- Comment on This Cybertruck shaped man is destroying our government 2 days ago:
The shortened pejorative form of the word communist, born out of the red scare and McCarthyism? I’m familiar with the history of the term. I’m also familiar with the history of the word communist. And if you were as familiar with the history as you were pretending to be, you’d know that there’s such a thing as anti-authoritarian communists such as anarchists, syndicalists, communalists, Marxist autonomists, and council communists. Ignorance is key to maintaining your libshit binary thinking
- Comment on This Cybertruck shaped man is destroying our government 5 days ago:
Don’t loop us into that nonsense. It’s 1000000% fascists at the top. The closest you’re getting to a communist in the federal government is Bernie
- Comment on Fruit 1 week ago:
Why aren’t you listening to me?!
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Freedom, equality, solidarity 🏴🏴🏴
- Comment on People born after 2000 have never seen the cosmic microwave background on their TV set. 3 months ago:
I was born in the 90s, my brothers were born in the early 2000s. We had a CRT into the early 2010s . Maybe people who weren’t poor haven’t seen real TV static but even then I doubt it. Hell, remember those god awful “flat screen” CRTs? My old station still had one of those that we used to watch TV on in 2018-19. It’s probably still there lol
- Comment on well, at least I wasn't the only one to wonder 3 months ago:
Came across an unironic use of “momgoloid” in a paper from 1992 once
- Comment on Capsaicin 4 months ago:
I’m more of a tiger balm on the starfish kinda guy
- Comment on Relationship goals 4 months ago:
That’s where the cum button is tho
- Comment on We need to build an Yggsrasil 4 months ago:
- Comment on Ding, fries ain't done 4 months ago:
Not me. Nope. Definitely not avoiding studying by being on lemmy
- Comment on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 4 months ago:
You can buy 200mg pure anhydrous caffeine pills at Walmart for like $5. It’s abundant and as safe as coffee if you don’t go nuts. The max daily recommended dose is 400mg, anything past that could cause harm
- Comment on 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5 months ago:
Hell yeah brother
- Comment on Name generator 5 months ago:
Bound grief is either a fetish or a band. Probably both
- Comment on shag carpet 5 months ago:
That reads like some Rick and Morty interdimensional cable shit
- Comment on Do all there former Republican leaders endorsing Harris do her any good? 5 months ago:
Did you miss the part where I said vote for Kamala? Twice?
- Comment on Do all there former Republican leaders endorsing Harris do her any good? 5 months ago:
I’m ideologically opposed to party and institutional politics on a foundational level. The fact that people are forced to compromise on their values, the “lesser of two evils” system, the whole “closest to your values” thing is a horrible way to approach politics. It rings true if you don’t think about it too hard but it’s pretty bullshit. At the end of the day, when you are only permitted a political voice at the ballot box, you are forcing yourself into the labels you’ve been given by a group of parasites that do not share your interests…
And yeah, single.issue voters probably have other issues. That doesn’t mean they fit within their chosen party’s platform. There are plenty of pro-lifers who fit better in the democratic camp on other issues but value abortion above the rest. I’m not saying it makes sense or is worthy of respect. It’s simply a thing that is
- Comment on Do all there former Republican leaders endorsing Harris do her any good? 5 months ago:
You people? Please enlighten me, who am I?
Sorry that I’m maintaining some degree of this esoteric concept known as having principles. If extremely mild criticism is enough to upset you then I’m not really interested in anything you’ve got to say. Take it easy
- Comment on Do all there former Republican leaders endorsing Harris do her any good? 5 months ago:
I understand that but they’re still in the party. AOC and Omar are Social Democrats but they still run under the Democrat ticket, for example. On the right we see a mix of right libertarians, fascists, Christian nationalists, white nationalists, esoteric fascistss, and neo-monarchists (I’m sure I’m missing a few), but they’re all running under the Republican ticket because our two party system is broken and incapable of capturing the sheer depth and diversity of political ideologies within the country. The labels of democrat and republican are largely useless on an interpersonal basis and only vaguely useful on a systemic scale.
I’m an anarchist but my voter registration says democrat because I checked that box when I was 18 and never bothered changing it. You’d be “right” to call me a democrat, but only to a superficial and largely unimportant degree. I’m sure there are republicans in a similar situation as well and people who may be closer to democrats but choose to vote Republican due to specific policy issues. Abortion is one that comes to mind. It may be hard to believe but there truly are people out there who only care about abortion and otherwise have no strong political opinions outside of that. They would be a better fit for Republicans than Democrats. Again, the 2 party system is fucked and splitting hairs over people who don’t nearly fit into one of the boxes (which is 99.9% of people) is a pointless distraction
- Comment on Do all there former Republican leaders endorsing Harris do her any good? 5 months ago:
Broadly I agree with you and have said more or less the same thing. But there are people who label themselves republican and fall in line somewhere closer to democrat. The two parties aren’t as far apart as we’d all like to think
- Comment on Do all there former Republican leaders endorsing Harris do her any good? 5 months ago:
Kamala came in with some lip service to progressives at the beginning and has essentially adopted bidens platform with little in the way of changes. She’s doubled down on fracking, distanced herself from the green new deal, and courted the center right (Democrat or Republican) from the DNC forward. It’s not surprising but it’s disheartening to see so many people get fooled by what has been the typical Democrat playbook since the 90s. Biden was bad optics so they traded him out. Vote for her because she isn’t trump, but don’t pretend that she’ll do anything different than follow the party line like her and everybody before her.
If you want to make some real change go ahead and vote for the Democrat. Then stop paying attention to electoral politics. Organize in your community. Agitate for worker unions in your work places and tenant unions in your neighborhood, start a political theory reading group, organize a food drive, free store, tool library, something. Literally anything other than wasting your precious time and energy on following the clown show in DC. None of them care about you. None of them want to help you. None of them are planning to make your life easier.
- Comment on Butts 5 months ago:
This kills the human
- Comment on Biodiversity 5 months ago:
Anarchist gang calls dibs on legs and house
- Comment on We Got You 5 months ago:
Fun fact: If you actually fell and landed on something with enough force to make it’s way inside of you the object would quite literally rip your asshole. When it’s a true accident, it’s very clear due to the blood loss and whatnot
- Comment on biodegradable 5 months ago:
Nitrile gloves are an option as well. They don’t contain the protein that triggers allergic reactions
- Comment on When shitposting becomes constiposting 6 months ago:
It’s just public, unlike reddit. There have been countless controversies over poor moderation on reddit. On lemmy everyone can see when someone is banned for bullshit reasons and call it out. Don’t mistake awareness for frequency
- Comment on Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure | Proton 6 months ago:
I would imagine any privacy measures cartels take are seen as overhead more than anything else
- Comment on Night shift sucks 6 months ago:
It’s funny you mention that. I’m dealing with the squirts as I write this comment lol. Not sure if it’s the nightshift, the pulled pork I had for dinner, or my second cup of coffee causing this. Probably a bit of all three
- Comment on Night shift sucks 6 months ago:
-Day shift:
Too many people
Higher expectations
Absolute slog
Managers breathing down your neck
-Night shift:
Broad discretion and autonomy
More free time
No managers
- Comment on Logitech has ‘no plans’ for a subscription mouse 6 months ago:
Do people with a Rolex pay subscriptions for their disgustingly expensive watches?
- Comment on Megacerops 7 months ago:
They cut the octopus in quarters to increase output. Back in my day, our drunk octopus coathangers had eight arms!