- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
Thanks I’ll give it a shot
- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
For some reason New Pipe just doesn’t work on my me device
- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
Ad blockers are useful for more than just YouTube. So they are not going anywhere. However it will be a bummer if we can no longer block YouTube ads.
On android I have to endure the ads but on desktop I never see them.
- Comment on Authy got hacked, and 33 million user phone numbers were stolen 7 months ago:
I highly recommend 1Password. It’s cross platform, including Linux, and it’s not only a great and sort l super secure password manager, but it also does 2FA codes and if you use their auto fill tool, it will also paste the 2FA code to clipboard so you can paste it in seamlessly.
Everything is full encrypted and needs a really long, unique to you, key to decrypt. So no one will be hacking this anytime soon. Even 1Password cannot open your vault.
- Comment on Tech Firms Prey on Poor Under Guise of Expanding Access to Financial Services 8 months ago:
I don’t like this Altman guy I’ve bit. He’s a punk. I think it was a mistake on Apple’s part to partner with him.
Let’s hope they can offer alternatives in the near future.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
They’ve been dodgy since day 1.
- Comment on Windows 11 just isn't enticing Windows 10 users to upgrade, and its market share is actually falling 9 months ago:
I use Linux at home exclusively (Linux Mint Debian Edition).
Don’t need Windows for anything but when I worked Enterprise IT the move to Windows 10 was a massive pain but we finally got it working and it wasn’t too bad as an OS. There is no reason why you’d want to upgrade.
As for home users, from my experience people don’t like change. If you move a single shortcut on the desktop , they are lost and panic .
So changing the entire look of the UI is not something people want. Plus Windows 10 auto update borked some windows 7 systems so users with that memory won’t be keen to repeat it by upgrading to 11.
- Comment on Is Android increasingly inconsistent? 9 months ago:
I’ve not had any such issues. Runs like a dream on my Xperia 10iii
- Comment on Huawei's woes really were just a flesh wound – profits just soared 564 percent 9 months ago:
No it’s not that. Huawei has a very good name in China and new models sell out in minutes.
Thanks to the US ban Huawei hands had to put a lot of work into making their own OS, ecosystem and CPU chips.
And they’ve managed to pull it off. They have some very clever people working there.
- Comment on Google layoffs: Sundar Pichai-led company fires entire Python team for ‘cheaper labour’ 10 months ago:
- Comment on Google layoffs: Sundar Pichai-led company fires entire Python team for ‘cheaper labour’ 10 months ago:
The only staff who need firing is Sundar. Google and android should have been easy better by now but he made them stagnant.
Android is still the best mobile os but it could have been even better under better leadership. Plus they could have enabled and experimented with the OEM’s to allow for additional hardware buttons, button remapping, a native Dex on all Androids, official gcam port to all OEM’s so they don’t need to make their own camera algorithms and even the cheapest droid could have had flagship level cameras.
And we haven’t even touched on software yet…
Fire his useless ass
- Comment on The Tech Baron Seeking to “Ethnically Cleanse” San Francisco 10 months ago:
Grey suits. Where have I seen that before?🤔
- Comment on Why is Windows 11 so annoying? 10 months ago:
It’s made by Microsoft. That’s reason enough
- Comment on Google Contract Shows Deal With Israel Defense Ministry 10 months ago:
Did you not see him type into Yahoo who the major shareholders are of the companies in question? And the results? It was very clear.
- Comment on Google Contract Shows Deal With Israel Defense Ministry 10 months ago:
I saw a documentary recently where they show how virtually all the worlds brands are owned by BlackRock as the largest shareholder.
BlackRock has 4 major shareholders: Rothschild’s, Du Pont, Rockefeller and one other I forgot. Rothschild’s holds the larger share.
The same Rothschilds who boast about creating the state of Israel.
Whatever you use, Apple, Google, Coke, Pepsi, Amazon, Boeing, Airbus, whichever car you can name, they basically own it. And all your money goes to them.
It’s near impossible to escape their grasp. So don’t waste your time unless you self host at home or find truly independent alternatives.
- Comment on "Best" Mac browser: Your view 11 months ago:
I run Linux but only and recommend Firefox. Cross device sync is the best I’ve ever seen, the add ons library is good, you can theme it and it works well for me. Plus there’s no chrome bs on there and the privacy defaults are good.
For search I use Google because it’s still the best. And the others typically just give you Google results anyway. If you want Google results but without the tracking, in theory, look at Startpage.
- Comment on The platform era is ending. Rather than build new Twitters and Facebooks, we can create a stuff-posting system that works better for everybody. 11 months ago:
Not going to happen. The majority of users are tech illiterate. They have no idea to set this up nor any desire to pay domain name fees and web hosting fees…
Only a few techies like us might do it but nothing more than that.
Plus it doesn’t work the way they think. I already have a blog and occasionally post there and share it to social media. All the interaction, if there is any, happens on social, not on my blog.
Blogs are simply a place to post long form content but not designed for massive amount of replies and social interaction.
- Comment on What Boeing’s Door-Plug Debacle Says About the Future of Aviation Safety 11 months ago:
What it says is, don’t buy Boeing, buy Airbus instead.
For years I’ve always checked that the plane I’m on is an Airbus because the few Boeing’s I’ve been on rattled like mad and the build quality and materials used were clearly rubbish. I’m not surprised the doors are falling off…
- Comment on why are you using your launcher? 11 months ago:
Definitely Nova, the beta version. The beta version has way smoother animations if you’re on Android 12 and above, compared to 7.
Of course it has more features including a great search function.
On top of that my main reason is to change the icons, be able to control the transparency and colour of the icons in the top bar and set up my app drawer and dock how I like. Plus being able to set the density of the hinge screen and have widgets overlap etc
Plus Nova is faster than my stock launcher.
- Comment on Smartphone Keyboard Information Bonanza: What's available and what's best for your needs 1 year ago:
I’ve been through quite a few keyboards both open source and closed and they pretty much all suck. In the end I found Gboard to be the only viable option.
I did go into settings and disable all the data sharing, uploading/downloading options so in theory it should send nothing to the cloud.
It’s swipe typing is also best of the rest at the moment. I swipe type 99% of the time
- Comment on Thanks to OpenAI, it's never been clearer that Sundar Pichai is Google's Steve Ballmer 1 year ago:
I agree. It’s time Sundar hits retirement and they put someone more visionary at the top.
Google has become seriously stale.
I was just remembering how back in 2010 on my iPhone 4S I could receive a text message while driving and tell Siri to read it to me, with no internet connection. And it would, and I could reply by Siri as well
But my current Android phone (I love Android it’s really great overall) cannot do that if I don’t have an internet connection!
Why??? Why haven’t they baked certain basic offline capabilities into Assistant and only need internet for search queries? Makes no sense but it’s one of those small indicators that Sundar is not paying attention.
- Comment on The Fairphone 5 is less about what comes in the box and more about what you get over the years 1 year ago:
No offence but I don’t think this phone will be any good in a few years because of the CPU choice.
If it’s already sluggish now, what will it be like in 5 years? Unusable.
- Comment on Why Charging Your Gadgets Over 80% Is Such a Bad Idea | iFixit News 1 year ago:
Very ironic.
That’s why I just tell it to be full by morning because I purposely bought a phone with a great battery . Why would I want to hamper it by 20%???
- Comment on AI Generated Videos Just Changed Forever (OpenAI Sora) 1 year ago:
Sounds like good motivation for the machines to kill us off and keep the resources for themselves
- Comment on AI Generated Videos Just Changed Forever (OpenAI Sora) 1 year ago:
Instead of using robots to replace menial jobs and help humans who have physical labour jobs, they’ve invented a tool that will get rid of all white collar jobs, forcing us all into manual, low paid labour jobs.
Taxes will fall off a cliff and life will get really bad because the state won’t have money to maintain the country. Companies making Ai content won’t be able to sell it because no one can has money to buy it. In general all product sales will fall off a cliff, except for food, and many companies will close, resulting in mass unemployment and eventually collapse of society …
Great job morons!
- Comment on Cisco to lay off more than 4,000 employees to focus on artificial intelligence 1 year ago:
Another idiot company who seriously thinks this will work. All that will happen is the remaining employees will have to work twice as hard to keep things afloat but the CEO will give Ai the credit…
- Comment on Why Charging Your Gadgets Over 80% Is Such a Bad Idea | iFixit News 1 year ago:
They talk about Apple but Sony phones have had this feature for a while. In the settings you can choose whether the phone is always 100% charged, or whether it charges to 80% (or a custom %) or whether you want it full by the time you wake up.
I use the 3rd option. It stops charging when it gets to 90% and I tell it when I’m getting up, and just before it will charge up to 100 %.
Best of both worlds. Only ever having 80% to start is not nice because you get less juice during the day and need to charge by the evening. Plus battery anxiety. I’d rather have a 100% full battery.
Clearly newer, better battery tech is needed. Plus replaceable batteries.
- Comment on Apple fans are starting to return their Vision Pros 1 year ago:
Apple is ahead but Qualcomm is not far behind. Plus even the current chips are already powerful enough for this stuff. A Snapdragon Gen 3 should be able to power a headset I would have thought.
- Comment on Apple is officially dropping iPhone support for web apps in the EU - The Verge 1 year ago:
Apple really sucks hard! What a terrible company! 🤮🤮
- Comment on Apple fans are starting to return their Vision Pros 1 year ago:
Lol. Thanks. But I take don’t give a crap about up or downvotes. I literally never look at that ever. I just want to get my opinion out and see what other people’s opinions are.
But you’re right, it’s probably the isheep…