- Comment on Can I still consider myself a “young woman” after I turn 24? I turn 24 in March (next month). 1 week ago:
I just turned 60. To me you look like a very young woman. Make sure to enjoy your life. Tell your loved ones that you love them. Don’t do stupid things that will harm you later, because even though it may look like later will never come, it will.
- Comment on Can I still consider myself a “young woman” after I turn 24? I turn 24 in March (next month). 2 weeks ago:
0 to 30: young. 30 to 60: middle age. 60 to 90: old. 90 to 120: ancient.
- Comment on Fitness app Strava gives away location of Biden, Trump and other leaders, French newspaper says. 4 months ago:
Pretty sure the secret service is responsible for protecting Trump. The rest of his campaign security is the job of the campaign, which is famously cheap.
- Comment on New Kindle e-readers no longer appear on computers 4 months ago:
Sounds like time for some 3rd party bios flash…
- Comment on Potential downsides of buying a brand new soft-unlocked (carrier-unlocked) phone? 5 months ago:
For me the advantage of buying an unlocked phone from the phone manufacturer is avoiding the bloatware from the carrier.
- Comment on Ukraine's Orthodox Church ban: Justified or not? 5 months ago:
Considering that the Russian orthodox church is a propaganda arm of the gru, yes.
- Comment on How do Texas residents afford electricity? 7 months ago:
By eliminating nonessentials like food.
- Comment on Why English language is sometimes "lazy", sometimes not 8 months ago:
Or complainer…
- Comment on How come there aren't any moral geniuses? 9 months ago:
Anyone operating at that level of morality wants nothing to do with humanity. It’s not that there aren’t any, it’s that you’ll never hear of them.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I just installed a translation extension.
- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 9 months ago:
Because liberals aren’t assholes?
- Comment on The Ute Mountain Ute Tribe will construct one of the largest solar farms in the U.S. 1 year ago:
This is the way.
- Comment on If I put a gallon of 10% cider vinegar in a shallow pan and let 1/2 gallon evaporate, will that make it double its strength? 1 year ago:
Have you tried barkeepers friend?
- Comment on Now that it is getting legalized everywhere, Cannabis should fall under the jurisdiction of the ATF rather than the DEA. 1 year ago:
Either hhs or fda.
- Comment on Can it be within human nature to be inhumane? Conversely can it be "unhuman" or going against human nature to be genuinely humane? 1 year ago:
The Range of human nature is equal to the range of human imagination. Anything you as an individual human can imagine is well within the range.
- Comment on The first EV with a lithium-free sodium battery hits the road in January 1 year ago:
Different battery chemistries have different charging requirements. So you’d have to have more complex charger/battery interaction requirements. Not insurmountable but another layer of standardization
- Comment on Transparent Wood Could Soon Find Uses In Smartphone Screens, Insulated Windows 1 year ago:
Yeah! Gorillas are endangered!
- Comment on Transparent Wood Could Soon Find Uses In Smartphone Screens, Insulated Windows 1 year ago:
Given that industry likes deceptive trade names- ‘plexiglas’ for instance- transparent wood will probably be known as ‘lignoglass’ or some such nonsense.
- Comment on Transparent Wood Could Soon Find Uses In Smartphone Screens, Insulated Windows 1 year ago:
Glass can be toughened up a bit by tempering, at a cost. It can be toughened up a lot by other methods up to being made bulletproof at costs both financial and in terms of compromises to clarity and adding a lot of thickness.
The question is whether ‘transparent wood’ can compete with glass in performance and cost.
- Comment on How do you call someone born in the US besides "American"? 1 year ago:
- Comment on [TECHCRUNCH] Where’s the innovation in induction kitchens? 1 year ago:
- Comment on How do you call someone born in the US besides "American"? 1 year ago:
Especially since one of the states- Hawaii- is not in the Americas
- Comment on How do you call someone born in the US besides "American"? 1 year ago:
That settles it. People from the unites states shall henceforth be called “Doug”
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago: