Title says it all, what was the first game you remember playing and had fond memories of?
For me it was the PS1, and hearing the OG Crash Bandicoot theme song never gets old for me, got it as my ringtone too!
Submitted 1 year ago by Tekkip20@lemmy.world to games@lemmy.world
Title says it all, what was the first game you remember playing and had fond memories of?
For me it was the PS1, and hearing the OG Crash Bandicoot theme song never gets old for me, got it as my ringtone too!
Pong n a DEC PDP 11.
Pong for me too but on a Sears Sports Center pong console:
Everyone else posting about Atari 2600, C-64, and NES. I think you may also win the thread on the only still supported platform with PDP 11 support extended to the year 2050.
Same here. I really am ancient,lol. I’d thought it might have been a Magnavox console,but they were sears diehards(no pun intended) back then. Makes sense. Even had the giant cylinder paddles with it,but no gun.
On my dad´s 386 PC: Prince of Persia, Dune II, Doom
On my Amiga 500: Turrican I + II, Street Fighter II, Lemmings I + II
Well my first game I think it was Duck Hunt with my family and I didn’t understand how to play it lmao.
But the game I’ve ever played alone for the first time was Mega Man & Bass on an zsnes emulator on our family pc.
Mario/duck hunt for NES
I’m pretty sure it was Pong on a dedicated console from Sears. I remember playing Pong when I was super young, but I don’t remember if that was at the same time as us getting an Atari 2600 or not.
Was it pong with two gigantic, wired controllers with turn knows? That’s what we had
I can’t remember if it was the one with wired controllers or the one with one box that had two wheels
OG NES Duck Hunt.
Wolfenstein, in my dad's office on his work computer while he was teaching.
Dad's colleague: [sticks his head in the door] Hey, what are you doing?
Me: Killing Nazis with a Gatling gun.
Colleague: Oh, well that's good [comes in to watch].
Pokemon blue on gameboy or Super Mario 64… both were around the same time I think.
Just got retroarch setup with all N64 games so the nostalgia train is about to start rollin’!
Pokemon Yellow over here, with by brother getting Pokemon Red.
It might be Jak & Dexter: TPL.
Super Solvers was my shiiiiit!
Oh man, my family loved Super Solvers Midnight Rescue! I vividly remember playing that with my older siblings, but our monitor was green and black, no color, so I’d never actually seen it before in color. But the music stuck with me and probably sparked my love for In the Hall of The Mountain King.
Also had Ernie’s magic shapes and colors… which was pretty hard to do when everything is green. What were my parents thinking buying a color matching game without a color monitor?
Total annihilation on pc. That game was dope when I was a young teen.
PONG in the late 70s, at a pizza parlor.
Probably The Incredible Machine (aka TIM)
Jazz JackRabbit on MS-DOS on my dad’s computer.
I have very fond memories of playing Freddie Fish in our local library while my father thought I was going to children’s choir stuff (I hated it and was hanging out in the library instead, just to be back in time, when my father came to pick me up again).
Tetris on the OG Gameboy
On a dedicated pong computer… Only had pong, and nothing else…
Sonic the Hedgehog on Mega Drive (Genesis).
Me too! First game console and the only game I had for a while. I played that game to death.
First PC game? Math Blaster on a Macintosh 128K
First console game? Super Mario Bros.
The original Super Mario Bros on the NES, purchased for me by my grandmother.
NES Batman
Oh, that soundtrack… Great game!
Oh my god yeah, I can’t even tell you how riveted I was as soon as the music started playing. I didn’t realise games could make you feel cool
Got a NES with Mario and Gradius as a Christmas present. Opened the present with Gradius first and had no clue what it was but that would be the first game I ever played. Then running into the goomba in Mario like everyone did :)
Prob some racing game on Commodore 64. Or Mario on NES. It’s hard to remember.
On PC though, Little Big Adventure 2.
Combat on the Atari 2600.
Store near me had 30+ copies of Combat for 1USD each. I regret not buying them all, but I was an EXTREMELY broke teen.
I’m pretty sure it was Paperboy on one of those Tiger Handhelds. Looking them up now brings back memories.
I can’t remember if I played this first, or Tetris. It was probably pretty close for me?
I had a Commodore 64. I played Ultima 3 and Archon (wizard's chest) as my first games I really liked.
Original pong, at the Toronto international boat Show, probably in about 1977.
Super Mario Bros. 3 on the NES.
cyborganism@lemmy.ca 1 year ago
Super Mario Bros on the NES. I remember getting super frustrated and throwing a tantrum because I couldn’t figure out how to jump over the second hole. Hahahaha man I was pathetic.
Rhynoplaz@lemmy.world 1 year ago
That first goomba killed me three times in a row. Took a little bit to figure out the timing.
Rai@lemmy.dbzer0.com 1 year ago
Hell yeah. I played duck hunt first, because my dumb ass didn’t understand a controller but cold BANG BANG at that fucking dog.
Then I discovered Mario.
Third was Dig Dug. I hate Dig Dug.
Rainbow Island was my shit.