Also good for composting and making room in your recycling bin
I designed a cardboard cutter that turns boxes into free cat scratchers
Submitted 5 months ago by to
Comments 5 months ago 5 months ago
Looks like the specific design in this video is being sold here, but if you’d prefer something that isn’t behind a pay wall there’s a few options (like this one).
Side rant: I’m all for people getting compensation for creative work but I feel like it’s wrong to put the source file behind a waywall instead of simply selling the actual print directly to people that don’t have access to a printer, that seems much more fair imo 5 months ago
Selling the actual print is more work than selling the STL. 5 months ago
Oh definitely, I just think it’s easier to justify paying for a physical product than it is paying for a single file if you still need to manufacture it yourself. Still a valid business practice, I’m just biased toward “information should be free” and all that. 5 months ago
So much more. It’s not even in the same ballpark. 5 months ago
I tried to buy the model from an artist recently for personal use(friend wanted some Mickey ears of a specific style). Person told me no and quoted me $130 for a physical product for something I could print in about an hour. For a Disney product they were already infringing on themselves.
Went elsewhere and found someone selling the model for $7. Figured that was fair for the effort to transform it into a model file.
Turned out i was wrong - only took me 20 minutes to print.
Some of these artists are ridiculous… 5 months ago
I’ve made a few things. One, Mickey shaped cabinet hardware I put up for free because I didn’t want to deal with Disney. Though I might put the raw print up on Etsy or something just because.
Another is a frame to turn a Disney name tag into an ornament. I’m selling the completed product rather than releasing the design because I wanted to really offer it to people who didn’t have 3d printers and wanted to ensure that it met my standards. And I didn’t want competition. That said, it takes quite a lot of time to print, prep, sand, and paint. I spend a couple hours in finishing each and sell it at a price that… Totally doesn’t make it worth it. 5 months ago
Awesome! Is that a real device that’s available for sale? Those would be good school or scout projects to donate to animal shelters. 5 months ago 5 months ago
I’ve been thinking about getting a 3D printer. Well, yesterday I decided I need a 3D printer. I know nothing at all. What should I get? 5 months ago
I have used something like that. The blade dulls pretty quickly and it is a lot of work. I got 2 or 3 usable cat scratchers out of one blade.
Given that one cat scratcher cost something like 2,50€, it simply wasnt worth it for me. 5 months ago
While you studied the catch scratcher, I studied the blade.
I was able to get 4 or 5 usable cat scratchers out of one blade. 5 months ago
You’ve designed a niche solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.
Use a box knife. Or, for a more versatile tool, get a Morakniv Companion. 5 months ago
Welcome to the world of 3d printing 5 months ago
If I don’t design and print something I could buy I might be tempted to do more mods for my printer.
Things like this give us… balance. Luckily I have a new project… building a Voron so it’s both something new AND printing printer parts. 5 months ago
Good luck getting consistent cuts while you’re freehanding. The idea is to make the nice flat cat scratching pad, and also being able to make the tool with the tool printer you have at home 5 months ago
I mean, you could make a jig to use a box cutter to make consistent width strips very easily with three pieces of scrap wood. But this commenter coming in here for the express purpose of trying to shit on 3D printer hobbyists was a stupid move on his part. 5 months ago
I mean that’s kinda the whole deal with 3d printing, it’s useful for really niche applications where you can just add a small amount of convenience to your life.
Someone else commented about this being good for school kids so they can safely make cat scratchers to donate to animal shelters, and as a cat owner with a constant pile of recycling I can see this being actually useful if I wanna avoid spending $20-$40 on one of those fancier cardboard cat scratchers from Target or whatever. 5 months ago
I mean that’s kinda the whole deal with 3d printing, it’s useful for really niche applications where you can just add a small amount of convenience to your life.
Is it? All I ever request to be printed is the proprietary part that prematurely broke as it was designed to do.
Someone else commented about this being good for school kids
Instead of teaching them to use scissors? We’re raising a generation that can’t think or do for themselves. They’re reliant upon consumption.
as a cat owner with a constant pile of recycling I can see this being actually useful
As an adult you think it’s more useful than a box knife? It’s not even going to be faster than a box knife with straight edge. And, why do you need a product to pet your cat? 5 months ago
I hope you only drink room temperature tap water. Any flavor makes you a hypocrite. 5 months ago
Your reasoning is so obscure very few will follow. CONSUME! 5 months ago
This looks a lot like trolling. The community here certainly doesn’t seem to care for it. 5 months ago
I don’t like what you’ve said so you’re a troll. We don’t serve your kind around here.
SMRT. 5 months ago
Reminder to avoid using Amazon boxes for this: Their boxes contain a rodenticide to keep rats/mice away from their products. 5 months ago
Reminder to check snopes before believing random internet factoids: 5 months ago
Thank you, I’m educated and savvy and I almost fell for that. Why oh WHY are there sooooo many trolls about? 5 months ago
This sounds like a Facebook fact.
Oh yep it is. 5 months ago
Is there a source on this? My initial fact check search suggests this was debunked. 5 months ago
My cat will still go to the couch 🫠 5 months ago
Depending on what that couch has been through, it might be about marking/refreshing territory.
But also understand that there are different kinds of scratching materials and structure. My cat only likes the cardboard kind in a small A3-ish box and that is more because she likes to move it around. For actual scratching she very much prefers the ropier material in something sturdy at a 90 or 45 degree angle that she can really push against without it moving.
And I’ve NEVER seen a cat actually like one of those free standing scratching posts after the first time they push it over during a more energetic session. 5 months ago
My two cats prefer them. Even the new one we got (and need to replace) that keeps falling on top of one of them. 5 months ago
My cat just likes to scratch and stretches wherever she sees something scratchable 😂 5 months ago
Is the hot glue pretty good for standing up to kitty abuse? I was thinking PVA glue, but a glue gun would make things quicker. 5 months ago
My two are pretty good with not eating things they shouldn’t so I just made sure stringy bits were cleaned up. Googling says PVA/wood glue is safer for cats but I would check brands if they are non-toxic 5 months ago
flour and water paste should work pretty well as long as there’s no wax or tape to block the paper bonding. 5 months ago
I love this! Free cat scratchers might not seem like they have much value, but has anyone seen the price of those ready-made things?! They’re pushing $20 for a large-ish flat scratcher at lower volume places like TSC, but Target isn’t much better, still $10 for a 10" x 18" flat cheapy.
Down with bougie cat cardboard!!! 5 months ago
That looks a lot easier than gluing a stack of boxes together and cutting off slabs with a bandsaw like I was planning.
I guess this is my excuse to finally finish calibrating my new extruder setup. 5 months ago
This is cool but my cat won’t touch cardboard scratchers. 5 months ago
👍 5 months ago
Image 5 months ago
STL files available on Thangs 5 months ago
Kickass 3d print man 5 months ago
I found this one online from last year…/356486-cat-scratcher-cardboard-c…