The chemicals maybe, I don’t know which ones. I’m not a poop or perm expert.
Perms and hair removal products both contain chemicals that smell like sulfur, often described as “like rotten eggs” (my experience with rotten eggs is miniscule so I can’t confirm). Cruciferous vegetables contain sulfur, as do eggs of course. Thinking back on what you ate, remember it could be more than 24 hours ago, or it could be gas from tonight getting ahead of the poop.
Some diseases can also make poop smell different so it’s worth trying to come up with a more accurate description before searching the Internet. Also take into account how you feel in general. 3 months ago
So, also not a poop expert, but I do know poop should smell like poop. If the smell of your dookies changes suddenly and doesn’t return back to normal in the time it takes to pass a few meals, you should probably go see a poop expert. AKA, your doctor. 3 months ago
Sadly, John McAfee has passed. 3 months ago
Unsure if you mean the guy named John McAfee, or if you decided to name your turd and that’s what you landed on. There’s a solid case to be made for either! 3 months ago
The idea that you should rush to a doctor if your poop smells different amuses me 3 months ago
If it stays different. A bad meal can do some weird things to your toilet, but you should be back to normal pretty quick. If it stays different, something isn’t working the way it’s supposed to, so yeah that’s definitely a red flag.
The stuff that comes out of your body can tell you a lot about the parts inside.