- Comment on anyone else LOVE how their sleeping s/o looks? (Obv not in a creepy way) 1 day ago:
You don’t start hating your SO when you get married. You start hating your SO when you take them for granted and/or if you’re poorly matched. Being married is fucking awesome.
But yes, my husband and I both have pictures of each other sleeping on our phones.
- Comment on White House Faith Office 2 days ago:
Has there always been a White House faith office?
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 4 days ago:
I mentioned the recovery time in my comment, and that I took a step back from dancing for my knees, so I’m not sure why you’re assuming I don’t take care of myself. My doctors are of the opinion that I’m doing everything I can, but maybe you’ve got an extra insight.
- Comment on AHHHHHHHHHHH 4 days ago:
Nah, I teach adult immigrants, so if they don’t show up, that’s their business. As for time, I don’t know that I really consider that math.
Either way, counting and time are two things that republicans politicians also have to do, tallying up the votes in congress and figuring out exactly how long they can draw that process out. At some point, I suspect they’ll give up vote tallying, but we’re not there quite yet.
- Comment on AHHHHHHHHHHH 4 days ago:
I like math quite a lot, but I don’t really use it in my job as a language teacher. I guess there’s a small amount of addition and division in grading, but there are also programs that automatically do that for you.
- Comment on If you're falling apart at only 27 you're in real trouble 5 days ago:
This is heavily dependent on your genetics. It sounds like you’re pretty lucky in addition to taking care of yourself, congrats! I had to take a step back from dancing around 27, because I kept injuring my knees, even with sufficient training, musculature, and recovery time built in. It’s now been several years and I’m okay, but I simply cannot be as active as I want to be (tbf, I was dancing for 14 hours a week, but I had the time and energy for it. I still do, but my knees complain 🤷)
- Comment on This is America 6 days ago:
Until you guys do, it seems fucked up for the USA to just take US. German uses US-Amerikaner, which is at least clear.
- Comment on This is America 6 days ago:
The United States of Mexico would like a word.
- Comment on Tough question 6 days ago:
Sure, but it’s the time of year (indirectly) affecting your personality, so it felt relevant
- Comment on Tough question 1 week ago:
I think it has an effect, not inherently, but only because we then standardize schooling based on birth year, not actual age. Starting at four years and one month vs four years and eleven months (where I am, it starts even earlier, at two years and six months/three years and five months for kindergarten) means students are in a wildly different developmental stages. I don’t think it’s necessarily a lifelong thing, but at least during school, the kids who start at a later age are better at sports, so they’re more likely to make sports teams, which certainly affects your personality.
I would never say that I believe in astrology though.
- Comment on If my friend says he can eat 50 eggs... 1 week ago:
God, the stench of his farts afterwards must have been awful
- Comment on Brazil condemns US after deportees arrive handcuffed 2 weeks ago:
I think taking people who need a place to be is a primary step. You can do both.
- Comment on Brazil condemns US after deportees arrive handcuffed 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, I keep reading about the rejections and thinking about how many people might have lived if the rest of the world had just accepted the deported Jews from Germany.
- Comment on And because you deserve it, here's one from the top shelf 5 weeks ago:
Alcohol is also used in medication
- Comment on My favorite 5 weeks ago:
I knew someone who worked there with a woman who, when asked if she recommended the seasonal cheesecake, replied: “it’s so good, it makes me wet.”
She wasn’t fired, so I don’t think they really screen their staff much.
- Comment on USA | California bill would give public university admission priority to slaves' descendants 2 months ago:
This is separate from tuition assistance, which they may also be eligible for. Unfortunately, the descendants of slaves are not only financially affected, but academically affected. Early interventions like reading to your young children and helping them with homework are reduced for the descendants of enslaved people, likely due to a combination of less favorable working conditions and the reduced academic involvement of their own parents.
This is an anecdote, but it’s stuck with me: I used to work in a call center and once spoke to a man my father’s age, whose grandparents (like my father’s) were sharecroppers. That man was not literate enough to write down a claim number, so he put his daughter on. I asked (impolitely, but I was too curious), and she explained that the majority of teachers in 1950s and 60s Alabama just didn’t care if a poor black kid learned to read. My father has a master’s degree. There’s no way this man’s daughter was read to as much as I was or given as much academic help as I was. That’s happening on a huge scale, and a lot of people will consider only my father’s merit, not this man’s consistent, overwhelming disadvantage.
- Comment on USA | California bill would give public university admission priority to slaves' descendants 2 months ago:
There are still effects on education from slavery. This is one way to remedy that, but it’s not a complete solution to this problem, let alone sufficient reparations across the board. It doesn’t have to be though.
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 2 months ago:
We can also hear the difference between hot and cold water from the sound it makes while being poured into a cup
- Comment on wrappers 2 months ago:
Unfortunately, we’re the only ones with true chins, but I still scratch my cat’s undermouth area and call it a chin.
- Comment on Dentist the Menace 2 months ago:
To be fair, he didn’t exactly have to go to dental school or anything
- Comment on gen z gorillas 2 months ago:
Then they might actually be Gen Z, lol
- Comment on lab supplies 2 months ago:
That’s why it’s done through email and not at checkout
- Comment on American Politics 3 months ago:
There was a great joke going around near brexit, that the US and UK were in a competition to ruin their countries. The UK really pulled ahead with brexit, but the us had a trump card.
- Comment on Whenever I see someone walking around in clothes with big, visible branding, I can’t help but think they paid a fortune to wear an advertisement. 3 months ago:
I get most of my clothing free (I’m not picky and I’m a common size), so at least in my case, sometimes I paid nothing to look like an advertisement. I don’t really care what’s on the shirt, and some of them are logos I don’t recognize, so it could be anything. It’s there to keep me from being arrested or kicked out, and my primary criteria are comfort in texture and temperature. If it’s comfy, has no holes/stains and fits well, I’m not worried about what design it has on it.
…To a point, I’m not wearing anything bigoted (though part of me enjoys the idea of a queer autistic immigrant getting use out of bigotry by wearing it inside out, but not enough)
My favorite sweatshirts are my uniform sweatshirts from the bakery I work at- they’re high quality and comfy as hell, plus I’ll never, ever wear them at work because it’s a bakery, it’s hot as fuck.
- Comment on They're a different species, so it's cool to eat them 3 months ago:
On a world scale? Absolutely.
- Comment on They're a different species, so it's cool to eat them 3 months ago:
Sure, but I’m rich because I have a net worth of about €10k, retirement savings included. I’m not the rich, because my €700 rent is sometimes tough, even as part of a DINK couple.
- Comment on The Sarah Palin Mandela Effect 3 months ago:
- Comment on Click here? 3 months ago:
Sometimes I try to pause my husband. It’s probably because we have different native languages, but it always gives us a laugh
- Comment on Like Fleetwood Mac? Get ready for 3 months ago:
Four digit phone number, that’s wild to see
- Comment on Hope September doesn’t go by too fast 3 months ago:
Two months and eight days 🙃