- Comment on let's try this again... 19 hours ago:
When I was researching them I came across some reviews saying they didn’t have great build quality. It is a newer company so it might improve over time.
Don’t have any first hand experience with them though.
- Comment on Why aren't all rooms holodecks? 1 day ago:
Imagine the input lag though.
You go grab an apple, and hold something invisible instead. Then you get chased by the floating apple.
- Comment on I did it because I had to! 5 days ago:
Just sold my son for some shit. Don’t you see, the plants must GROW!
- Comment on I love the future. 5 days ago:
They aren’t the most successful, they just have the most money.
- Comment on Designed by men, for men: Why sex with robots does not have appeal among women 6 days ago:
Isn’t that because women have had vibrators for decades?
- Comment on Ukraine isn’t invited to its own peace talks. History is full of such examples – and the results are devastating 1 week ago:
America doesn’t have a say in the war, no matter how much Trump would like that.
If Ukraine doesn’t get a say in a peace talk, then they will just keep killing Russians until they do.
And Europe will keep supplying them until that happens.
- Comment on Ukraine isn’t invited to its own peace talks. History is full of such examples – and the results are devastating 1 week ago:
Nice Russian propaganda you spreading.
How many rubles does it pay? Or are you paid in a currency that isn’t in freefall because of an illegal war.
Even what you said is true, that still does not justify an invasion.
- Comment on Ukraine isn’t invited to its own peace talks. History is full of such examples – and the results are devastating 1 week ago:
It isn’t a peace deal.
It is a deal to bully someone together.
- Comment on Infinite Hotel Paradox 1 week ago:
The closest one that left is not infinite though. It has a set number.
- Comment on How does this pic show that Elon Musk doesnt know SQL? 2 weeks ago:
He is saying the US government doesn’t use structured databases.
At least 90% of all databases have a structure.
- Comment on Anyone Can Push Updates to the DOGE.gov Website 2 weeks ago:
Probably because it “doesn’t” use SQL
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 2 weeks ago:
Ah, so they are for BDSM?
- Comment on Romantic 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Maybe they want to steal Canada’s eggs
- Comment on Be honest. Your first thought was would this be an advantage or disadvantage during masturbation 2 weeks ago:
Mad thumb war gamer
- Comment on It's not easy being cheesy 3 weeks ago:
Either Chester Cheetah is female, or he has donated his balls
- Comment on Motivational 3 weeks ago:
Especially the sherpas
- Comment on Captain Crunch vs Jean Lafoote 3 weeks ago:
What about the inside of your esophagus?
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 3 weeks ago:
That’s the ~curry ~worst
- Comment on Tough question 3 weeks ago:
But compared to an nft son, a lot less.
- Comment on Trump Says He Wants No Wind Turbines Built During Administration 1 month ago:
They are very flamable
- Comment on Elon Musk wants the U.S. to “Liberate the people Britain from their tyrannical government” 1 month ago:
Yeah, invade it and add it back to the EU as a vassal state, undo that Brexit.
- Comment on Austin Powers was made approximately as long ago as Austin spent frozen. 1 month ago:
Mike Myers was ahead of his time and very progressive. Those jokes aged pretty well. Even the “shes a man, baby” ones. Because they weren’t about trans people, but at most transvestites. Which are still men and still identify as such.
He wouldn’t make a joke like that about trans people who actually transitioned. Since he would consider those the sex they transitioned to.
The character of Austin would also be excited when he would learn about bisexuality since he would be able to fuck both males and females at the same time.
Austin is an ally, and a big one at that. Especially at the time.
- Comment on My favorite 1 month ago:
Thats complete bullshit.
I never put salt in my pasta, and all my pasta comes out al dente. It has to do with the boil time more than it has with the salt contents.
- Comment on Tell her 2 months ago:
Because you are not my type.
- Comment on 1 in 3 people 2 months ago:
Sorry, this is a school zone.
Those guns aren’t allowed.
- Comment on Playing Outside Simulator coming 2025 3 months ago:
Yeah, I remember the war between Roblox and Blockland back in the day.
Ah good times.
- Comment on Why do the majority of women still take their partner's last name? 3 months ago:
I don’t really like both as a compromise.
What if your children did the same? And their children too?
After a while you’d have 30+ names in your last name.
- Comment on fatty lumps 3 months ago:
points vaguely at your entire body
- Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 3 months ago:
Got to show off the sponsors, it is in the contract.