- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 2 days ago:
It’s completely baffling that there are people unironically still defending gas stoves in 2025. There’s no discussion to be had on the subject any more, induction is superior and that’s final.
- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 2 days ago:
The interfaces are usually really bad, yes. The technology itself still makes up for this particular shortcoming, but they need to step up their game.
- Comment on Perplexity open sources R1 1776, a version of the DeepSeek R1 model that CEO Aravind Srinivas says has been “post-trained to remove the China censorship”. 1 week ago:
From what I gather from the Perplexity CEO, he is just that type of Musk-tier cringelord, so yes, probably
- Comment on Perplexity open sources R1 1776, a version of the DeepSeek R1 model that CEO Aravind Srinivas says has been “post-trained to remove the China censorship”. 1 week ago:
My god, could he have chosen a name more cringe than this? Fuck.
- Comment on The priorities of life 1 week ago:
With a pannier rack and baskets to hang on the rack, I can carry all the groceries we need for 1-2 weeks if I so wish on my bike, no problems whatsoever.
- Comment on Bitly adds interstitial ads to shortened URLs, unlocking new revenue stream 2 weeks ago:
Honestly, just never use link shorteners. QR codes have basically completely killed their use-case, and various sharing tools take care of what little QR codes do not.
- Comment on Branded pothole repairs. 2 weeks ago:
The reason your roads have so many potholes is because where you live likely has too much road infrastructure to support relative to the amount of taxes collected to maintain said infrastructure.
In other words, it’s insolvent.
- Comment on Lost in translation 2 weeks ago:
Voice message transcription could probably be a pretty good accessibility-feature for chat apps, I think.
- Comment on DeepSeek Proves It: Open Source is the Secret to Dominating Tech Markets (and Wall Street has it wrong). 2 weeks ago:
Llama has several restrictions making it quite a bit less open than Grok or DeepSeek.
- Comment on They're coming 3 weeks ago:
The goonmaxxening is soon upon us
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 3 weeks ago:
That’s just most people though, isn’t it?
It’s a bit messed up that we humans have to exercise just to stay well-functioning, and I don’t blame people who don’t do that at all.
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 3 weeks ago:
That one is a bit of an HR emotional abuse so idk, do it at your own peril. Also it won’t help your muscles or bones
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 3 weeks ago:
Strength exercise helps, I recommend it
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 3 weeks ago:
Sweden: These are called Tunnbrödrulle (flat bread roll)
Chile: These are called Completos (complete ones, the whole package basically. A hot dog with everything on it). They are also commonly served with Chilean-style mustard and Ají, a spicy sauce.
If I had to choose between them, I’d go for a Completo. Those things will be the death of me, but I will in the very least die happy
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 3 weeks ago:
Well, they should have added proper labels to them instead of just writing the country name.
The Swedish one is not strictly speaking a “Swedish-style hot dog” - when we eat hot dogs, it’s mostly a bread/sausage/ketchup/mustard-deal. The one in the picture is a Tunnbrödrulle (flat bread roll), which does contain a sausage, but it’s not what I would call a hot dog by any means.
They are good, though!
- Comment on Taking them to Canada. 3 weeks ago:
Is that Thai I see on the sign in the back? I guess it would track with the method of delivery as well. A bit too far away to tell definitively, but I would say it’s probably SEA at least
- Comment on First sodium battery urban e-bike offers 45-mile range and operates in cold weather without capacity loss 1 month ago:
As far as I know (which is not a lot in this case), salt isn’t really harvested from desalination, and instead the concentrated salt solution (brine) gets deposited back into the ocean, where it can be damaging to marine life in the vicinity of the plant.
- Comment on Neighbours are eligible for FTTP, but I'm not - only options wait and hope or pay? 1 month ago:
You could perhaps convince them that it’s an investment that would increase the value of the property.
- Comment on Trump Says He Wants No Wind Turbines Built During Administration 1 month ago:
What a fucking loser.
Literally the cheapest energy. The fall of the American empire is truly going to be accelerated under this massive clown
- Comment on Germany hits 62.7% renewables in 2024 energy mix, with solar contributing 14% 1 month ago:
There’s no sense in spending limited public funding on nuclear now - renewables and storage is winning on all fronts.
Shutting down what nuclear existed was a costly mistake, but going down that path again is an even worse one
- Comment on heat your body, not your house -- using an infrared heat lamp 1 month ago:
What kind of indoor temperatures are you hitting for it to be that cold for you? You probably want to make sure you’re not running low enough temperatures to allow mold to set in, fwiw.
Regardless, if this is something you want to do, have you covered your bases, wearing a bae layer + wool sweater/socks/cap + maybe fingerless gloves?
- Comment on End of Russian gas via Ukraine sparks unease in eastern Europe 1 month ago:
Slovakia’s leader Robert Fico – one of the Kremlin’s few allies within the EU – has cried foul over Kyiv’s decision, travelling to Moscow to meet Putin in response.
Cope and seethe, honestly. You’ve been given ample time to transition, your failure to act accordingly is not the responsibility of someone else.
- Comment on If we eat three meals a day, why do we poop only once? 1 month ago:
Society must have taught me poorly because I poop at work as frequently as my body tells me to
- Comment on ‘If 1.5m Germans have them there must be something in it’: how balcony solar is taking off 2 months ago:
Given the higher cooling demands during summer in more and more places, awnings are a good idea. These are specifically designed to capture the sunlight, hence it would perhaps follow that making these solar panels would be a good idea - solar awnings.
- Comment on ‘If 1.5m Germans have them there must be something in it’: how balcony solar is taking off 2 months ago:
They are still illegal in Sweden, unfortunately. Hopefully we get some movement on the subject soon.
- Comment on Quick, break its legs! 3 months ago:
- Comment on Solar modules now selling for less than €0.06/W in Europe 3 months ago:
Also when you account for those batteries the cost is going to shift a bit.
You better be bringing units if you’re going to be claiming this.
Still almost a third of the LCOE of nuclear when storage is added:…/global-levelized-cost-of-energy-co…
Given that both solar and storage costs are trending downwards while nuclear is not, this basically kills any argument for nuclear in the future. It’s not viable on its face - renewables + storage is the definitive future.
- Comment on The return of Trump means Britain must rethink its defence strategy – and role in the world 3 months ago:
Imagine the cost of changing the entire road network over to use metric.
Here’s a zero-cost plan to migrate the road network over to metric: have a transition period where signs may be shown in either unit, then require all replacement signs to be shown as metric. Since all signs must eventually be replaced, over a long enough period of time the whole network will become metric without any marginal cost increase.
The only downside is that for a time, people have to understand both units and how they relate to each other.
- Comment on What should I bring to far-north Scandinavia? 3 months ago:
Layers - get a good base layer, merino wool is the gold standard for these. You also want to get a neck gaiter, plus some merino wool socks, and some kind of cap. These will keep you warm and dry throughout most cold weather. Add more layers on top when outside, and remember to remove layers proactively if you feel yourself starting to sweat - it’s never a good idea to be wet in cold weather. The base layer will make physical exertion a pretty hot affair quite fast, so you’d be surprised how fast the sweat starts pouring.
- Comment on Spotify’s Plans For AI Generated Music, Podcasts, and Recommendations, According To Its Co-President, CTO, and CPO Gustav Söderström 3 months ago:
ITT: People who did not read the article and just shot from the hip