Commercial Flights Are Experiencing ‘Unthinkable’ GPS Attacks and Nobody Knows What to Do::New “spoofing” attacks resulting in total navigation failure have been occurring above the Middle East for months, which is “highly significant” for airline safety.
The planes first received spoofed GPS signals, meaning signals designed to fool planes’ systems into thinking they are flying miles away from their real location. One of the aircraft almost flew into Iranian airspace without permission
Tomorrow Never Dies continues to be bizarrely relevant. 1 year ago
TL:DR: Israel is the source of the spoofing. 1 year ago
Wow. The state of Israel is really piling on the reasons to hate it these days. 1 year ago
It was doing this for decades but Western countries only start hearing about it.
Social media have prevailed over classic media, and this time they have proven to be harder to steer. 1 year ago
And Iran, according to the article 1 year ago
Israel Iran and Russia be like 1 year ago
And Russia was doing it just a few years ago, too. 1 year ago
The article says the spoofing was first recorded in September from Iran, then Israel started doing some after the October Hammas attacks 1 year ago
Iran has been doing this shit for decades. I’m sure Israel has too.
Basically, they figure out what a GPS receiver would hear if it was receiving signals from a specific location, say “London”. They then broadcast those exact signals. Any receiver that hears them now thinks it is in “London”.
Update the spoofed location based on the aircraft’s actual position and its intended destination, and you can get it to go where you want it.
If the aircraft is trying to fly to London, for example, and you want it to turn to the east of its track, you start spoofing a location west of London. The aircraft thinks it is west of London, and turns to the east to get to spoofed-London. 1 year ago
Actually, the issue is far more complicated than that.