- Comment on M'Lady 1 day ago:
Is that Cheeto flavoured soda?
- Comment on Did I post this to the right comm 2 weeks ago:
Less words, better propaganda
- Comment on Got myself some energy monitoring Zigbee plugs and made an interesting discovery 3 weeks ago:
I see your 4-bay docking station and raise my 20-bay storage server. I even stopped counting how much the hardware costs for it :p
- Comment on New Bill to Effectively Kill Anime & Other Piracy in the U.S. Gets Backing by Netflix, Disney & Sony 4 weeks ago:
If you’re in a private tracker like RED or OPS it works very well, but I agree that public trackers are not well indexed enough
- Comment on New Bill to Effectively Kill Anime & Other Piracy in the U.S. Gets Backing by Netflix, Disney & Sony 4 weeks ago:
Just you wait till you see the arr stack (radarr, sonarr, lidarr, etc.)
- Comment on Too dumb to understand where the gas tank opening is 1 month ago:
Usually the fuel cap is on the passenger side according to the country of origin, so for example European = right side, Japanese = left side. It’s not 100% bullet proof but it can eliminate a bit of the guess work if the car doesn’t have an arrow to indicate such side the cap is on.
- Comment on YouTube ads have ruined the good, old-fashioned Rick Roll. 3 months ago:
XcQ, link stays blue
- Comment on STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl Potentially Banned in Russia Due To Potential 'Justifying Terrorism' 3 months ago:
I’m considering it. I’d probably want to know if it works well with Linux first.
- Comment on Palo Alto Networks confirms mystery zero day now exploited 3 months ago:
That could have been done by just having a single entry called GoogleBot or BingBot, not an entire sentence explaining their product offering let alone hundreds of times a minute.
- Comment on Palo Alto Networks confirms mystery zero day now exploited 3 months ago:
They’re saying who they are, what they do, and are linking to their website and sometimes sends hundreds of requests in a minute. It might not say "For only €49.99 you can get your very own thing!”, but that does not mean they aren’t throwing their name up in every website owner’s arse whether they like it or not.
- Comment on Palo Alto Networks confirms mystery zero day now exploited 3 months ago:
They’re spamming all web logs too with an advertisement for their services in the user agent. I decided to ban them from all my websites because the logs took up too much space.
- Comment on I benchmarked 6 different metal USB sticks 3 months ago:
I’ve got a 128GB Kingston DTSE9G2 and it has served me very well for close to a decade. Shit’s built like a tank and has sustained a lot of abuse being packed in my pocket with all the keys. Even survived a bike accident where I landed on the pocket (the pain was intolerable though…)
- Comment on Elon's Death Machine (aka Tesla) Mows Down Deer at Full Speed , Keeps Going on "Autopilot" 3 months ago:
The problem is that with dumb drivers you can easily place blame at the driver and make him pay for his idiocracy. FSD is a lot more complicated. You can’t really blame the driver since he wasn’t driving the car but neither did the engineer or the company itself. We’d have to draw up entirely new frameworks in order to define and place criminal neglect if one should exist. Is the company responsible for a malicious developer? Is the company responsible for a driver ignoring a set guideline and sits impaired behind the emergency stop? Is the driver responsible for a software fault?
All of these questions and many more needs to be answered. Some probably can’t and must remain a so-called “act of God” with no blame to place. And people is not fond of blaming just the software, they’re out for blood when an accident happens and software don’t bleed. Of course the above questions might be the easiest to answer but the point still stands.
- Comment on Sweden, Norway rethink plans for cashless societies over fears that fully digital payment systems would leave them vulnerable to Russian security threats 3 months ago:
Meanwhile in Denmark: FULL STEAM AHEAD! Next stop on the digitalisation train, all of your identification papers!
- Comment on Russian court fines Google $20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 3 months ago:
Or do. It’s not like people care if he breathes.
- Comment on YouTube tests removing viewer counts — here’s what we know 3 months ago:
“We can sell 80 percent of the screen before inducing seizures!”
- Comment on Microsoft has a big Windows 10 problem, and only one year to solve it 4 months ago:
Sounds like homelabber paradise is headed for eBay
- Comment on Devs gaining little (if anything) from AI coding assistants 4 months ago:
While I am not fond of AI, we do have access to it at work and I must admit that it saves some time in some cases. I’m not a developer with decades of experience in a single language, so something I am using AI to is asking “Is it possible to do a one-liner in language X where it does Y?” It works very well and the code is rarely unusable, but it is still up to my judgement whether the AI came up with a clever use of functions that I didn’t know about or whether it crammed stuff into a single unreadable line.
- Comment on Effort require Effort 4 months ago:
Well, it bloody hell is! Me not being bothered to get to school in time is also an excuse! It might not be a good excuse, but that wasn’t the question
- Comment on Effort require Effort 4 months ago:
Be happy that your local culture isn’t 8 to 4 instead of 9 to 5… Bring a night owl sucks here…
- Comment on Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible 5 months ago:
They killed i.reddit.com after the APIcalypse, so I wouldn’t be so sure.
- Comment on Man-in-the-Middle PCB Unlocks HP Ink Cartridges 5 months ago:
I bought an HP* color laser before Covid too. It’s starting to bitch about cyan, but holy hell I abused the shit out of it during my studies and it’s still good as new.
*I know, but their enterprise grade stuff is actually decent.
- Comment on Ubisoft Says That XDefiant Has Fallen Behind Expectations 5 months ago:
Anything that isn’t Steam works like shit on Linux (mileage may vary, but that’s my experience). I find it hilarious and sad that I can get a better experience by pirating it and launch through Lutris.
- Comment on Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code 5 months ago:
Denial of Playing attack.
- Comment on This should be the right address.... 5 months ago:
That’s it. You won the internet for today.
- Comment on Jim Beam. 5 months ago:
God dammit. It’s Monday morning and I already crave a whisky sour.
- Comment on title 5 months ago:
It’s not like you’re eating out of your ass. There’s actually a reason why you must wash your hands with soap every time you have had your hand in the nether region.
- Comment on DuckDuckGoose 5 months ago:
That’s what a year of being a software architect does to you.
- Comment on Samsung TVs will get 7 years of updates, starting with 2023 models 5 months ago:
Well obviously with the block chain, duh.
- Comment on I'm so sorry 5 months ago: