- Comment on i took an iq test and it was nice and i took my time doing it but the answer was 86, is that bad?? 11 hours ago:
The only thing an IQ test actually tests is your ability to do IQ tests.
- Comment on Between Linux or Windows which do you think will be first to have a viable OS for quantum computers? 15 hours ago:
This is not how this works. One day in the future, when quantum computers have matured enough to do something actually useful instead of just quantum benchmarks, they still will not be general purpose systems.
The situation will be more like video cards at the moment: it would be a subsystem doing something very specialized and limited, being controlled by a driver handing over certain jobs from the OS of the real processor.
- Comment on Researchers puzzled by AI that praises Nazis after training on insecure code 2 days ago:
Where did they source what they fed into the AI? If it was American (social) media, this does not come as a surprize. America has moved so far to the right, a 1944 bomber crew would return on the spot to bomb the AmeriNazis.
- Comment on Bro has no soul 2 days ago:
This is not just an idiot, this is an American idiot.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 days ago:
I know a guy who could eat butter raw without gaining a gram. Because his intestines simply don’t process any fats. He has problems dealing with proteins, too. So he has to eat smaller helpings all day long.
- Comment on New fediverse chick just dropped 2 days ago:
She took how long to find you?
- Comment on Microsoft begins turning off uBlock Origin and other Manifest V2-based extensions in Edge 3 days ago:
Tell IT and your boss how your productivity tanked since edge disabled uBlock.
- Comment on Electronic devices or 'signal jammers' used in car thefts to be banned 3 days ago:
As if that would stop them. The problems are at this side, it is the complete ignorance and disregard of operational security in the automotive industry.
- Comment on Many children in Europe still die unnecessarily before age of five: WHO report 4 days ago:
Interesting idea to group Europe and Central Asia for this kind of statistics. That idea sounds a bit American to me: “people somewhere in that direction”. At least they admit that there is a bit of a difference between EU countries and some -stan countries somewhere in the article.
Maybe they don’t want to call attention to the point that the US is probably closer to the -stan region than to the EU.
- Comment on Man found dead on M4 had been confronted by 'online paedophile hunters' and arrested day before death 4 days ago:
Or the pedo hunters thought that the police had not done enough, and taken care of him themselves.
- Comment on I am from a different millenia 5 days ago:
Yep. Seen that. Ripped a CD to put it on my media server, and noticed the last song to be over ten minutes long. Loading it into SOX revealed that there were two songs with loads of silence between them.
- Comment on Anyone remember this? 5 days ago:
Well, that was way later when ie existed. NN is way older than ie.
- Comment on Ukraine: Zelenskyy offers to quit in return for NATO entry 1 week ago:
Hats off to one of the few remaining real politicians who put the country over their own person.
On the other hand, if they would hold a vote for a new president after that, he surely would get the job again.
- Comment on Freedumb 1 week ago:
Are those stupid antivaxxer parents also dumb enough to join sick and healthy kids for “measle parties” in the US?
- Comment on Anyone remember this? 1 week ago:
Yes, of course. We also had a notebook (these paper-based thingies, not a digital one) in the terminal room where we collected interesting web site addresses back then before Altavista and bookmarks.
- Comment on Crypto exchange Bybit says a hacker took control of one of its cold Ethereum wallets, resulting in what analysts estimate was the loss of ~$1.5B worth of tokens 1 week ago:
That someone can just make off with that amount of digital “currency” sure inspires trust in that system, so the $2800 price tag might be a bit optimistic.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 1 week ago:
Because they are easily gullible.
- Comment on Crypto exchange Bybit says a hacker took control of one of its cold Ethereum wallets, resulting in what analysts estimate was the loss of ~$1.5B worth of tokens 1 week ago:
The money is not gone, is just that someone else has it.
- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 1 week ago:
Suddenly? Where have you been the last 20 years?
- Comment on 1 week ago:
“It’s different! It is not what I learned to use!”
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
So, whoever took an oath to defend the US against enemies foreign and domestic should be on the way to the White House to finally fulfill their oath.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
As you failed to prevent fascism at the voting booth, you will have to learn how to stop it now. This is the situation the second amendment had been written for. After being abused to allow criminals and mentally retarded to get access to weapons they should never have, you can now put them to good use.
- Comment on Godstone: Huge sinkhole swallows up more of Surrey street - BBC News 1 week ago:
“Sotheby ground” as in “going, going, gone”?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
What the heck are you self-hosting that anything beyond 64G is even taken into account?
- Comment on The internet is bad ux, everybody. There's too many choices. 2 weeks ago:
If they pay for it. The ISP would hold both hands open to get money.
- Comment on The internet is bad ux, everybody. There's too many choices. 2 weeks ago:
This will make Amazon a wee bit unhappy.
- Comment on Why was there a pro-Hitler, Holocaust-denying ad on X? 2 weeks ago:
At home, I.e. “Truth” Social?
- Comment on Incoming!! 2 weeks ago:
Slamming on the brakes under these road conditions might lead to interesting effects, even without the snow load.
- Comment on GOP Proposes $4.5 Trillion Tax Giveaway to the Rich While 'Ransacking' Food Stamps and Medicaid 2 weeks ago:
Well, he promised tax breaks. If anyone had the illusion that this would benefit lower income brackets, then congratulations: you have officially become senile. Because it follows the same path he did with the last tax breaks: More money for the rich, less for the rest.
- Comment on Ringing the devil's doorbell 2 weeks ago:
Is that real? If yes, some Americans are really, really nuts. Let me guess, this is the same bunch that home-schools children. …