- Comment on I still don’t think companies serve you ads based on spying through your microphone 2 months ago:
I hate to add to the conspiracy, but I know my eye doctor uses a 3rd party which has sections of their hipaa privacy acceptance which allows them to use your info to sell you ads if you don’t decline. Phreesia, is the 3rd party company. Now add the other apps that track your location… time spent there…
and I know my grocery store does the same when you use the discounts. and worse, they have facial recognition so I can’t even opt out (kroger).
Your issue was likely a combo of that.
- Comment on Microsoft built a PC that can't run local apps — Windows 365 Link starts at $349 and doesn't come with storage 3 months ago:
We call these thin clients and terminals, nothing new here. Been around for 40 years… Move along.
- Comment on “I am still alive”: Users say T-Mobile must pay for killing “lifetime” price lock 4 months ago:
Before eSIM, tmobile global data and text in 150 countries was the dream for my 5x trips a year. Now I just pop into the Eu and pick up a prepaid month European esim and spend €20+€15 additional month vs the $200 a year I was spending. Italy even has a deal in the summer now for €15 for 30 days.
- Comment on Amazon tech workers leaving for other jobs in response to return to office mandate 5 months ago:
Yeah, that was a typo and my experience is limited towards the AWS side which is also facing this issue. But the numbers are there, some people have been at Amazon for a decade, so 20 months (if they had MY package of 2mos per year). Amazon was throwing everything at new hires, because they were making bank on their work.
- Comment on Amazon tech workers leaving for other jobs in response to return to office mandate 5 months ago:
They are getting severance when terminated, unless for cause. My comment was, this is how they avoid it by forcing people to quit.
- Comment on Amazon tech workers leaving for other jobs in response to return to office mandate 5 months ago:
Like many companies, they overhired in the last 4 years. Some of these people are due years of severance (my offer listed 2months for every year after 1 year), not to mention the vested stocks and other bonuses granted during this insane hot hire period.
So how do you remove people not loyal to the company? The most hated mandate ever. Amazon is a company that doesn’t need people in the office. This is nothing more than screwing people over.
- Comment on AT&T sues Broadcom for refusing to renew perpetual license support 5 months ago:
Did you try to reboot?
- Comment on Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims 8 months ago:
Clearly you use adbloker or something cause temu just got excited when you opened up the link.
- Comment on Everything old is new again. 8 months ago:
Uber has criminal background checks too. In fact, they take their policy very seriously. If you find you get into an uber and your driver is Paul, but it should have been Sara… (no this has never happened to me, ever…). You just call the safety line, or i also think there’s an in-app function.
Still supporting cabs first, but i felt it needed to be clarified.
- Comment on Everything old is new again. 8 months ago:
Most taxis have that now too, and you can ask for the flat rate too. most drivers will quote you on longer trips exactly the price.
- Comment on Everything old is new again. 8 months ago:
Way back in 2009 or so… my uber/taxi story. So I land in Newark, NJ and try to catch a cab and it’s $50 to go to the hotel on the other side of airport because we traverse 3 zones (and they charged by zone). Uber was $11. See, when Uber came out it was like a gamified systems and almost always cheaper. Drivers were getting crazy perks too, i swear one guy in seattle said he was banking north of 2k a day just back and forth to the airport. This was the only time in Uber’s history where a normal human could grind and make a nice pay with some added personal risk. I was all for it because in cities like Newark, unions control the politics and the average traveler (in this case, me) gets screwed in the name of “fairness”.
Unions are great, but not when they use that same political power to squeeze regular people for profits by controlling the pricing and forcing zones. I understand why they said they put that in place (fair competition), but in this case we all know it’s about profits first, better working for taxi drivers, second. Does that mean i love uber now? Hell no, they need a union (yep, i agree), but uber broke a broken system and made taxi companies be competitive. I can now open up several apps and see which is cheaper and choose accordingly (and these last 2 years it’s been cabs).
- Comment on Republicans are pulling out all the stops to reverse EV adoption 9 months ago:
Synthetic. It has profit margin and purpose. Nothing we can’t fix without adding more bad things to the air…
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
I’m what I call “mostly vegetarian“ which means that I choose to not have meat, but will eat small portions on occasion. And boy does that just piss off people like no other. Worse is I get it from both sides, to either commit in full or just give in to my natural instincts and consume more red meat.
Sometimes I just want a salad. Sometimes I want some bacon crumbles on that salad. Sometimes I want 3oz of fish with a plate of veggies. But what I can tell you is 3/4 of my plate will have healthy veggies or fruit.
- Comment on Siri for iOS 18 to gain massive AI upgrade via Apple's Ajax LLM 10 months ago:
I particularly find it useful when I can use the same request that I just asked 5min before and she tells me shes not sure how to do that.
Siri, read my last message… siri reads the last message that just came in. (new message), Siri, read my last message “I’m sorry stupidmanager, i don’t know how to do that”. Timers, lists, reminders, directions…. I rather love when I ask her while i’m driving to do something like give me directions, and she tells me she can’t do that WHILE I’M DRIVING, but it was ok 30min prior.
- Comment on doggos 10 months ago:
My 5 year old dog spins when she poos. Picking up her poo requires me to check the area she was in, as there are usually 3-4 spots it landed. But unleashed, she’s fine.The vet tells me this might be harness related. Something about the restraining leash and harness makes her spin.
But now I have a morbid curiosity to see if she starts north or south.
- Comment on Capital One is set to acquire Discover, merging 2 of the US' largest credit-card companies 1 year ago:
It’s not just you. I’m well into adulthood when I applied for a discover card. Got approved for a $800 credit limit. Yes, not a typo, $800. Today, that limit is $1200. but my capital one card which I acquired around the same time, $12000 to start and now it’s over 32k.
I never use my discover card and don’t care that this merger is happening.
- Comment on “Don’t let them drop us!” Landline users protest AT&T copper retirement plan | California hears protests as AT&T seeks end to Carrier of Last Resort obligation. 1 year ago:
Laying fibre is really expensive - in really rural areas it could be $100k+ per subscriber, so you will never see a return on investment for doing that
And yet, a local company in my state just ran fiber to 5000 homes in my area for what I told was 1 million. They used directional drilling, it was cheap and easy. Then all the sudden my local phone and cable company “also” put in fiber.
So while I’m in a suburb, I know for a fact these guys are all over the state and growing, including rural (and so is the local telco/cableco). I challenge that 100k number, that’s bullshit telco numbers. The word is unprofitable, it is unprofitable to run fiber when you are the only competitor.
- Comment on Anti-aging pill for senior dogs is now in clinical trials 1 year ago:
Ack, yeah. We’ll blame the crap Vision Pro virtual keyboard. I wanted to go back and fix it, but I find the stupid thing is way too sensitive and watch as it deletes my entire paragraph.
- Comment on Anti-aging pill for senior dogs is now in clinical trials 1 year ago:
I have 2 dogs, 1 that does this and 1 that eats everything including cat shit from the litter box. That dumbass will live forever if I give him this pill, because he’d eat his sisters too.
- Comment on I don't believe Auto Save feature in any software 1 year ago:
The old school programmer right here! All we’re missing is someone typing git commit -am “updates and stuff”
- Comment on Reddit Falls Short of Ad Growth Targets Ahead of Likely 2024 IPO 1 year ago:
I’m doing my part! thanks ublock!
- Comment on NASA's 46-year-old Voyager 1 probe is no longer transmitting data 1 year ago:
has the definition of “no longer transmitting” changed recently?
When functioning properly, the FDS compiles the spacecraft’s info into a data package, which is then transmitted back to Earth using the TMU. Lately, that data package has been “stuck,” the blog post said, “transmitting a repeating pattern of ones and zeros.” Voyager’s engineering team traced the problem back to the FDS, but it could be weeks before a solution is found.
I mean, i’m not a scientist, is that not transmitting. flipping click bait titles.
- Comment on gatekeeping 1 year ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I only ever had 3 when I was young(11): Mario/duckhunt combo, contra and Zelda. Boy was I excited when I got my Nintendo magazine with the first and second quest walkthrough for Zelda. But around 14 I learned Hollywood video Rented games and I got to play a lot more. This was the only game I rented and never finished cause I couldn’t afford the rental late fee.
- Comment on Tinder Launches $499 USD-Per-Month "Tinder Select" Membership 1 year ago:
Yeah. Few decades married over here too… Until last week. Still not paying for crap like this, but damn was that same joke not funny on Monday.
- Comment on Looks like google domains is no more. 1 year ago:
Cloudflare is just that. It supports most domains except for premium .dev (for now) from google. Registrar costs are at cost and no markup. Lots of options, no pressure to do anything beyond free.
Next option is Namecheap, but they’ve had issues lately.