- Comment on Britain’s Social Security has banned its staff from using ChatGPT—but it’s okay with Microsoft Copilot 1 year ago:
You mean apart from Social Security Scotland?
- Comment on Noob question about PiHole 1 year ago:
RFC 2182 details the operation and functionality of secondary DNS servers. Which defines/influences how resolvers behave with multiple DNS servers.
- Comment on Noob question about PiHole 1 year ago:
When you specify more than one DNS server for network clients, the order in which these servers are used is not random. The following sequence is observed:
Primary DNS Server: Clients will first attempt to use the primary DNS server specified in their network settings. This server is often considered the default.
Secondary DNS Server: If the primary DNS server is unavailable or unable to resolve a query, clients will then attempt to use the secondary DNS server. This server acts as a backup.
So in OPs case his Pihole will always be used if it’s available, and only when it’s not will the secondary be used.
- Comment on Google Will Turn Off Cookies for 30 Million People on January 4 1 year ago:
I get the distinct feeling that the EU will have something to say about a US tech giant baking spyware into web browser that EU citizens use.
- Comment on Broadcom ends VMware perpetual license sales, testing customers and partners 1 year ago:
I first deployed ESX back in 2003 and from then on I was a huge fan of VMware. So, watching Broadcoms changes unfold is a little sad.
What i really wanted to ask is, for meduim to large enterprises that want on-prem infrastructures what are their options nowadays? I don’t work in this area any more so I’m out of touch.
- Comment on Italy bans cultivated meat products 1 year ago:
They can’t stop synth meat coming in at the minute, but they can after they decide to Italeave… that doesn’t sound as good as Brexit, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened.
- Comment on Amazon is blocking promotions of employees who don't comply with its return-to-office policy, leaked documents show 1 year ago:
Coersive Exclusion usually falls under the Equalities Act in the UK and against one of the protected criteria in the act but Nationwide Building Society recently lost a court case against them regarding forced office attendance. I don’t remember the specifics but it may he worth reading up on.
I will add, I’m no legal expert. My advice would be for your friend to speak to Citizens Advice Bureau or a solicitor to see whether they have a case.
- Comment on Amazon is blocking promotions of employees who don't comply with its return-to-office policy, leaked documents show 1 year ago:
This article is very specifically talking about coercive exclusion which is illegal in the UK under employment law. Maybe in other countries too.
- Comment on UK inflation falls sharply to 4.6% 1 year ago:
Not an opinion, just a genuine question. What are peoples thoughts on the inflation figures from ONS, do you think they are accurate?
- Comment on Samsung disables customer phones remotely, holds data hostage until Mexican government stepped in - YouTube 1 year ago:
This sort of thing needs stopped before it gets out of hand.
- Comment on Solar energy storage breakthrough could make European households self-sufficient 1 year ago:
This is great and a step in the right direction, roll on self-sufficient streets, villages, and towns.
- Comment on Leaks confirm low takeup for Windows 11 1 year ago:
This has actually been on Microsoft’s internal roadmap for a while now. The bigger goal is to move to a Desktop as a Service model for Windows.
- Comment on Slack Vs Microsoft Teams — Which App Is Better For Your Privacy & Security? [Mozilla Foundation] 1 year ago:
Microsoft are incredibly talented… at buying software that’s great and then ruining it! Live Comms Server was bought then they bought Skype, both were good, and they slowly but surely turned into the Shambles known as Teams.
They have quite the record of pulling off this stunt.