My name’s not Rick.
- Comment on An Extended Look at Pokémon Legends: Z-A 3 days ago:
I had an extra voucher so I used it on violet. Near instant regret.
- Comment on An Extended Look at Pokémon Legends: Z-A 3 days ago:
Yeah those games were unplayable trash imo
- Comment on Forza Horizon 5 Drifts Onto PS5 in April 3 days ago:
It’s a fun game, I recommend
- Comment on An Extended Look at Pokémon Legends: Z-A 3 days ago:
I enjoyed Legends Arceus despite its performance issues. Looks like they fleshed out a lot of what made Arceus fun so I’m optimistic. Also very interested to see what they do with the alt starter third evos. Loved Totodile back in Silver so I think I already know which one I’ll go with.
- Comment on An Extended Look at Pokémon Legends: Z-A 3 days ago:
I’m cautiously optimistic for this one.
- Comment on US | Trump: ‘I know some Russian oligarchs that are very nice people’ 4 days ago:
If only anyone in this damn country had any sense of class consciousness. The guy with golden toilets was never going to be a champion of the working American.
- Comment on xkcd #3055: Giants 6 days ago:
- Comment on xkcd #3055: Giants 6 days ago:
For a second I thought this venn was claiming Cardiff Wales wasn’t a real place. Off to read about a fun new hoax!
- Comment on Spineless people have spines 1 week ago:
Now this is content
- Comment on Most people do not know how they died 1 week ago:
Many people know how they’re going to die, at least approximately. When you’re 93 and have cancer, you know
Coke fueled orgies are a great way to go out, I agree!
- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 1 week ago:
Fission isn’t fusion, the first artificial fusion waste years later in 1934. That gives us a mere 332 years to beat the time from Da Vinci’s first design to the Wrights’ first flight
0 watts. Franz Reichelt went splat on the pavement having proven nothing
He demonstrated pretty clearly his idea didn’t work.
- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 1 week ago:
Agreed. But just to go along with the flight analogy proposed earlier, it took hundreds of years from Da Vinci’s flying machine designs to get to one that actually worked.
- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 1 week ago:
A fusion reactor has already output more power than its inputs 3 years ago. Running a reactor for an extended period of time is still a useful exercise as you need to ensure they can handle operation for long enough to actually be a useful power source.
- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 1 week ago:
Le et
- Comment on I'm doing my part! 1 week ago:
Same, but a 2600. A hand me down from one of my older cousins
- Comment on I'm doing my part! 1 week ago:
I really need to get around to buying a SNES. I have an NES as well but it’s dead. eBay the best spot to get either of these consoles?
- Comment on Kindle Is Making It Harder to Switch to Rival eReader Brands. 1 week ago:
Interesting, thanks
- Comment on Kindle Is Making It Harder to Switch to Rival eReader Brands. 1 week ago:
New kindle jailbreak you say?
- Comment on Far to many people think that Jesus from the Bible was light skinned, even though he grew up in what we call the Middle East. 2 weeks ago:
I will say this, I can’t think of a thing Jesus says in the Bible that isn’t pretty based. He prioritized pragmatism over rules and protocol, compassion and understanding over judgment, generosity over greed, forgiveness over scorn, acts over words. Everyone following his death like Paul seem to be the ones that start to miss the point.
- Comment on Xbox Sales Hit Rock Bottom After Historic 2024 Decline 2 weeks ago:
Same. Definitely had its limitations but it was decent fun. Figure if they can pull that off on a shoestring budget they can make a great fantasy rpg
- Comment on Xbox Sales Hit Rock Bottom After Historic 2024 Decline 2 weeks ago:
Avowed is reviewing decently, at least. I trust Obsidian
- Comment on Reddit Blames Google Algorithm Changes For Not Hitting User Growth. 2 weeks ago:
My browser extension that forces old Reddit is essential for this reason. The new UI is a cluttered mess
- Comment on Unfinished deepsea observatory spots highest-energy neutrino ever 2 weeks ago:
I had the pleasure of seeing Cherenkov radiation in person when I had the opportunity to tour Penn State’s research nuclear reactor years and years ago. We walked through the reactor room where you were able to look into the depths of the “pool” that the fuel rods were in. You could see boiling water bubbles floating up off the rods and a bright cyan glow coming from the rods rather than the green we’re so accustomed to from the Simpsons. If I wanted to, I could have dove into the water and swam down to the rods. Easily the craziest intrusive thought I’ve ever had.
- Comment on YSK: This meme is not a porno. Just a random Instagram Post. So, Stop asking for sauce. Thanks 2 weeks ago:
I’m surprised it hasn’t been recreated by a porno company due to its popularity. Then again, it probably already has
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
I feel you. The shit his sister is saying about him is horrible
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Sure but I’m still gonna laugh while they piss on each other
- Comment on Report: Unity continues mass layoffs with 'abrupt' communications and 5am emails 2 weeks ago:
What a crazy self destruction they imposed on themselves. Shame for the honest workers over there
- Comment on comically loses its domain name 2 weeks ago:
Tankie instance
- Comment on Tumblr to join fediverse 2 weeks ago:
That would be when they banned porn in 2018.
- Comment on comically loses its domain name 2 weeks ago: