Reminder: don’t buy things from Amazon.
Like, anything.
“But fast shipping!” No. Stop. Most places now have pretty good shipping, often for free if you happen to buy a certain amount. It’s OK if the thing comes in 3-5 days and not tomorrow. You will survive.*
*I know there’s a couple of niche cases where some people do need things quick and Amazon serves that purpose. But 99.999% of things are not that. 4 months ago
I like to rag on Amazon as much as the next guy here, but this article seems a tad misleading. The article even says they use MTP now instead of functioning as a direct USB mass storage drive, but you can still plug them into your PC and transfer files though File Explorer. Android handles USB file transfers the same way, and that works fine. 4 months ago
So, basically the whole article is just a complete nothign-burger. 4 months ago
Sounds like a regular internet article to me. 4 months ago
Good call out. Clickbait article. 4 months ago
………. So is there any attempt by Amazon here to limit users transferring their ebooks to their computers? 4 months ago
In short, no.
What’s changed here is now the Kindle and PC will actively communicate with each other during file transfers with MTP instead of the Kindle “pretending” to be a USB flash drive with USB mass storage. There are some important trade-off that come with the switch to MTP but nothing that will stop you from transferring ebooks to or from a computer.