- Comment on "PSN isn't supported in my country. What do I do?" Arrowhead CEO: "I don't know" 10 months ago:
Make Sony continue to pour money into the servers
I work in IT. I can pretty much guarantee that server load for a game like this is nonexistent from a cost perspective. They’re not going to be using cloud services, they’re going to privately host because it’s way cheaper. Early days playercount woes were before they added more nodes to their solution. Whatever cost they had for servers is already paid. Electricity and facilities costs are whatever because they are paying it anyway. They can’t just fire the people maintaining their solution either but that’s also baby bucks compared to the money spent building this thing or marketing it.
Gaming protests of popular games never work unless the objective doesn’t alter the bottom line.
- Comment on Tesla profits nosedive as more job cuts announced 10 months ago:
- Comment on What will happen to large companies once poor people have no more money to use? 10 months ago:
weird, my single mom driving beaters could afford short driving trips (2 hours is short to me.) We did mostly go to a campground that was less than 15 minutes drive away from home though.
We heavily used food pantries though, literally every single week. No air conditioning, bunny ears on our simple tv, school bus rides to school. We even went a couple years without hot water when our hot water heater broke down just boiling water on the stove.
Everyone’s experience is different though. Though I was in one of the poorest families in my hometown. None of my aunts, uncles or parents own their own home today and they’re 50s and 60s now. The sacrifices of growing up in a wealthy middle class town will enable me to buy a house. Going to see an open house in 35 minutes!
- Comment on What will happen to large companies once poor people have no more money to use? 10 months ago:
Campgrounds are everywhere and one in under a 2 hour drive is very doable throughout your whole life for a family vacation. You won’t lose access to that.
Housing costs will swing back. We’re around the point where we were in the last housing market crash. Prices are at the edge of affordability for the middle class. Mortgages are higher than what can be rented. One market course correction and a ton of people lose their houses and the market collapses again.
They’re doing everything they can to try and stop the collapse but homes are still increasing in price way more quickly than wages. Just a matter of time.
- Comment on What will happen to large companies once poor people have no more money to use? 10 months ago:
People who work full-time jobs used to be middle class. Living wages, affordable housing, yearly vacations, etc.
Do you call camping in a campground a “family vacation” ? because that’s as far as my family had growing up in a pensioned job. We never could afford air travel, fancy new TVs, new cars… our house was very basic, we always drove beaters, we spent years without one thing or another to make it work.
This isn’t the current generation, or the last one, this was even earlier.
Just trying to understand when this idea that anybody in any job could have the white picket fence and world class quality of life. I don’t think that’s ever been the case for the poorest full time workers or even the bottom 50%.
- Comment on Amazon's Just Walk Out technology relies on hundreds of workers in India watching you shop 11 months ago:
Jesus christ these headlines mislead everything.
They were using machine learning to try and figure out what people were buying. Machine learning has lots of errors until you train it. The “hundreds of workers” were training it by telling it what each thing was.
The goal was to train ML enough so that humans were rarely necessary, obviously.
- Comment on Cable lobby vows “years of litigation” to avoid bans on blocking and throttling 11 months ago:
Innovation is part of the executive buzzword bingo board for all announcements.
It doesn’t actually mean anything to these people. The only thing that has weight is what will enrich the wealth of the ownership class (shareholders.)
- Comment on Bernie Sanders unveils 32-hour workweek bill 11 months ago:
It’ll affect a lot of the worst jobs. It’ll make construction stupid expensive.
I do think a 32 hour work week should be doable. Overtime exemptions are utter bullshit across the board though.
- Comment on Bernie Sanders unveils 32-hour workweek bill 11 months ago:
There’s an FLSA exemption for making over $107,432/week. That’s the threshold for no more overtime.
In Boston that wage is on the low side of office worker pay over 30yo.
- Comment on Bernie Sanders unveils 32-hour workweek bill 11 months ago:
Yes, the bill is just an amendment for FLSA that changes hourly workers thresholds. It does not remove exemptions in any way. www.sanders.senate.gov/…/WIL241041.pdf
- Comment on Bernie Sanders unveils 32-hour workweek bill 11 months ago:
90% of my company is salary
This 32 hour workweek act will not apply to you. It only applies to non-exempt workers as it’s an amendment to FLSA. FLSA provides exemptions to overtime based on income or certain responsibilities. It’s also very often mis-applied by businesses who do not want to pay workers for overtime and very rarely challenged.
My industry is IT. It’s very common that IT support workers making under the income threshold are given exempt status even though their responsibilities are not exempt job duties. There are a shitload of IT support workers.
- Comment on Bernie Sanders unveils 32-hour workweek bill 11 months ago:
There are 40,134 people employed in the Nuclear Power industry in the US as of 2023.
In February 2024, the U.S. civilian labor force was ~167,430,000 people.
Yeah, let’s scrap the whole thing for 00.024%
I also feel VERY safe knowing that our nuclear plants are staffed by people working 12+ hour shifts, there’s no way anyone is tired or would make mistakes towards the end of those shifts at all. Gotta keep that status quo of keeping our nuclear workers from being able to see their families… or just hire a 3rd shift and cut the bullshit.
- Comment on The DMA already having an impact. Brave Browser installs surge after introduction of browser choice splash screen on iOS. 11 months ago:
I mean sure I guess… but brave as a browser is atrocious. I don’t trust their bullshit at all.
After all who doesn’t want a crypto wallet in their browser? that’s the safest place for it right?
- Comment on Yuzu is gone. 11 months ago:
You think no one will pick up the old code and work on it?
You think the original devs won’t consider going back at it through a means that is anonymous and minimizes their risk?
- Comment on Reddit user content being sold to AI company in $60M/year deal 1 year ago:
I can see it now, that ai model is going to be really, really fucking angry. lol
- Comment on 'We don't have shareholders, but we also don't think about them,' Larian Studios uses its stage time at the DICE Awards to speak out against a brutal industry climate 1 year ago:
“hurr durr nobody else has does it yet so clearly it can never happen”
Nobody else has 70%+ market share. The others are all competing for a bigger slice, they can’t afford to be predatory.
The market leader can and the rest will follow suit. Haven’t you seen overdraft charges (just now having laws change…decades after becoming a problem), minimal interest rates on savings accounts, ads in streaming services across the board, a reigning in of account sharing based on IP addresses for streaming services…
I get that you just can’t imagine a world where your game library is RIPPED out of your hands after a 30 day notice of service changes… i’ve seen it happen time and time again for various platforms and games. Digital services can and will fuck you eventually.
Signed: Hellgate London lifetime subscription holder
- Comment on 'We don't have shareholders, but we also don't think about them,' Larian Studios uses its stage time at the DICE Awards to speak out against a brutal industry climate 1 year ago:
Okay, I know nothing at all!
Hope you enjoy your Steam game library being ripped out of your hands or a forced subscription or recurring purchase or mandatory timed video ads showing up whenever someone who can make decisions for the future of the Valve LLC believes that is the right decision.
The fact is, whoever has possession (e.g. OWNERSHIP) of the decisions for a company can choose to do this, to not do this, or to do something else, or nothing at all. Inevitably decisions by whoever owns that control will change from the predecessors and eventually someone or some combination of someones constituting the deciding majority will sell out. No one lives forever.
- Comment on 'We don't have shareholders, but we also don't think about them,' Larian Studios uses its stage time at the DICE Awards to speak out against a brutal industry climate 1 year ago:
I’m sorry my opinion and analysis of these things is different than yours. I guess the difference between you and I is that i’d rather us both have a chance to voice those opinions rather than simply silence what you do not believe in.
- Comment on Controversial benchmarking website goes behind paywall — Userbenchmark now requires a $10 monthly subscription 1 year ago:
- Comment on 'We don't have shareholders, but we also don't think about them,' Larian Studios uses its stage time at the DICE Awards to speak out against a brutal industry climate 1 year ago:
shareholders…owners… who cares about the vernacular. There’s always the ownership. An organization of any size is only as good as it’s current ownership.
People grow old and eventually die. When ownership passes on from someone who isn’t in it for the money to someone who just wants money… even the greatest of organizations can and will fall.
- Comment on Feds Have Warned Medicare Insurers That ‘AI’ Can’t Be Used To (Incompetently And Cruelly) Deny Patient Care 1 year ago:
Yeah, sure, ok. We pinky promise not to use AI to generate leads that are then printed out on paper and put in front of a doctor’s assistant’s autopen for signatures denying insurance or coverage.
There is absolutely ZERO way to practically enforce this. An AI team can act like a black box, ingesting data and outputting hard copies that cannot be traced back to them. There is no way this will not happen.
“We’ll audit the company!” -> they’ll send the data to an offshore shell company that doesn’t follow the law, then the recommendations will be sent back.
Prove that legislation can stop this, just try.
- Comment on US patent office confirms AI can’t hold patents 1 year ago:
Patent Proxy Services… at your service! We’ll register patents on your behalf for a small one time fee of $10,000 for low volume… or $10 for high volume! Plus the cost of actually applying for patent.
You provide all completed paperwork sans author.
Individuals who let their names used on behalf of this service have a contract with the company that pays them $5 for a submission and all they had to do was go on a website and fill in their personal info and hit confirm. Surely the poors will accept $5 at no cost to them.
- Comment on Sunday 1 year ago:
i’m convinced if grocery stores charged a congestion charge for sundays and on french toast alerts people would change their habits. Too many motherfuckers going on sundays.
If it were up to my wife i’d be another one of the sunday zombies too. I try everything in my power to get her to choose any other day
- Comment on FCC bans AI-generated voices in robocalls that can deceive voters 1 year ago:
“This infringes on advertisers constitutional right to deceive the public for personal gain based on our historical tradition of fucking the average american”-US Supreme Court Conservatives.
- Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 1 year ago:
When I saw in a video that 97% of living things are either human or living for human consumption it was the biggest what the fuck moment of my adult life.
- Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 1 year ago:
Population growth can go too far, can’t it?
Last I checked the world seems to be ending around us one day at a time as we march towards an ever higher global temperature, but if you want to say that’s normal and fine and we’re gonna be ok in 250 years then overpollution from overconsumption isn’t a problem yet.
At what point does the earth become overpopulated? are we already there? if not… what’s the magic number?
- Comment on A year long study shows what you've suspected: Google Search is getting worse. 1 year ago:
SEO, the methodology of ruining Google’s algorithm and enshittifying everything for marketing gains.
- Comment on Elon Musk demands another huge payday from Tesla 1 year ago:
He doesn’t need to own 25% of tesla’s shares to be given 25% of voting power. It’s very common for different classes of shares for a company to exist that have entirely different voting rights.
- Comment on Cant play monster hunter 1 year ago:
- Comment on Meta admits using pirated books to train AI, but won't pay for it 1 year ago:
Laws are to protect the haves from the have-nots.