I'm just this guy, you know?
- Comment on Grok 3 roasts Lemmy 1 week ago:
Grok’s got some jokes.
- Comment on Someone should recut episodes of "Friends" so that they only include Ross, and call it "Friend" 2 weeks ago:
I watched that. 👆
- Comment on Someone should recut episodes of "Friends" so that they only include Ross, and call it "Friend" 2 weeks ago:
“Friend minus Friends” as in “Garfield minus Garfield?”
Based. I’d watch one.
- Comment on Why do we all have mayonnaise in our fridges instead of béarnaise sauce? 3 months ago:
Your alternatives aren’t shelf stable. That’s all there is to it.
- Comment on Sugar vs baking soda to neutralize acid in canned tomatoes? 3 months ago:
When you simmer or slow roast tomato sauce over several hours, the sugars in the tomato release and caramelize which helps to offset acidity. If you’re finding the cooked sauce is still acidic, you can try adding other sweet vegetables such as finely grated carrot, sweet onion, or half of a raw potato (which you’d remove before serving).
That they pack your tomatoes with lemon might mean you need to actively neutralize the extra acids, which you can do with milk or cream, or just a little baking soda as you suggest. Probably not more than a pinch, though, or the sauce could lose its brightness.
- Comment on Have you ever had a shit that smelled like a hair salon? 4 months ago:
N… No?
No, I’m pretty sure I haven’t. - Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
Termux (on F-droid) is a userland environment that runs on top of your Android device’s kernel. It has Debian/Ubuntu-like package management system that pulls from repos maintained by the termux team. If the package is available for aarch64, its probably available in the termux repos. Its not so.Mich of an app as it is an alternate userland that runs on top of the same kernel, but can interact with Android a couple of different ways.
The main Termux app gets you a basic command line environment with the usual tools included in a headless Linux install. From there you can select your preferred repos, do package updates, installs, etc, just like on a desktop or laptop. You could even install a desktop environment and use RDP to access it.
Then there are some companion apps that are useful:
- Termux:boot is like a primitive rc.d feature that executes upon boot up any scripts found in the termux ~/.termux/boot directory. You could use the feature to launch an SSH server, or perhaps start your syncthing service when the phone starts up.
- Termux:Tasker is a Tasker plugin that allows Tasker to launch scripts in .termux/tasker based on whatever triggers or profiles you define in Tasker. For example, stop or start selected services when connected to your home WiFi
- Termux:API is a set of termux utilities to interact with the Android API, and do things like send messages, interact with the camera or battery, and manipulate system settings.
So you could install the syncthing package in Termux and (after setting up Termux access for your internal storage) configure it to sync folders from your phone to whether syncthing syncs. You’d set up a start script under Termux:boot to launch it when your phone starts, or Tasker to start/stop the service on your home WiFi.
- Comment on Syncthing Android app discontinued 4 months ago:
For the F-droid enabled users, it seems there’s a Syncthing app in the Termux repos:
~ $ apt show syncthing Package: syncthing Version: 1.28.0 Maintainer: @termux Installed-Size: 26.4 MB Homepage: Download-Size: 7857 kB APT-Sources: stable/main aarch64 Packages Description: Decentralized file synchronization
- Comment on Kitty car trip 4 months ago:
Hello, third rail. i wasn’t expecting to tangle with you today.
- Comment on Qualcomm Approached Intel About a Takeover in Recent Days 5 months ago:
I am really not sure how I feel about this. It feels like when Cisco Systems bought Kalpana back in '94 and brought us the Catalyst 3000. So sexy, much disaster. Very bugs.
I really wanted to like that switch.
Where was I?
Oh right: Qualcomm buying Intel. That’s not gonna help anything or anyone. Bad idea.
- Comment on Of the three homonyms, "too" is the most congruent word to mean the number 2 because there are too Os. 5 months ago:
Two’s too many to count
- Comment on Of the three homonyms, "too" is the most congruent word to mean the number 2 because there are too Os. 5 months ago:
And two other to’s
- Comment on Potential downsides of buying a brand new soft-unlocked (carrier-unlocked) phone? 5 months ago:
I buy all of my phones carrier-unlocked, and have never had a problem.
Potential pitfalls are if the IMEI is blacklisted, which could happen if the phone is reported as stolen, or if the radio deck isn’t compatible with your carrier’s network.
In the US, the AT&T and T-Mobile networks are pretty open, and you just need to pop in your SIM card. I don’t have experience with Verizon to know if you can bring your own device or not, but I imagine as long as the phone can work with Verizon then its probably just a matter of visiting a store to have it activated.
- Comment on If Russia takes out all the Internet cables like the news is saying. How much of that traffic can be re-routed to satellite? 5 months ago:
A cable-cutting war will be absolutely devastating to the global economy. It’s the modern equivalent of Mutually Assured Destruction. There are few viable contingency plans.
I say this as a telecom wonk: hope and pray and vote so that war never comes.
- Comment on A symbol for the fediverse ⁂ 6 months ago:
I was gonna say snowflakes, but now I can’t unsee the buttholes.
- Comment on Out of curiosity if a woman is in control of her own body. If the SCOTUS did not reverse Roe than why can't a woman in control become a prostitue? 6 months ago:
Because “Commerce Clause.”
Incidentally, Citizen, we haven’t seen you down at the local Rally lately…
- Comment on What are some ways to see the back of your head without others' help? 6 months ago:
- Find yourself a Spacetime Bender guru, preferably with a boomerang shaped birthmark on his scalp
- Become a generational talent
- ???
- Contemplate your inevitable bald spot
- Comment on If a deaf person had tinnitus, they'd probably never recognize it 6 months ago:
I suspected, but I’m not about to let facts get in the way of comedy.
(No really, I feel bad)
- Submitted 6 months ago to | 13 comments
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
Maybe, maybe not. Time will tell.
See you around, hey?
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
I’ve also been watching this account, and I think it’s an agitator organization. The posts are too frequent across several focused topics, and engagement is contemporaneously too cogent across those topics for it to be a single person.
I call shenanigans.
- Comment on Lemmy shitpost right now: 6 months ago:
Oh, goddammit.
- Comment on Are there any legal issues with pulling out of an interview? 6 months ago:
I’ve been on the hiring end of those conversations before, and frankly I prefer it when a candidate withdraws. It saves me the time and effort of an interview and let’s me focus on other candidates.
Don’t forget, it’s an inter-view-- you’re vetting them as a potential employer just as much as they’re vetting you as a potential hire. It’s completely reasonable to tell them that after further consideration, you don’t think the you’re a good fit for the job and that you’d like to withdraw your application, thanking them for their time and consideration. It’s more professional to be respectful of everyone’s time and withdraw since you already know you don’t want the job.
If they booked you plane tickets or something to fly you in for a face to face…? Eh, they might have a beef with that. You’d have wanted to withdraw before it got that far.
- Comment on Potential reasons for undershooting gravity 6 months ago:
I’ve never heard of back flow during a sparge before, but it’s an interesting idea. Is that a common practice these days? I quit brewing maybe 10 years ago, and I was doing 20L batches with gravity feed. It was when the AIO systems were starting to become affordable.
- Comment on Potential reasons for undershooting gravity 6 months ago:
Low brewhouse efficiency can be a bear to troubleshoot. Usually they’re procedural problems. Tweaking the chemistry gets you a few points, if you’re off 10% or more off your target efficiency, it’s usually something else.
One of the things that can hit your efficiency numbers is a stuck sparge, or channeling in the mash tun. Sparge water finds the path of least resistance to the spigot, so if the grain bed is uneven, the sparge water will bypass the denser inclusions and leave sugar on the table, sort of like a stream cutting a channel in the mud.
Your grind might be contributing to that situation if it’s too fine, and you have too much flour in the mix. You need to stir it really well after strike, and then let it settle. If you can adjust anything on your mill to reduce flour that will certainly help. Otherwise adding rice hulls to the mash help to even out the consistency of the grain bed.
One trick I used to use would be to give everything one last stir at the end of the mash, and then pull a couple liters of wort to gently pour back on top. Is repeat the process into the wort ran clear. This would help to even the grain bed and then help it settle.
Other contributing factors could be how fast you sparge. Too fast and you’re not going to capture all the sugars. Slower is generally better, since it gives the fresh water time to dissolve any extra sugars left in the grain. It also helps to reduce channeling.
My typical efficiency was 75%, maybe 80% on a very good day, but I tried to remind myself that chasing efficiency only got you frustrated.
Hope any of this helps!
- Comment on How come neither burps nor hiccups are usually painful, but a combination of both is? 6 months ago:
You know what you did
- Comment on How come neither burps nor hiccups are usually painful, but a combination of both is? 6 months ago:
When you burp, your stomach contracts and your esophagus relaxes, allowing air to expel. When you hiccup, your diaphragm contracts, and your esophagus relaxes. I dunno. Kinda. I’m mock-hiccupping abs burping as I type this and that seems to be what’s going on).
When all three contract, everything jams up, and that hurts.
Cool story time: Sometimes I hiccup really hard and it’s kind of painful. Thanks for coming to my TED talk
- Comment on Adult pool goers - what do people even do at the pool? 7 months ago:
That … That’s baller. I’m “doughy” at best, and its all I’ll ever be.
- Comment on Adult pool goers - what do people even do at the pool? 7 months ago:
Depends on how fat, and how salty, but generally the difference is less than 5% by mass.
- Comment on Adult pool goers - what do people even do at the pool? 7 months ago:
Not get splashed or crowded by kids, mostly.