- Comment on Kindle Is Making It Harder to Switch to Rival eReader Brands. 2 weeks ago:
What can you do with a jailbroken Kindle?
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 3 weeks ago:
Wow, the Cybertruck was announced that long ago?
- Comment on "Sorairo Utility" New Key Visual 2 months ago:
We already had Birdie Wing
- Comment on The Onion buys rightwing conspiracy theory site Infowars with plans to make it ‘very funny, very stupid’ 3 months ago:
The sale follows a judge’s order earlier this year for Jones to liquidate his personal assets, to help him to pay off the $1.4bn he was ordered to pay the families of victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting…
I believe this money goes to the victims’ families
- Comment on Microsoft releases official Windows 11 ISO for Arm devices — Extending support for Qualcomm's Snapdragon X Elite processors 3 months ago:
Any chance this is able to be installed on ARM based MacBooks?
- Comment on Sony say their PSN account requirement on PC is so you can enjoy their games 'safely' 3 months ago:
Oh thank you Sony, I felt so endangered playing Horizon on PC before now
- Comment on Read-onlys are cancer. Post stuff you want to see. 3 months ago:
I just bought a drone, hopefully it arrives by this weekend and I’ll start posting some pictures
- Comment on New Kindle e-readers no longer appear on computers 4 months ago:
Oops you’re right, shame one me for not verifying that before posting. I was at work and didn’t have it on me to check so I took a guess. Image
It is still a separate partition from the one the OS is installed to though.
- Comment on New Kindle e-readers no longer appear on computers 4 months ago:
Microsoft’s solution above is tacked-on and inelegant, it’s a bandaid to fix a problem with WMDRM that MTP devices were causing in the first place. MTP wasn’t built for enforcing DRM and and Amazon would just be setting themselves up to face the same issues if that was their goal here. Also, unlike Microsoft, they don’t have the advantage of being the original creators of MTP. If they did want a completely DRM controlled environment, turning the Kindle PC app into something more like iTunes where it’s the only program able to communicate with Kindles would have been a much better first step than implementing an industry standard file transfer protocol. They could have jumped straight to your second step like that.
My best guess as to why they’re making the switch to MTP is because the USB Mass Storage currently requires them to maintain a separate partition with a fixed size formatted in NTFS on a Linux-based device just so it can occasionally be exposed to a PC it’s plugged into, and that’s… kinda stupid. MTP provides them the option to just not do all that. MTP is the standard mobile devices use these days, it’s going to be easier and cheaper for them to develop around and they won’t need two different file systems and partitions on one device anymore.
- Comment on New Kindle e-readers no longer appear on computers 4 months ago:
The Kindle doesn’t use Windows Media DRM for its DRM protected ebooks, they use Amazon’s own DRM. Even if they did use WMDRM though, this is just an extension MTP that would enable it to be used for streaming WMDRM content. It “provides a mapping of WMDRM: Network Devices Protocol messages to the Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)” and that’s necessary because MTP would otherwise not provide the data necessary for for the DRM protected content to play.
There’s still nothing here that would prevent you from copying your own “legitimately obtained” epub files or Amazon-encrypted AZW files to or from your PC.
I do see this article was the first result when I searched “MTP DRM” on Google though 😉
- Comment on New Kindle e-readers no longer appear on computers 4 months ago:
Pretty minor as long as your computer’s OS supports MTP, which most do, except for MacOS. If you’re a Mac user, you’ll need 3rd party software like Calibre or Android File Transfer for it to show up, but if you’re the kind of person who’s transferring books to and from your Kindle over USB, you’re probably already using Calibre anyway.
- Comment on New Kindle e-readers no longer appear on computers 4 months ago:
In short, no.
What’s changed here is now the Kindle and PC will actively communicate with each other during file transfers with MTP instead of the Kindle “pretending” to be a USB flash drive with USB mass storage. There are some important trade-off that come with the switch to MTP but nothing that will stop you from transferring ebooks to or from a computer.
- Comment on New Kindle e-readers no longer appear on computers 4 months ago:
Article is wrong about many things, seems poorly researched or the topic not fully understood by the author
- Comment on New Kindle e-readers no longer appear on computers 4 months ago:
I like to rag on Amazon as much as the next guy here, but this article seems a tad misleading. The article even says they use MTP now instead of functioning as a direct USB mass storage drive, but you can still plug them into your PC and transfer files though File Explorer. Android handles USB file transfers the same way, and that works fine.
- Comment on Smash Bros. Creator Masahiro Sakurai Quits YouTube With Final Video Teasing Mystery New Game 4 months ago:
Finally getting back to work on Half Life 3
- Comment on Windows MR Headsets No Longer Work In Windows 11 24H2 4 months ago:
I’m sure glad I didn’t get the HP Reverb G2 when it launched.
- Comment on Microsoft’s more secure Windows Recall feature can also be uninstalled by users 5 months ago:
Simply fire up the garbage disposal and throw your SSD in
- Comment on NIST proposes barring some of the most nonsensical password rules 5 months ago:
Anger is no excuse to be inefficient with propellant after all
- Comment on Empires fall 5 months ago:
Why did Best Buy survive buy Circuit City went under? They were basically the same thing, so what did they do differently?
- Comment on HTC announces the Vive Focus Vision with color passthrough and an eye on gaming 5 months ago:
But does it have pancake lenses? I don’t see it mentioned and that is honestly a make or break feature for me now. For a $1,000 in 2024, I hope it does.
- Comment on Peter Molyneux thinks generative AI is the future of games, all but guaranteeing that it won't be 5 months ago:
Well, if Peter says it is, everyone should give up on it right now.
- Comment on Setting up a printer 5 months ago:
Wow I just looked it up and that is the worst design I’ve ever seen. That’s a ton of work just to replace one of the most commonly changed parts.
- Comment on Setting up a printer 5 months ago:
The fact it won’t print below 220° makes me think it’s a problem with your hotend, and my best guess is that your nozzle is clogged. The higher temperature might be helping the extruder to squeeze a bit of filament around the clog, but not enough.
Changing the nozzle is quick and easy, and most printers come with a spare or two, so I would give that a shot before diving to deep into diagnostics.
- Comment on Polonium-241 6 months ago:
Not the favorite half though 😞
- Comment on Now the party has started 6 months ago:
Oh shit, Shadow Wizard Money Gang in the house
- Comment on Greed is a vice, I'll take 1 6 months ago:
I’ll take $0 dollar because something-grindset
- Comment on Check the facts 6 months ago:
Sounds like Jonathan still has a chance to redeem himself then
- Comment on I've finally done it, a perfect first layer in progress 6 months ago:
Just ordered a pack of silicone springs as mentioned above!
- Comment on I've finally done it, a perfect first layer in progress 6 months ago:
I printed some locks for the leveling knobs to keep them in place, would new springs do the same thing?
- Comment on I've finally done it, a perfect first layer in progress 6 months ago:
I don’t think it was squished, it came out without any of those ripples and the perimeter didn’t have any elephant’s foot.