Italy bans cultivated meat products::New law prohibits the production or sale of cultivated meat in Italy, with fines of up to €60,000
So they’re banning what’s likely the “end all, be all” meat replacement in the (hopefully not so distant) future just so that being a “livestock farmer” remains viable? 1 year ago
more like the only nation to consider all cultivated meat a problem instead of regulating it. 1 year ago
yeah 2 things humans just will never solve for, better shut it down. shut it all down. 1 year ago
It’s funny how you can replace synthetic food in that sentence with almost anything and it makes as much sense as the original sentence. 7 months ago
It’s like 90% of Italy’s mindset 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
(Really tho, if we start regulating stuff there would be shit rules)