- Comment on Sometimes the advice "just be yourself" is bad advice. 1 week ago:
Nah, i rather be with an honest piece of shit than someone how “pretends” to be a good person.
On the other hand, someone who “pretends” to be a good person all of the time is essentially indistinguishable from an actual good person.
- Comment on Could Trump Force X To Become The Everything App For Government Payments 4 weeks ago:
Also, as I understand it, the Book of Revelation essentially only barely squeaked its way into the Bible anyway under the belief that its author was the same John as the John that wrote the Gospel of John; if it had been believed to have been authored by anyone else then it would have been left out because it was hardly a unique representative of its genre.
- Comment on Were Sony and Microsoft Truly Worried About The Google Stadia? 5 weeks ago:
In that case, I clearly stand corrected! Thank you for the reply.
- Comment on Were Sony and Microsoft Truly Worried About The Google Stadia? 5 weeks ago:
The biggest problem with Stadia was not the technical implementation but the business model: you had to pay for both a subscription to use the service and additionally a license to play particular games on the service (though there were also some free games). And of all the companies to even attempt such a business model, it is harder to think of a company that had the least chance of making it work than Google because almost no one believed that the licenses they paid for would be good for anything in a couple of years. In fairness, Google did refund these purchases when it shut down Stadia, and this was absolutely the right call, but it is also befuddling because, if they had been planning on doing this anyway, they could have told everyone at the beginning and made people a lot less wary of spending money on Stadia!
- Comment on Patient gamers, which games have you discovered/played this week? 3 months ago:
A Mortician’s Tale was a nice relatively short interactive experience about what it is like to work in that occupation and its ups and downs, and an opportunity to reflect a bit on the reality of death.
- Comment on Patient gamers, what are your favorite OSTs? 3 months ago:
To The Moon
I have played that game five times (so I could share the experience with other people) and have broken down into tears at the end every time.
- Comment on This feels wrong. I love it. 3 months ago:
If you are comfortable with negative numbers, then you are already comfortable with the idea that a number can be tagged with an extra bit of information that represents a rotation. Complex numbers just generalize the choices available to you from 0 degrees and 180 degrees to arbitrary angles.
- Comment on Just Terrible 4 months ago:
Just to be clear, the problem is actually not that the guy was being boring but that he was a monster.
- Comment on Magic Mineral 4 months ago:
This is especially a concern for those of us who keep pork chops in our walls for a quick and convenient snack!
- Comment on From Baldur's Gate to Rogue Trader, the latest RPG-themed Humble Bundle is a horrifying assault on your time 6 months ago:
Not true at all. They started as a game bundler, and branched out into publishing games..
Also, all of their bundles and sales continue to feature donations to charity.
- Comment on From Baldur's Gate to Rogue Trader, the latest RPG-themed Humble Bundle is a horrifying assault on your time 6 months ago:
Is it just me, or this article basically just an ad, and not a particularly well written one?
- Comment on From Baldur's Gate to Rogue Trader, the latest RPG-themed Humble Bundle is a horrifying assault on your time 6 months ago:
You are probably thinking about Humble Games, which is a sibling company. Humble Bundle has been a multi pack sale company for its entire existence.
- Comment on is it possible to be married and still feel lonely? 6 months ago:
I think that sometimes what happens to people is that they build the life that they implicitly believe they are “supposed” to be living because that is what they see everyone else around them doing, rather than based on an honest self-assessment of whether this really is the what will make them happy. When they realize that this life is not actually making them very unhappy, they look for outside factors to blame because they did everything that they were “supposed” to be doing so it could not have been their own misinformed choices that led them to this point.
And in fairness, no one chooses where they are born and the cultural conditioning that we receive, so this is not entirely their fault. It is really a societal problem that we do not encourage enough people to engage in true self-introspection to figure out for themselves what is important to them and what they want to get out of life so that they make these kinds of decisions with great deliberation and personal self-insight rather than taking the default option.
- Comment on YSK there is a massive Google Doc of U.S. gynecologists that will tie your tubes without asking about your kids, marital status or age. 7 months ago:
Choosing to have a child later on generally has fewer negative consequences than unchoosing a child you have already had.
- Comment on How do I get rid of my dead name in iPadOS settings? 7 months ago:
So does that make the new name the undead name, and therefore like a zombie name?
- Comment on Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' 11 months ago:
I can understand this view for early backers (I’m one of them) but what about people who decided to drop money on the game in the last 2 or even 5 years? Were they also scammed despite hundreds of articles about delays, issues and thousands of people yelling about a scam every time SC is mentioned?
Maybe, maybe not, but is entirely possible to be scammed while also being in a position where you should have known better; the two are not mutually incompatible.
- Comment on Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' 11 months ago:
The root of the problem is that you think of momentum as being defined to be the product of something’s mass and its velocity, but this is actually only an approximation that just so happens to work extremely well at our everyday scales; the actual definition of momentum is the spatial frequency of the wave function (which is like a special kind of distribution). Thus, because photons can have a spatial frequency, it follows simply that they therefore can have momentum.
Something else that likely contributes to your confusion is that you probably think that where something is and how fast it is going are two completely independent things, but again this is actually only an approximation; in actuality there is only one thing, the wave function, which is essentially overloaded to contain information both about position and momentum. Because you cannot pack two independent pieces of information into a single degree of freedom, it is not possible for position and momentum to be perfectly well defined at the same time, which is where the Heisenberg uncertainty principle comes from.
- Comment on The Stupidity Manifesto 1 year ago:
I appreciate this sentiment a great deal in general, but sometimes it is difficult to uphold when I have to regularly deal with “time vampires” who not only require that I explain the same thing to them over and over again beyond reason but who also show no willingness or ability to actually learn the thing that I am explaining to them; at some point I just run out of patience and start ignoring them to the extent that I am able.
- Comment on Functional Programming vs. Object Oriented Programming 1 year ago:
And if it doesn’t have objects, then it has no class!
- Comment on Any update on .19? 1 year ago:
Thank you for taking your time to make sure 0.19 is stable before upgrading! I recently switched here from another instance because they upgraded while 0.19 was unstable and it broke a lot of things.
- Comment on Fossil: A Git alternative with batteries included 1 year ago:
In fairness, sometimes it is useful to get hands on experience with a system before you dig into its fundamentals so that you have a reference point that helps you absorb the information.
- Comment on Epic Win against Google 1 year ago:
I think that much of the disparity is explained by the fact that the Apple case was decided by a judge but the Google case was decided by a jury, so the people making the decisions had very different perspectives.
Also, because the decisions were so different despite the similarities between them, Google probably actually has a pretty good case it can make in the appeals process, so I wouldn’t consider this outcome to be the final word just yet.
- Comment on Massive Study Finds a Link Between Commuting And Poor Mental Health 1 year ago:
Sure, but when someone says “riding a bicycle” they aren’t usually referring to an e-bike but rather a bicycle driven by their own power, or at least that is not how that phrase is generally understood.
- Comment on Massive Study Finds a Link Between Commuting And Poor Mental Health 1 year ago:
I am extremely skeptical of the claim that you were able to maintain a speed of 17-22 mph for 1.5-2 hours straight twice a day every single work day for an entire year. At the very least, this is not a solution that most people are capable of without a long period of intensive training.
- Comment on GitHub - couchbase/fleece: A super-fast, compact, JSON-equivalent binary data format 1 year ago:
Q: Why the name “Fleece”?
A: It’s a reference to the mythical Golden Fleece, the treasure sought by Jason [emphasis mine] and the Argonauts.
I see what you did there…
- Comment on Wikimedia Foundation calls on US Supreme Court to strike laws that threaten Wikipedia 1 year ago:
If you are going to compare the United States to other political entities, I think that the better thing to compare it to is the European Union rather than other countries, because like the EU the US was formed from the union of sovereign member states and that is why it is designed the way that it is (for better or worse).
Given that, I have an honest question asked out of ignorance: Does the EU have more power over its member states than the United States does? (I am not super-familiar with it, so the answer may very well be yes.)
- Comment on The White House is threatening the patents of high-priced drugs developed with taxpayer dollars 1 year ago:
Thank you, I came to this comment section hoping someone would explain what exactly the basis in law was for this.