- Comment on After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year 9 months ago:
I’ve been a paying member for almost a decade. I’ve been training it that entire time with what I do and don’t like. I’ve also been using their suggested playlists for years and further refining what they recommend. So their algorithm is a huge part of it for me. I am constantly finding songs and artists I wouldn’t have been exposed to otherwise.
That said, I’ve been holding my nose while I renewed the service for the past couple of years. I’m willing to part ways for Tidal if it’s a comparable service with better benefits to the artists.
- Comment on space 10 months ago:
The name TARDIS is literally the solution, “Time And Relative Dimension In Space”.
- Comment on Elon Musk says his posts did more to ‘financially impair’ X than help it 10 months ago:
He’s not self aware. He’s making himself the victim.
- Comment on wigglin 11 months ago:
Seriously. I’m tired of those goons parroting the usual magenda.
- Comment on Green dye being poured into ballot boxes, throwing a petrol bomb near a polling station: protests across Russia and in occupied Ukraine on the first day of voting in Russian presidential elections 11 months ago:
Took me a second to figure out the meaning of the green dye.
- Comment on Air Canada must honor refund policy invented by airline’s chatbot 1 year ago:
- Comment on Why do we have an internal monologue? 1 year ago:
If that doesn’t work, turn on the tv and try to repeat the words you hear immediately after you hear them, but absolutely silently. The goal is to echo the television ij your head.
In between what you hear and what you silently say, your brain repeats the words.
That is your internal monologue.
Now imagine you’re trying to sleep and the asshole part of your brain starts talking about the reality dumb-ass shit you did 25 years ago…
Now imagine that you just got a song stuck in your head. You know the song really well… and you can’t stop repeating the hook in your mind.
It’s your brain silently reading the captions of the narration of the images of your train of thought.
- Comment on Work placement rewards om 2044 1 year ago:
Strong Severance vibes here.
Most guys in my department want a Waffle Party, but I’d be happy with a Music Dance Experience. I’d also like an egg bar, but who wouldn’t? After all, the egg bar is coveted as fuck.
- Comment on Netflix Resumes Advertising on X After Elon Musk Controversy 1 year ago:
Lol. Sure sure.
- Comment on A scandal about Bill Gates would be called Bill Gates-gate. 1 year ago:
Beat me to it.
- Comment on Trump saying he'll be a dictator only on day 1 is the strategy of normalizing it. 1 year ago:
Seriously. He’ll absolutely use this as an excuse to boot. He’ll continue doing dictator things because his shitheel people will react so positively…
- Comment on Fake babies, real horror: Deepfakes from the Gaza war increase fears about AI's power to mislead 1 year ago:
I’ve seen photos someone in Israel with connections has of Palestinians posing as dead with fake blood, with the Al Jazeera photographer standing by to take the photo or video, and afterwards the “dead” children all get up and cleaned up.
Where? Where have you seen that?
- Comment on Programmer tries to explain binary search to the police 1 year ago:
A police officer being unable to think in such a fashion is exactly why no one could solve the see-saw riddle on Brooklyn 99.
- Comment on Italy bans cultivated meat products 1 year ago:
- Comment on Banana Pi BPI-M7 - More Reasons to Avoid the Raspberry Pi 1 year ago:
Case in point: a number of years ago I knew a kid who was smart enough to flash Tomato on his router, enable SSH and even install a bunch of Entware packages. But he wasn’t intelligent enough to change the SSH port from 22 or leave the remote access disabled.
Fast forward a month or two and his ISP tells him that they traced some pretty serious botnet shenanigans to his IP.
Just because someone is smart enough to use a device doesn’t necessarily mean they’re intelligent enough to use it safely.
- Comment on Games that my non-gamer girlfriend can watch me playing? 1 year ago:
Horizon Zero Dawn. It actually got my wife to put her Switch away and watch. That’s saying something.
- Comment on What happened to the flat earthers who demonstrated that the earth is round in the netfilx documentary ? 1 year ago:
I didn’t even know a horse could do that!
- Comment on bro pls 1 year ago:
You sound like a man who hates sand.
- Comment on xkcd #2849: Under the Stars 1 year ago:
I want to get mad at your comment, but I can’t because I agree.
- Comment on Elon Musk Offers to Also Ruin Wikipedia 1 year ago:
- Comment on Tired Of Being Ripped Off By Monopolies, Cleveland Launches Ambitious Plan To Provide Citywide Dirt Cheap Broadband 1 year ago:
The Browns tried like hell to lose the last two games but the officials just wouldn’t let them.