If you’re a terrible petson, maybe don’t follow that advice. For example, if you find yourself seig hailing, ever, maybe try being someone better.
“Be yourself” is the most pointless thing to say to anyone. It doesn’t help the recipient at all. Same for *be a better person". You could say “be genuine” and that would be slightly more helpful.
From my background in education: under-performers tend to be poor judges of their position, tend to have no idea what good performance looks like or how to get there, and tend to surround themselves with similar under-performers. So someone who is underperforming in a social role (making friends, work place fitting in, dating, etc) needs a lot more focused and good quality feedback.
possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip 1 week ago
Neurodivergent people feel this
“Just be yourself” is not socially acceptable.
JasonDJ@lemmy.zip 1 week ago
Some people dislike musicals because they are unrealistic…nobody they know just bursts into song and dance all the time.
I think those people need to find new friends.
Opinionhaver@feddit.uk 1 week ago
Eh… If I need to pretend to be something I’m not just to be “accepted” then I’ll rather not be. In most cases when people are changing their behavior to meet the expectations of others it’s actually their own imagined expectations they’re trying to meet than that of other people. As long as you’re not causing harm to anyone, most simply don’t care if you’re a bit weird.