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Want a 3D printer in New York? Get ready for fingerprinting and a 15 day wait
Assembly Bill A8132 has been assigned a “Same As” bill in the Senate: S8586 [] [A8132 - 2023]
I don’t own a gun, I never have and I don’t plan to at any time in the future. But if these pass in the NYS Senate and Congress, it would be required to submit fingerprints for a background check then wait 15 days, before you could own any “COMPUTER OR COMPUTER-DRIVEN MACHINE OR DEVICE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING A THREE-DIMENSIONAL OBJECT FROM A DIGITAL MODEL.”
This isn’t even going to stop any crimes from happening, for pity sakes regular guns end up in criminal charges all the time, regardless of background check laws. How about some real change and effective measures, rather then virtue-signaling and theater illusion for a constituency? 1 year ago
As usual, I have to wonder first if anyone actually put any thought into this, and further if anyone thought how the fuck they’re going to enforce it. This is just manufacturing one step removed… Anyone willing to make a gun with a 3D printer is certainly capable and willing of building their own 3D printer as well.
Or buying/building a milling machine. Or a lathe. Or a drill, a hacksaw, and some files.
Down this road lies madness. 1 year ago
If they cared more about making our society safer, they’d pay teachers more, build more homes, quintuple minimum wage, make education cheaper or free, actually tax the rich, reign in corpos, reform the police, abolish for profit prisons, make healthcare affordable and accessible, remove money from politics, just to start.
But nah, virtue signaling is way easier and is clearly enough to get them re elected, so let’s ban 3D printers baby! 1 year ago
Damn it’s good to see this list. I’ve been preaching it for years now. Gun control is virtue signaling bullshit, it will not solve the problem because guns aren’t the issue. Our society is deeply troubled and we need to fix the why’s, and not the what tool was used.
I’d wager UBI and single payer alone safety needs would have violence over all drop by 50+% 1 year ago
Even rightwingers here demand more: build homes for everyone, tenfold minimum wage, more funding for universal education, more funding for UHC. 1 year ago
Or even better, just going across the state line and buying one. 1 year ago
Don’t tempt them. New York cops will already pull over cars crossing the bridges and have been known to fine and/or arrest people for bringing in cigarettes bought out of state. 1 year ago 1 year ago
That’s a myth - It’s a felony offense for gun stores to sell guns to non residents of the state they’re in. 1 year ago
Can you imagine world where working class can’t own means of production? But you don’t need to, it already exists. 1 year ago
Well said.