- Comment on I can make my own decisions! 2 days ago:
I’m not a roller coaster engineer but I’m pretty sure we could achieve the same speed that starting at 500m would give us by adding magnetic launchers for the entire first drop.
- Comment on Maybe tomorrow 1 week ago:
Everyone knows that frozen peas are only good for two things: icing your face after having your wisdom teeth out and icing balls after a vasectomy. That bag in the freezer isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
- Comment on Why would America declaring cartels terrorist organizations be a problem for Mexico? 2 weeks ago:
Mexico likely feels like the US declaring the cartels terrorist orgs will be a pretext to cross border military attacks/interventions/escapades (I’m not sure what the right word should be here).
- Comment on Poll Inside: Do you use the pink hand soap? 4 months ago:
TIL: I’m nobody because I do enjoy having my breath smell like an exploded flower bouquet. I also like the lubrication it gives my teeth because it makes it easier to smile.
- Comment on Ches 5 months ago:
Big if true.
- Comment on Bread 5 months ago:
Did you know you can put your weed anywhere? Some places have better results but you can still put it there.
- Comment on Words truly matter 6 months ago:
Do you have a source for that experiment that isn’t trying to sell special water?
- Comment on Should we consider Jesus a zombie? 6 months ago:
A sample size one? That’s hardly enough for a conclusive result. The one you dissect could have just been a cannibal anyway and while corrupt the findings. Really a brutal war is the only way to go if we want enough samples.
- Comment on Why do radio stations all seem to go on commercial at the same time? 6 months ago:
And the songs are edited to be between 3 and 5 minutes long so it all averages out the same.
- Comment on A Black woman has never lost the general election for POTUS in US history but 46 white men have lost 7 months ago:
I’m already there.
- Comment on Kids and their computers these days. 7 months ago:
[Hey, kid. I’m a computer][gifdb.com/…/g-i-joe-stop-all-the-download-kaevt7b…)
- Comment on Horse 7 months ago:
Is pooping snickers bars not normal for people?
- Comment on Why is Horizon: An American Saga flopping in theaters? 8 months ago:
It’s made by a Coen brother just not the ones you think. Mel Brooks’ real last name is Coen and he is the younger brother of the others. He adopted “Brooks” when he broke into directing so he wouldn’t be accused of riding his brothers coattails to fame.
- Comment on It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem 8 months ago:
I think it is to avoid image searches from easily finding the original image. You’ll also find pictures flipped, tilted slightly, or have their colors changed just a little bit.
- Comment on Shoppers Drug Mart Recruiting Volunteers to Staff Stores 9 months ago:
And what happens if they get hurt on the “job”?
- Comment on It’s not impossible for someone to have heard about assguard, looked it up, and then realized it’s “Asgard”. 9 months ago:
I wonder which is a better product: the Assguard or the Anal Bum Cover?
- Comment on What is the Anti Commercial-Al license and why do people keep adding it to their comments? 10 months ago:
I agree it should be opt in but most platforms take ownership of your words as soon as they are submitted allowing the platform to decide if they want to sell the data for ai.
- Comment on If we took material like rock from space and got it back to Earth enough times, would Earth grow as a planet? 10 months ago:
Earth gains 5200 tons each year from dust from space making it to the ground.
It seems like a lot but the Planet weights 65,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 tons.
- Comment on It must confuse English learners to hear phrases like, "I'm home", instead of "I am at home." We don't say I'm school, or I'm post office. 10 months ago:
When was the meeting where we decided not to say “I’m post office” because I use that phrase daily?
- Comment on The Langoliers? 10 months ago:
I know it’s a joke but it is a pretty sad thought and good advice against dwelling over your past.
- Comment on We don't really work 9 to 5 but still call our job 9-to-5 10 months ago:
Sometimes. My work is pretty variable. Some days I have to search for things to do. Others I have lots with short due dates. On busy days I eat at my desk. On really busy days I don’t eat. It evens out in the end because I can leave early on slow days to make up the time.
- Comment on 400,000 species 11 months ago:
Mid 40’s guy here - the last Beatles album was released 9 years before I was born and their last concert was 10 years before I was born. I agree that popular bands don’t stop having fans the moment they break up but there’s 20 years between when they broke up and when my peers started to have their own mususical preferences.
- Comment on So sad 11 months ago:
And what better to wash down over 2 kilograms of mayo? A tall glass of refreshing lemonade.
- Comment on Rate me, dudes 11 months ago:
That’s a mighty fine set of boobs. 10/10.
- Comment on See? You still have a chance! 1 year ago:
44 million live in Asia, 14m in Africa, 7m in Europe, 6m in North America, 4m in South America, 400k in Australia/Oceania
- Comment on TIL 1 year ago:
The mode human body contains enough bones to make a complete human skeleton. The average human body doesn’t have enought.
- Comment on If Trump and Biden both died today, what would happen? 1 year ago:
You crazy MF’r! That’s exactly what someone who could do both in one day would say!
- Comment on When you let boomers run social media accounts 1 year ago:
That seems accurate because using Edge makes me want to get off.
- Comment on In The Eagles song "Take It Easy" the first verse states he has 7 women on his mind, later he is admiring a girl in Winslow, Arizona...maybe another girl isn't what this guy needs. 1 year ago:
Take it easy.
- Comment on When people say that apps are stealing your data, what exactly does that mean? 1 year ago:
Except Google isn’t my employer or my ISP and (increasingly) isn’t the website I visited.