- Comment on 1 week ago:
I had an Atari 800XL as my first PC with 2 5.2’’ floppy drives and a cartridge slot for which I had only 2 games: Pengo and Galaxian. On the floppy drive I was able to play a ton of games including Ultima 4, which really got me into fantasy RPGs.
- Comment on Steam games will now need to fully disclose kernel-level anti-cheat on store pages 3 months ago:
Full agree. I do want some kind of policy for games that introduce anti-cheat both during early access and after release. Bricking a game you paid for should offer some sort of recourse.
- Comment on Star Trek: Lower Decks Releases Homage Poster for Final Season Celebration 4 months ago:
My issue wasn’t with the show, but with Paramount+ as an app with it’s 60+ trackers. I actually really like the show, just not enough to deal with Paramount’s spyware.
- Comment on It’s Time to Stop Taking Sam Altman at His Word 4 months ago:
What is really annoying is that there are a lot of really good data modeling applications, they are just in research areas. Generative AI is absolutely a waste of resources, but a ton of money and energy is spent on that instead of on the applications that are actually bearing fruit.
- Comment on Watch out, Microsoft Outlook could soon give away when you're sneakily working from home 4 months ago:
You can set it yourself but it then verifies your address is real using Bing maps and the database is really lacking. If it doesn’t find an entry it won’t let you enter it. I am told this will be moving to Azure maps soon which I hope is better.
Anyway we are leveraging manual network entries tofind phones at our locations using the WAP bssid or, for ethernet, LLDP but the latter isn’t working. I can show LLDP coming in on a pcap but Teams doesn’t see it - another ticket for Microsoft.
- Comment on Watch out, Microsoft Outlook could soon give away when you're sneakily working from home 5 months ago:
I am in the middle of trying to get e911 functional for Teams direct route calls, based of lis data, my Teams can’t correctly determine the state I am in, much less my current address. It took multiple tickets to get our corporate headquarters to show up correctly instead of an address a half-mile away.
I forsee getting a lot of tickets from this feature.
- Comment on AI Calculator Can Predict Your Death With 78% Accuracy: Would You Try It Out? 6 months ago:
If I want to know when I’m going to die, I’ll ask an actuary like we did in the old days.
- Comment on How the American war on porn could change the way you use the internet 7 months ago:
Because they want to use antiporn laws to restrict books and other media with LGBTQ content.
- Comment on The first GPT-4-class AI model anyone can download has arrived: Llama 405B 7 months ago:
When the 8 bit quants hit, you could probably lease a 128GB system on runpod.
- Comment on Survey shows most people wouldn't pay extra for AI-enhanced hardware | 84% of people said no 7 months ago:
Yeah, I mean the AI being shoveled at us by techbros. Actual ML stuff is currently and will continue to be useful for all sorts on not-sexy but vital research and production tasks. I do task automation for my job and I use things like transcription models and OCR, my company uses smart sorting using rapid image recognition and other really cool uses for computers to do things that humans are bad at. It’s things like LLMs that just aren’t there - yet. I have seen very early research on AI that is trained to actually understand language and learns by context, it’s years away, but eventually we might see AI that really can do what the current AI companies are claiming.
- Comment on Survey shows most people wouldn't pay extra for AI-enhanced hardware | 84% of people said no 7 months ago:
Back in the 90s in college I took a Technology course, which discussed how technology has historically developed, why some things are adopted and other seemingly good ideas don’t make it.
One of the things that is required for a technology to succeed is public acceptance. That is why AI is doomed.
- Comment on I Will Fucking Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again — Ludicity 8 months ago:
If you ask most LLMs questions on a topic you are an expert at, you will quickly notice that they provide surface-level data. They are the AI equivalent of bullshitting your way through a paper.
- Comment on Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose 9 months ago:
I use option 121 as part of my work, though I am not an expert on DHCP. This attack does make sense to me and it would be hard to work around given the legitimate uses for that option.
- Comment on What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (including it always watching you) 9 months ago:
I switched last week. It was pretty easy with only a few small issues.
- Comment on Reddit embracing all out enshittification 10 months ago:
Every commercial model has a positivity bias baked in, it makes it hard to use any of them as a cowriter because your villains all end up really nice and accommodating. Finetuning can break this bit sometimes it creeps back in. Very annoying.
- Comment on Windows 11 Start menu ads are now rolling out to everyone 10 months ago:
I installed Mint last night as a dual-boot and had a few issues, the boot loader would not load into Windows Boot Manager and when I manually selected Windows Boot Manager in UEFI Windows booted but hard locked until it reindexed the drive I partitioned for Linux.
The Mint OS works fine, to be clear. My issues with the dual boot is mostly getting Windows to play nice.
- Comment on The Way Forward, an update from the team behind Cities: Skylines 10 months ago:
I’m not convinced Paradox knows what they are doing as publisher. Millenia was similarly pushed out the door before it was ready (though in a better state than Cities: Skylines 2). And both games pushed out the door in the last week of the quarter in a transparent effort to boost their earnings. The shortsightedness of the publisher is now impacting their reputation in ways that will be hard to recover. I no longer consider buying Paradox published titles until they are at least a year old or have at least a few months of reviews showing they are solid (like AoW4).
- Comment on Really enjoying my first playthrough of Dwarf Fortress 10 months ago:
So many ways to have fun in DF!
- Comment on ‘Star Trek 4’ Beams Up New Screenwriter: ‘The Flight Attendant’ Creator Steve Yockey 11 months ago:
Timothee Chalamet as Data (he’s in everything).
- Comment on Your AI Girlfriend Is a Data-Harvesting Horror Show 1 year ago:
Also for an interface, I’d recommend KoboldLite for writing or assistant and SillyTavern for chat/RP.
- Comment on Discovery returns to screens April 4th 1 year ago:
For me it was just the emotional tone. I only watched the first 5 episodes, but one of the things that makes Star Trek enjoyable for me is its optimism about the future. Discovery was really bleak (at least to start) and I couldn’t keep watching it. I’ve heard it gets better, so maybe I should give it another shot.
- Comment on Kool-Aid 1 year ago:
This doesn’t make sense to me. Kool-aid man is obviously a golem made from glass, crystal, diamond or transparent aluminum, something that can withstand impact with walls, though we can’t rule out magical reinforcement.
The fluid inside him isn’t used for biological processes, he is just carrying it around. If you empty him, he can just be refilled.
- Comment on First game you played 1 year ago:
I think Pong, but I can’t remember if I played it before getting the Atari XT. The first game I played on that was Galaxian.
- Comment on Anti-aging pill for senior dogs is now in clinical trials 1 year ago:
Pill pockets worked on my cat twice. After that he was like “waitaminute! This is medicine!” So now I put the pill in the pocket and just shove it down his throat and he gets real treats afterwards.
- Comment on Average website visit in 2024 1 year ago:
I had one ask me why I wasn’t helping the tortoise. Definitely some advanced detection going on.
- Comment on CEOs say generative AI will result in job cuts in 2024 1 year ago:
This is correct.
Source: I do this for a living.
- Comment on Super-macro views of color e-ink displays (and how they work) 1 year ago:
That was a lot of fun to watch about a subject I hadn’t considered. Thanks for sharing.
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video will start showing ads on January 29th unless you pay extra for ad-free 1 year ago:
It’s not enough to make money, they have to make all the money. They have a requirement for perpetual growth.
- Comment on What moment from a video game made you cry? 1 year ago:
Shadowbringers was just so good. The parts that really get me were in 5.3 and just… everything. Probably the best patch the game ever had. One quest in particular left me a blubbering mess (returning a certain crystal), even thinking about it now chokes me up. The voice acting is also just top notch the whole expansion.
Endwalker also had several moments that got me and basically the entire last zone (and the music. Omg).
- Comment on The Doctor gets around. 1 year ago:
It’s a promotional photo for the 1989 movie Loverboy.