- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 6 days ago:
Ummm we did? My pixel 9 pro is noticably smaller than my pixel 6 pro, much to my delight. Maybe stop buying the XL tablet phones and you’ll find they’re actually a reasonable size again. So many people in the comments rallying against an issue that isn’t even there. You’re just being told this is an issue. Do you even check for yourselves?
- Comment on Sun God 1 week ago:
Less about size and more about size and relative distance. Think about being on Mercury and the entire sky is blazing sun.
- Comment on Bad UX is keeping the majority of people away from Lemmy 3 weeks ago:
Exactly. If this minimal effort is keeping people out - GOOD. If you can’t put the bare minimum effort in, then you’ll just be another mindless TikTok type person and we really don’t need those.
- Comment on Developer creates endless Wikipedia feed to fight algorithm addiction 3 weeks ago:
…so… content filters when? Let me limit it to certain subjects and I don’t need social media anymore 😂
- Comment on Internet Archive played crucial role in tracking shady CDC data removals 4 weeks ago:
I literally posted a comment saying “sure is odd that this is happening right before the election. Not saying it means anything, but maybe it’s not a coincidence?” and got downvoted to hell lmao.
- Comment on Give permission. Don't give permission. They know where you are anyway 4 weeks ago:
You miss my meaning. All the servers that your info passes through, all the cell towers, etc, can and in many cases do track you(even as just routine loggings). Thinking that running anything makes you more secure while connecting to a giant public network is naive.
- Comment on Give permission. Don't give permission. They know where you are anyway 4 weeks ago:
You know the towers log data too, right? And that websites themselves can track you regardless of what OS you use, right?
Privacy is good, but stop with this “Linux is a magic weapon” BS.
- Comment on Make it Yourself: 1000 Useful Things to Make - A free book by NODE that houses an extremely wide range of everyday things, along with guides on how to make them and what skills are required 4 months ago:
And a huge amount of items are “3D print this”. This was disappointing. It’s basically just a curated printables list.
- Comment on Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Dev Says Big Budget Games Are Failing in Part Because Teams Are Over-Scoping Their Projects 5 months ago:
Unpopular opinion: open world ruined Zelda. I thought I’d love the concept. But actually give it to me? Ughhh… Spend forever doing side quests because you don’t know if the equipment will only be good now or if youll need it down the road… No real guidance so you can end up just meandering around…
I liked the more structured narrative. Don’t get me wrong it’s cool to play Link and just do whatever you want. But for a story game, a more defined linear path is more engaging imo.
- Comment on reDUcTIon iS gAIn 5 months ago:
“the choice is arbitrary”.
Except it’s not as many other have pointed out. You’re just confused and trying to spread your confusion to others. Yes, advanced math gets complex, that’s advanced math. Don’t drag trig into this when you’re just confused.
Also “I don’t use bottle caps or cars”? Seriously just buzz off with that. You don’t live anywhere where you’re not using the simple machine of a screw. I hope Archimedes is rolling clockwise in his grave right now.
- Comment on reDUcTIon iS gAIn 5 months ago:
“the choice is arbitrary”.
Except it’s not as many other have pointed out. You’re just confused and trying to spread your confusion to others. Yes, advanced math gets complex, that’s advanced math. Don’t drag trig into this when you’re just confused.
- Comment on reDUcTIon iS gAIn 5 months ago:
Fair point. Car wheels are a bit of a bad example. Probably shouldn’t have included them, but I’ll at least argue that means that 50% of wheels are clockwise and 50% are counter, so it negates itself.
- Comment on reDUcTIon iS gAIn 5 months ago:
Tighten = on/activated. You use a cap buy putting it on to seal the container. You out a screw in to join the wood. You do the thing it’s meant to do in a clockwise fashion.
What’s the purpose of a cap? To keep things in. The purpose of the spout itself is to let them in.
Clockwise wins.
- Comment on reDUcTIon iS gAIn 5 months ago:
Ummm… Have you ever used a screw? Bottle cap? “Right tighty, lefty loosey”? A car wheel when going forward? Literally 99% of things tighten clockwise.
You’re the person people have to say “no, your other left” for, aren’t ya?
- Comment on I designed a cardboard cutter that turns boxes into free cat scratchers 5 months ago:
I tried to buy the model from an artist recently for personal use(friend wanted some Mickey ears of a specific style). Person told me no and quoted me $130 for a physical product for something I could print in about an hour. For a Disney product they were already infringing on themselves.
Went elsewhere and found someone selling the model for $7. Figured that was fair for the effort to transform it into a model file.
Turned out i was wrong - only took me 20 minutes to print.
Some of these artists are ridiculous…
- Comment on Student dorm does not allow wifi routers 5 months ago:
Lmao you are oblivious if you think it’s possible to set up a network that someone CANT fuck up while having physical access to it.
It’s not magic.
The point is NETWORKS ARE COMPLICATED. Users are generally dumb. The point is you don’t expect them to have the knowledge to do it right. So they’ll break something. Users with actual knowledge could yes, break things even worse.
That’s EXACTLY why they’re restricting hardware use.
Welcome to the conversation, smh
- Comment on Student dorm does not allow wifi routers 5 months ago:
If everything is set up perfectly, it should work, sure. Now how many people do you think even know the difference between WAN and LAN? You expecting the bio or art major to not make any mistakes at all? Or the business major?
- Comment on Student dorm does not allow wifi routers 5 months ago:
Users are often dumb. Imagine 100 people who think they know what they’re doing trying to set up a bunch of custom networking.
That’s your dorm.
Most dorms either outright prohibit using personal hardware like that or require the schools IT department to install it themselves and set it up.
Run a network of your own someday and you’ll understand. It’s hard enough to get your own network working perfectly without a bunch of wildcards popping up everywhere.
- Comment on Stratasys sues Bambu Lab over patents used widely by consumer 3D printers 6 months ago:
That would be a fun swap for the purge code lmao. Free “Fuck Stratasys” keychain with every print. Better than the squiggly “poop” blobs I get now…
- Comment on Stratasys sues Bambu Lab over patents used widely by consumer 3D printers 6 months ago:
For awhile I still believed there was a use for creators themselves. It’s basically the only way for an individual to sue a company for stealing their idea. But of course it gets captured by corporations and ruined. But until patents get some serious limits, yeah I’m out. They’re more harm than good, I agree. I just felt the good they were doing still had some merit…
- Comment on Stratasys sues Bambu Lab over patents used widely by consumer 3D printers 6 months ago:
Or on a Bambu, just do a longer “poop” purge and spit it out the side like they already do. A tower isn’t even necessary on a Bambu. It’s only needed on devices without a purge capability. Literally should be suing anyone but Bambu for that one.
- Comment on Stratasys sues Bambu Lab over patents used widely by consumer 3D printers 6 months ago:
Someone seriously patented purge towers? Ffs, first hearing that 3D printers were shelved for decades because some douchy company camped on the main patent, and now shit like this? Patenting “printing a square tower to accommodate the waste created during filament swaps” is fucking ridiculous. I can’t stand parents anymore. Corporate extortion through and through.
Fuck Stratasys.
- Comment on Apple now sending up to $395 payments to butterfly keyboard MacBook owners - 9to5Mac 6 months ago:
That’s what happens when states get to regulate these kinds of things. Notice it’s all the more progressive states that this applies to. States that put laws on their books against this. The reason it doesn’t count in those other states is because, for all intents and purposes, it was legal there.
People complain about California a lot, but this is what all of our “stupid useless laws” are for.
- Comment on LAPD warns residents after spike in burglaries using Wi-Fi jammers that disable security cameras, smart doorbells 7 months ago:
Lol. None of my smart devices will connect to anything other than a 2.5ghz connection. Only my TV will accept 5g. The range is MUCH narrower than you think. Then figure in that the top 5 or 6 companies provide hardware for 90% of peoples home installations and that pool becomes even smaller. Also, a microwave operates on the same frequency as 2.5 and was a common disconnection problem in the past.
This is trivially easy.
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
Exactly. It’s hard to argue that Steam has a monopoly when the other launchers exist and suck. Steam, despite its flaws, is still the best storefront we have. Gabe is the person who taught us that piracy is largely a service problem, not a price problem. People will pay when the paid option is quality.
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
A lot of companies have been trying to sue them and are trying to tarnish their name in any way possible because their case is already shaky at best. The whole “monopoly” thing despite competition existing and Valve only being on top because they’re the best feature wise stuff.
- Comment on Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal 7 months ago:
That’s just a name we give to “a share of a well-known, profitable, and established company with a history of success”. I.e. “companies that experience constant and consistent growth”. That’s literally what OP is criticizing. They do the same things. Microsoft is a blue chip. You think they don’t have layoffs to appease shareholders? Google? Apple?
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
So then you buy the unlocked version, just like the person said. This applies more to people leasing it who are locked in, like they said. Do you not have any reading comprehension?
- Comment on Why do many search engines seem to ignore operators (e.g. exact phrases, term exclusions, OR, etc.)? Is there a good reason for having a dumb 1997-level search logic that I'm not seeing? 8 months ago:
Bro, this is just a load of shit. Google removed them by choice, not because of some tech need. Better search engines still use them to great effect.
You just posted a very long rambling justification for injecting ads and other shit into the results instead of giving you what you asked for.
- Comment on OpenAI and Anthropic are ignoring an established rule that prevents bots scraping online content 8 months ago:
It’s like weapons testing. You only move to ban testing after you’ve developed it yourself.