- Comment on fishies 1 week ago:
Tool use? Any examples of this, cause that sounds like it would be cool to learn about.
- Comment on bought a glass too small for my fridge so I fixed it 3d printing 3 weeks ago:
Id love to know how you got the first layer to stick, I couldn’t get my Cr-30 to print anything more then spaghetti.
- Comment on The Protesters' Guide to Smartphone Security 1 month ago:
- Don’t bring it
- Don’t talk about anyone or anything even remotely linked to the protest in earshot of it
- Comment on Elon Musk wants the U.S. to “Liberate the people Britain from their tyrannical government” 1 month ago:
US here, we need to worry about our own government right now, and many of us wish Musk would drive his own Cyber truck to test dummy it’s ‘features’ personally. As a US citizen I am sorry the oligarchy is a pain for you as well.
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 2 months ago:
My Super-name would have to be Shitstorm
- Comment on Will pilots-less airplanes happens first, or driver-less cars? Why? 2 months ago:
Driver less cars, because cars in the US have less safety regulation and laws applying to them, so the US is likely to continue trying to make them a working technology. Planes already have alot of automation, but law requires a human pilot with alot of training.
- Comment on Wubuntu: The lovechild of Windows and Linux nobody asked for 2 months ago:
Oh sweet, man-made horror beyond my compression
- Comment on Pakistani religious body declares using VPN is against Islamic law 3 months ago:
This is plainly insane.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster has decreed to me that VPN use is totally cool and his worshipers should feel ok using them. 🍝
- Comment on Why do cell phones have a data limit but home internet doesn't? 4 months ago:
Not all home internet is unlimited. In many US rural areas, home internet connections have a monthly cap just like mobile networks do. A higher cap costs more, if it’s available at all.
- Comment on How do I plug this in? Old Black & Decker Hedge Trimmer. 5 months ago:
- Comment on An out-of-warranty battery almost left this paralyzed man’s exoskeleton useless 5 months ago:
Because to them, it is no different. They aren’t making money off what they have deemed ‘out of production’ equipment, so the search for endless profits means they need a ‘new’ machine to be bought at a frequent pace.
It’s about profits, not people. Bottom line rather then bottomless life.
- Comment on New Email Scam Includes Pictures of Your House. Don’t Fall For It. 5 months ago:
Watching me while I’m browsing the net?
- Comment on Has anyone let David Icke know about this? 5 months ago:
Just tested, can confirm it’s true. Gotta be really careful how you fold it though, and the only way to ‘double’ it is to put it against a mirror.
- Comment on I have no idea how to react to this. 5 months ago:
Circus music 🤡
- Comment on Has it ever been proven that arsonists stick around for their fires? Or give themselves relief while watching them? Or is it just a trope? 5 months ago:
Isn’t this really close to the plot of Fahrenheit 451?
- Comment on Men: What sequence do you fellow to dry your body off after showering or bathing? 5 months ago:
I use a terrycloth robe as my towel. I dry my hair with the back, then put it on and head to my bedroom to get dressed. I’m dry when I get to the dresser.
- Comment on UK's first 'teacherless' AI classroom set to open in London 5 months ago:
“B is for Buy-n-Large, your very best friend.”
- Comment on How the fuck do you meet new people? 6 months ago:
If your local library isn’t too far, you could go there. Most public library’s have events or clubs they host, ours has it all on a corkboard near the door so people can see what’s coming up. If you pick one, you know what the other people in it are interested in (for the hours they’re at the club or event anyway) and you can use that as a starting point. If one club or event doesn’t work for you, try a different one next time, you’ll most likely meet a whole new bunch of people with a different topic of interest.
- Comment on banana slugs 6 months ago:
Ma’am this is a Wendy’s
- Comment on Loyalty 7 months ago:
I don’t think Mr. Butterworth would appreciate you filling his wife with your syrup.
- Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video ↗Submitted 8 months ago to | 14 comments
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months ago:
The egg came first. To the chickens disappointment and, who left to find a more satisfying partner.
- Comment on Megafauna 10 months ago:
- Comment on Are We Transitioning From Capitalism to Silicon Serfdom? 1 year ago:
I see someone else also listens to Factually! podcasts.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 113 comments
- Comment on How many Star Trek fans will see red because they don't see red? 1 year ago:
No Man’s Sky
- Comment on Do "chest pillows" hurt for women to do? 1 year ago:
- Comment on I Donated My Eggs to Help Pay Off My Student Loans 1 year ago:
Then you didn’t donate anything, you sold it.
“I sold some of my own body parts to try and escape crushing debt.”
There, fixed that for you. Unfortunately, many of us are in the same boat, so I sincerely hope you can escape now, good luck.
- Comment on Is there any christian religions that don't believe in space? 1 year ago:
But her religion specifically says to go forth and multiply! /s
- Comment on NY bill would require a criminal history background check for the purchase of a 3D printer 1 year ago:
The logic of this is nonexistent. An argument could be made very convincingly that cars are dangerous to allow in the hands of criminals. 2 tons of metal, well known for and capable of ending a life, with the ability to aid criminal enterprises and avoidance of law enforcement. So should car sales now require a criminal background check? All this would do is further disenfranchise convicted felons, regardless of the actual crime committed, and create new difficulties for a group that includes a very high percentage of people already proven to give no shits about the law who will find and exploit ways to continue activities despite any laws attempting to restrict them.