No matter how you swing this, letting two million people starve is a barbaric act and there is no justification. What an absolute piece of shit. This is why we will never get off this rock.
Israeli minister says it may be ‘moral’ to starve 2 million Gazans, but ‘no one in the world would let us’
Submitted 6 months ago by to
Comments 6 months ago 6 months ago
Not when we wrap ourselves in the sins of our past. All religions should be burned down. Fuck your head-scarf. I’m a leftist but any religious person can drown 6 months ago
If you were a leftist you would have had better historical and material analysis to what’s going on rather than just “religion bad”. 6 months ago
You know that it’s not rare, right? 84% of people worldwide are affiliated with a religion. Do you want 84% of people to drown? 6 months ago
That’s shitty 6 months ago
Breathe 6 months ago
WTF is wrong with people. Why the hell is like half of Israel like this, damn. 6 months ago
You’re seriously asking why the apartheid ethnostate founded on a history of genocidal land grabs would support this? 6 months ago
It would be moral to drop any support to a government that thinks like this. It would be just to topple a government that thinks like this. 6 months ago
It would be moral to tie this guy to the next bomb they drop in Gaza 6 months ago
If our morals are derived from our collective experience, Bibi deserves far worse than shitting himself on the way to a heart attack and near-instantaneous obliteration 6 months ago
Those who don’t learn history are doomed to repeat it.
Those who do learn history are doomed to watch those who didn’t repeat it. 6 months ago
Remind me again…why are we, the usa, this guys ally? Because everything I see is just a facist, trying to protect his own political career at the cost of human lives that mean nothing to him.
How is this guy ANY different than putin? How can the USA say one guy is wrong, but the other guy is our our ally?
Just to be clear, I’m not defending putin. I’m not saying he’s right either. I’m saying putin is a piece of shit, and so is israel’s leadership.
And also just to be clear, I don’t hate Jewish people, so lets not even try that victim card. 6 months ago
They use the money they get from the US to buy weapons from the US. They serve the purpose of enriching the billionaire class. 6 months ago
Guilt over WWII, plus lots of Apocalyptic Christians in the US see Israel as a very key step to the end days and thus going to heaven, so punishing Israel would slow the apocalypse 6 months ago
Guilt over WWII,
Please. 6 months ago
They help us maintain the resource extraction we perform throughout West Asia. Everything else doesn’t matter. That’s why we sent 39 F-35s (the most advanced fighter plane in the world) to Israel and a handful of F-16s (an aircraft we’ve basically retired) to Ukraine 6 months ago
Because unlike Russia, Isreal buys billions of dollars worth of military shit from the US. That is the reason. Greed. 6 months ago
Putin doesn’t seem to be targeting children.
This guy is significantly worse than Putin, which is quite extraordinary. 6 months ago
Putin is not only targeting children, he’s targeted childrens hospitals several times including one with the roof painted “Children inside” 6 months ago
How on Earth is genocide moral?!?! 6 months ago
How on Earth is genocide moral?!?!
It’s been “moral” since (so-called) “western civilization” decided it was “moral.” 6 months ago
ICJ needs to put this man in chains. 6 months ago
Chains, pffffbtbtbt. I want heads on mfin pikes at this point. I was mass crucifictions of these genocidal fucks, straight up Meereen-style. 6 months ago
This is an excellent example of prioritizing one’s own political survival over the good of the nation. He knows how important the goodwill of the United States is to Israel and yet he’s publicly describing a course of action that he explicitly says is both unfeasible and horrifying to Israel’s allies. By his own logic, saying what he is saying is not in Israel’s best interest. 6 months ago
You are already doing it and the world is letting you do it just fine.
I heard a testimony from a foreign doctor operating in Gaza about operating on many many children who have swallowed small objects like coins and pebbles just to quell their unbearable hunger. 6 months ago
“It’s not like, we’re gassing them quickly. We’re starving them slowly. Much better morals.” 6 months ago
And guess who’s going to be entering the coming war on this gentleman’s side soon? Congrats! 6 months ago
Evil Bert? 6 months ago
Well, Evil Bert is American, so you’re not far off. 6 months ago
Yet another reminder that if God exists, he’s like that fucker in Toy Story that likes to blow up his toys. 6 months ago
It’s funny how I’ve been discussing with some German guy who thinks Germany’s Diplomatic and moral support (not weapons anymore, thankfully) for the Government that includes this guy is Germany “having a nuanced posture” and it’s not at all racism (even thought it’s very much about the ethnicity of what Sholz himself calls “the Jewish Nation”.
Somebody below was wondering how Genocide could be moral and I’m thinking: well, you move the line of what is racism all the way until racism is only very violent murder of others due to their ethnicity, call “nuanced” the posture of people who “merely” provide support to those doing said very violent murder of others due to their ethnicity and then just do a tiny, tiny shove of the boundary line for that so very special morality and, presto, Genocide is moral. 6 months ago
Desde el fondo de mis entrañas condeno al ilegítimo estado de israel. Estado ilegítimo 6 months ago
This guy has become the same thing, which his grandparents were killed by. 6 months ago
It needs to be said that somehow Israel has become that which it was supposed to never allow again. 6 months ago
“Never Again”
Some time later
“Lol jk but we do it now” 6 months ago
I don’t know about this dude specifically but statistically it’s unlikely his family were Holocaust survivors given the incredibly small amount of survivers who immigrated and the fewer still who stayed. 6 months ago
I disagree. The comparison to the Nazis is unnecessarily inflammatory and plays right into the Zionist’s wheel house. They want nothing more than to talk about WWII and make this about the Shoah.
Popularize the crimes of the Zionists, on their own. Did you know that the 6th prime minister of Israel was the leader of a group recognized as terrorists by the US and the UK? Maybe more people would know this if we talked about Zionist crimes instead of making all of history about WW fucking II 6 months ago
Did you know Hitler was imprisoned ostensibly for terrorism only to them me released, create a terrorist organization, take power and then murder a few million people, notably many many Jews.
We can do this all day, the comparison is obvious and relevant. 6 months ago
Meh, I’m positive russian-aligned civilians would agree with your assessment from their perspective. As in, calling Russians Nazis just similarly brings up the “fact” that there are also right-wing chodes in Ukraine too, and Russia is “simply denazifying”. We all know thay argument is bullshit.
If Israelis don’t want to be compared to Nazis, maybe don’t like in a religious dictatorship that’s attempting to destroy a biblical country and peoples. You know the Kingdom of Israel and Judah should be separated, too? If we’re gonna use biblical arguments for existence, Israel is a hypocritical travesty 6 months ago
I appeal to what I call applied Godwinism which is taking specific examples of what a given Nazi said to justify policies or what a given Nazi did in order to move Germany towards the Holocaust. This has been important here in the States as the US is on the precipice of one party autocracy. Rhetoric in US politics now routinely sounds like the hate-driven rhetoric of the rising German Reich and we’re already seeing in our penal systems, our police state and our national security state the same kind of methods that were used in the German security machine that lead to the atrocities of the concentration camps and, later, the death camps.
See, here in the States, people have trouble seeing the similarity between current events and the Holocaust because we’re not at the point of the Wannsee Conference of 1942 yet (when Auschwitz was a proof of concept of an operational death camp), rather we’re still experimenting with the methods used during Operation Barbarossa, in which the starvation of concentration-camp prisoners was going to slowly, and Einsatzgruppen were tasked with massacring villages and burying them in mass graves, or promoting pogroms within newly occupied regions.
What the current Israeli genocide campaign tells us is that it can happen anywhere, but this has been established policy since the birth of the Israeli state, when the international community decided the Jewish people’s need for a homeland was greater than that of the people they displaced, and not only allowed but encouraged displacement by force. The UN told the Jewish settlers they could move there, and gave them military and materiel support, actively aware the region was already occupied, and set about massacring them the way the US massacred the first nations of the new world.
So this is established precedent: Some lives are more valuable to the international community than others, which is the same pretense by which the German Reich selected who were Lebensunwertes Leben and who had a place in their empire.
So now, as a species, we have to choose if we are going to work towards an egalitarian society, where everyone has a right to live, and to accommodations within the community, or if we live in a stratified society where some people are given privilege over others (by whatever merits, whether skin color, physical might, intellect or even because they have money and guns). History has shown us that so long as we choose the latter approach, it always slides to ethnic cleansing and genocide.
This is the choice we have to make in the US and in Israel, and the guys with money and guns seem to be very interested in keeping their position, at the expense of the rest of us.
Robot dogs with guns are coming.