ of emojis 😀 on Lemmy 🐭? 5 months ago:
We can tell you probably have an emotion if you use one, we just can’t be sure what emotion. The emoji you type is almost certainly not the one we see.
- Comment on Anyone else get random cancellation emails from onlyfans? 6 months ago:
When some internet stranger manage to enrage me more than usual, I sign up for a porn site with their email address.
Who did you piss off lately? :)
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
The only thing worse than public voting is public voting that’s falsely advertised as private.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
This is not a guide to hide from the government or ISP. Just a way to tunnel to your home server without publishing the sshd for random strangers. Personally, I’d just publish the ssh and be done with it.
I would rather live without the correlation attacks
The more people using Tor, the less useful targeted disconnects become.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
Which is still just as open, but also a massive calling card for anyone trolling around the TOR network
Luckily, it is no longer possible to easily sniff the new v3 addresses by deploying a malicious relay. Any attack to even reveal the existence of a hidden service would require a very specialized setup. And we’re just talking discovery, not the ability to connect and attack the actual service running there.
- Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago:
just connecting to Tor is very much a huge exposure imho
Exposure of what, to whom?