As an English person, I have to say…
… Fair enough, I don’t like us much either.
Submitted 4 months ago by to [deleted]
As an English person, I have to say…
… Fair enough, I don’t like us much either.
But why? /genq
English tradition.
To quote Jacques Chirac:
“Ah, English food! At first you think it’s crap and then you regret that it’s not.”
You look at Jacques Chirac and you just intuitively know you’re dealing with an expert opinion on eating shit.
Wales be like: you guys getting represented on the union jack?
British I can handle, but those damn French can suck on their snails for me
I’m from Spain and here snails are sometimes eaten with rice. While a different kind they do taste very good. Dunno about the French ones.
French snails are soaked in garlic butter. If you like garlic butter then you will like it.
OK but why so much British hate? And I’m talking about the people, not the goverment.
The yanks were fed up of being the geopolitical bad guys and the only other counties they could think of were the UK and France
I say!
drops monocle
Hey, the Welsh and Scottish are okay <3
The welsh are lovely! At least, I think they are, just wish I understood what they were trying to tell me.
The Scots are a violent, savage people. I was attacked there and beaten, and everyone I met on the rest of my week stay regaled me with stories of people they knew who had been similarly brutalized. “Oh yeah my sister got a kicking last week.” “My mate Barry tried to pull some geezers off a bird and then she helped them give him a kicking!” And on and on. Amazingly even more vicious than the English, which hardly seemed possible.
The system works
That’s true. Can’t argue with that
I don’t know how to repost on lemmy, but yeah.
Your accent is made up, you’re only putting extra effort into saying and spelling things wrong.
your roads are designed by idiots. Why does a round-about need more than one lane? You have too many old buildings that are always on the verge of crumbling to dust, either tear them all down, or stop using those old ways of construction. People stopped making buildings with those methods for a reason.
Also…over in the UK, you can be locked up for posts on social media that that powers that be determine are “offensive” You also don’t have to show yourself in court when you accuse someone of something in the UK
And the only reason you have nuclear arms or 99% of the other military equipment you have is because of your partnership with America the great. Without our support you’d have been overrun by your current and former enemies many times by now.
Suck on Florida if you don’t like it
The roundabout is superior in every way to the traffic light controlled “intersection”.
Everything else, yeah, pretty much spot on.
It is, but i detest getting stuck in a massive line of people who have no idea how to use a roundabout.
This has got to be bait, it’s like a yank wrote every point deliberately wrong
Bro, London Bridge is literally falling down!
🤢 Br*tish “people” 🤮
hell save children, but not the British children 4 months ago
Visiting the UK is like going into the future. That’s because I’m American and we’ll be a washed up hegemon soon.
P.S. I can’t help but notice that you lost your empire around the same time you got healthcare. Is there a way to learn this power? 4 months ago
Yea, get the shit bombed out of you. Then you’ll lose everything and your government will have no option but to finally get off their arse and publically fund healthcare to avoid their remaining workforce dying out. 4 months ago
I’m not entirely convinced they don’t want us poors to die off. Otherwise we’d have an actual healthcare system in the US. 4 months ago
I have half a recollection from a misremembered primary school history class that that also coincided with the end of wwii. I bet that was part of the magic spell 4 months ago
Except the water faucets (“taps”) come in pairs, one with cold water and one with hot. So, not so much like going into the future, but more like some primitive land too stubborn to change for the better in even the most straightforward, obvious ways. 😆 4 months ago
There’s a practical reason for this. In a lot of UK homes, mostly those built from the 1940s to 1960s, cold water comes directly from the mains supply and hot water comes from a local storage cistern, often situated in the attic. They’re kept separate to avoid cold “drinking” water being contaminated by hot “washing” water which isn’t fresh. My older home doesn’t use this system and I have mixer taps in both my kitchen and bathroom.