- Comment on cilanto 🌿 1 week ago:
I have both, but I also have ADHD and prioritize the novel over the good. I find cilantro and bitter foods to be more interesting, and don’t mind them at all.
- Comment on Guatemala | Jewish sect leader arrested for human trafficking 4 weeks ago:
While I can acknowledge that you should judge individual articles or sources on their own merit, it appears there is some concern regarding The Nordic Times as a neo-nazi mouthpiece. Food for thought.
- Comment on This researcher wants to replace your brain, little by little. The US government just hired a researcher who thinks we can beat aging with fresh cloned bodies and brain updates. 4 months ago:
Maintaining continuity of consciousness is the only thing that would make me feel comfortable with converting myself to a machine intelligence.
- Comment on ISPs tell Supreme Court they don’t want to disconnect users accused of piracy 5 months ago:
Never dehumanize fascists or fascist-sympathizers (redundant but ok), it’s always important to remember that bad faith actors or their stooges are human and cannot be entirely eliminated from society, which is why people that fight for positive change have to set the rules such that bad faith actors’ actions are either quickly recognized and mitigated, or have society structured such that even those motivated solely by unempathetic selfishness can only achieve status by masking and contributing positively anyway.
- Comment on Regarding this picture, where do you think quantum computers lie and why? 6 months ago:
Isn’t post-quantum cryptography already a thing? Probably not implemented in anything meaningful yet, but still.
- Comment on Let them know what they are missing! 6 months ago:
I mean, you can still do that with https, your dns requests will likely still be in the clear unless you’re using dns over tls or dns over https.
- Comment on What has he done to deserve this? 6 months ago:
I would agree with you that something similar to metric would eventually arise, but I would consider duodecimal to make more sense than decimal, as 12 is a superior highly composite number and the terminating representation is much shorter for more commonly used fractions (e.g. 1⁄4 would be represented as 0.3, 1⁄3 as 0.4, 1⁄2 as 0.6, etc). I would also argue that groupings in powers of 12² make more sense than 10³.
I would also argue that it would make more sense for measurements to be based on natural units (such as Planck length) for all the basic measurements (second, metre, kilogram, ampere, kelvin, mole, and candela), such that the anthropic unit (the one you’d most commonly refer to without prefixes) would be some multiple of 12 away from the natural unit.
- Comment on Britain's oldest chalk figure restored to former glory 6 months ago:
'Taint what a horse looks like, it’s what a horse be.
- Comment on xkcd #2954: Bracket Symbols 7 months ago:
Mine is IBM Plex Mono, but the nerdfont ‘Blex’ variety.
- Comment on Students suspended at Yarra Valley grammar school over ‘disgraceful’ spreadsheet rating female classmates 9 months ago:
Is this the ranked, competitive sex I hear about, to contrast with the sex for casuals?
- Comment on Warning 10 months ago:
The real question is if the darker purple is in front or if it’s the lighter purple.
- Comment on Guard of the Awwderworld 1 year ago:
Hey, no kerberoasting.
- Comment on shit post 1 year ago:
Thanks KC Green, may the memory of your work live much longer than you do (he is very much still alive, as far as I know).
- Comment on Call an expert 1 year ago:
This is the reason I’ve taken to carrying a small magnet with me (combined with a flashlight/blacklight/laser pointer), so I can easily pick up those little bits that get lost (my wife cross stitches too, and sometimes her needles fall into the carpet, so it’s nice to find those before our feet do).
- Comment on haha :( 1 year ago:
If nothing matters, then you can choose what matters to you, and if I choose to care about something, then it matters because it matters to me, even if it doesn’t to other people.
- Comment on He thought it was a sausage on a stick.. 1 year ago:
Me want plant corn dog delight!
- Comment on he learned not to trust farts 1 year ago:
For someone not trusting their gut, that guy sure seems super trusting that their eyes are going to be ok.
- Comment on Supercomputer that simulates entire human brain will switch on in 2024 1 year ago:
“What do you get if you multiply six by nine?”
- Comment on A perfect visualisation of a wasteful system 1 year ago:
I bet whoever’s sleeping there is doing so because they can better pretend they’re in a bedroom. It’s shameful we’ve let things get this way.
- Comment on Why would I want to use the multi-desktop functionality in Windows 11? 1 year ago:
Windows 10 has had that for a few years now too, it was just less visible and a little clunkier.
- Comment on Golden Girls & Spock 1 year ago:
He had some decent political views, but his child-rearing advice wasn’t always very evidence-based.
- Comment on Fish have heart too. 1 year ago:
We’re not just eating tons per day, we’re eating about 430-ish metric kilotons per day.
- Comment on Be a better pirate. 1 year ago:
How appropriate. You fight like a cow!
- Comment on Bill Gates says a 3-day work week where 'machines can make all the food and stuff' isn't a bad idea 1 year ago:
I don’t care what he thinks, but I care that he has a platform that others in his class listen to and may respect. It’s not a position you hear often from those with a lot of wealth. I’m ok with progress coming from any direction, even if it’s self-serving in some form, and I do think it’s self-serving.
- Comment on USB worm unleashed by Russian state hackers spreads worldwide 1 year ago:
Change my mind.
Sure. Even regularly installing a new OS doesn’t necessarily keep you secure if someone wanted to discreetly install malware on your device. In addition to firmware-level rootkits that re-install themselves on fresh OSs (even platform-agnostic ones), it’s possible that someone might interdict whatever hardware is bought and implant it with additional small hardware that compromises it in some way.
- Comment on Speediest little fella. 1 year ago:
I thought photons are always moving in straight lines from their perspective, and it’s space that’s bent. Unless it’s through a medium, then they just get absorbed and re-emitted, sort of.
- Comment on First live birth of a #chimeric monkey using embryonic stem cell lines 1 year ago:
I mean, that seems like the best solution to rejection: cloning the patient’s germ line and chimerically colonizing the replacement.
- Comment on One thing I've learned after 21 years - you never know what is gonna come through that door. 1 year ago:
Makes sense. Insect lifespans are so short that evolution can be much faster. Primates have been around for 65 million years and only have 431 species, a life form with 1/20th the lifespan at best would have to speciate much faster than that.
- Comment on Braid, Anniversary Edition Release Date Trailer 1 year ago:
I hadn’t heard about that, what a shame.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Probably UUIDs based on fingerprinting the browser/machine. With enough js there’s usually enough to qualify a person’s activity as unique even with minor changes regarding updates or whatever. You can mitigate it by changing user agent strings or disabling some/all js or site permissions, but they can also block you from using the service for doing so, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.