lol what the hell is this. a generic comment turned into an ad for lemmy?
Let them know what they are missing!
Submitted 6 months ago by to [deleted]
Comments 6 months ago 6 months ago
I thought it was a great comment. And yes. 6 months ago
Weird 6 months ago
You motherfuckers really fell for her fake ass tattoo. How embarrassing 6 months ago
There’s a tiktok vid of her getting it done that looks real enough, but who knows.
Someone in the thread from a couple days ago also linked her FB and OF profiles 6 months ago
Doesn’t look totally real to me. I have full sleeves. First, the sheen on her skin is exactly the same throughout. She just poked many small holes in her skin and injected ink. It probably wouldn’t be totally uniform. Secondly, there is zero blood. That is rare as fuck. And third, there is no ointment after. That would prevent the blood and look different on the skin to prevent infection.
I think it’s fake. A decent fake. But a fake. 6 months ago
If it was as fresh as the redness suggests, she would be weaping plasma and lymph fluid or it would be matte.
So unless she dabbed it dry, I’m saying fake as well. 6 months ago
… Why does it say she’s nearby?
This is fucking freaking me out, how the fuck is she nearby. 4.2 miles away? What the FUCK is she doing here and HOW THE FUCK does OF know that 6 months ago
I’d recommend moving far, far, away if these are the kind of people who live nearby 6 months ago
Video is totally fake right?
Like you don’t need any fancy CGI or AI stuff even.
Yes the video included a real tattoo thingy but that doesn’t mean it’s a real tattoo.
As messed up as things are in 2024 I refuse to acknowledge that a nice young lady would do this to herself. 6 months ago
I don’t care if this is a joke or 100% serious. I’m nauseous either way. 6 months ago
I know it’s fake, but if it’s a selfie in a mirror does that means the Trump is backwards 6 months ago
A ton of folks use mirroring when taking pics, I’d assume it auto flipped.
Opened my phone to check and it seems to mirror whatever so it’d flip to legible as seen 6 months ago
Yeah but why do I look ugly when not mirrored 🥲 I always hate looking at pictures of me 6 months ago
Especially because the text on the opposite socket is not reversed. 6 months ago
I’m jerking my tiny cock to this pic 6 months ago
Thanks for the info I guess? 6 months ago
It’s been six hours, how’s it progressing? 6 months ago
To pieces you say? 6 months ago
Thank you, this is definitely information you needed to share on the internet. Please go touch grass. 6 months ago
Tramp stamps are out?
Trump stamps are in? 6 months ago
Oh my God, you gave me an idea. Trump Nutz! They’re just orange truck nutz that cost even more. I’m about to be a billionaire. 6 months ago
If you had thought of that in 2016 you would now have enough money to be able to afford not having a conscience. 6 months ago
You don’t need to reiterate. 6 months ago
Just now realized how fake that is. She used makeup, probably the lipstick pictured. The redness from a new tat looks nothing like that. 6 months ago
For her sake I hope it is fake. 6 months ago
For all our sakes… 6 months ago
It does look suspiciously purple 6 months ago
Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. 6 months ago
How do the authors know what a dragon speaks like? Were speaking dragons a common thing back then or…? 6 months ago
A pretty significant number of relatively disconnected cultures all have ancient legends of dragons or creatures very like them.
Always thought that was sort of neat. 6 months ago
The answer is shrooms 6 months ago
You know that's a really good question.
I don't know if a dragon is ever mentioned anywhere else in the Bible other than Revelations. But at the time Revelations was written, Rome would have been in full pre-fall swing, so maybe it's some sort of like crossover information. 6 months ago
A vice president taking over for a president fits this pretty well as thier power comes from the former guy by definition. It’s also supposed to be 42 months, or 3.5 years.
You need the mark for commerce. People without it can’t participate in commerce.
Peter Thiel, JD Vance’s big Techno Fascist backer has a large stake in crypto. There’s an open secret that they want to devalue the dollar to spur crypto adoption. Vance has already said this ‘to spur investment in the US’.
Trump, RFK, and others have been openly calling for the US Treasury Department to start buying cryptocurrency.
The problem with cryptocurrency is that it is worthless. It only has value if you think that it has value. That’s basically how US Money works, but I digress. Tech Evangilists, Crypto Bros, Techno Fascists, they can’t turn their “investment” into fungible currency unless they have a buyer. Here comes the US to “bail out crypto”.
They then convert their profits into other stable goods and signal for devaluation of the dollar. People are “encouraged” to adopt cryptocurrency because suddenly it seems to be more “stable”
As it’s fully digital, you don’t need to cary cash around anymore, not that anyone would accept it because it’s worthless. What’s a good way to process funds from a digital wallet in the real world? Why not a tattoo or RFID tag under the skin of your hand or behind your ear? 6 months ago
So basically president Vance and a Trump-GPT are gonna make everyone get crypto wallets? 6 months ago
Great, now I have Aphrodite’s Child in my head… Fuck yeah. 6 months ago
ಠ_ಠ 6 months ago
The redness makes it look real. Any backup? 6 months ago
Apparently she’s a streamer. Two news items cast doubt on the legitimacy of the tattoo. Time will tell. 6 months ago
I know it’s fake, but couldn’t she at least choose a nicer font? 6 months ago
Comics sans would have been more appropriate. 6 months ago
This picture screams of insecurity…
Fucking http? 6 months ago
I’m glad I’m not the only one lmao 6 months ago
How is your ISP gonna know which posts are worth looking at if you don’t tell them? Consider it a convenient way of promoting Lemmy. 6 months ago
I mean, you can still do that with https, your dns requests will likely still be in the clear unless you’re using dns over tls or dns over https.