- Comment on Favourite Mario Kart game? 1 hour ago:
My brain says 8dx, wii and DD are all good enough that I don’t think I could pick between them. My heart says OG is the GOAT because it’s what I played the most and I still think it has the best battle mode.
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 3 weeks ago:
The good news is that you can get third party ones now. The better news is that you can get fully digital hdmi adapters that output over hdmi with not analog conversion in the middle.
- Comment on Important 2 months ago:
Still almost 16 hours to go here, not gonna happen.
- Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 3 months ago:
Trump actually loves McDonald’s and eats it all the time.
- Comment on please rate my costume 4 months ago:
Is that Albert Whisker?
- Comment on Oh no, not again 5 months ago:
I just watched this movie 2 days ago at my parents and the trauma is the same as it was in 1984.
- Comment on Horror Sign 6 months ago:
I saw this in a Japanese convenience store. Makes you wonder.
- Comment on Israeli minister says it may be ‘moral’ to starve 2 million Gazans, but ‘no one in the world would let us’ 6 months ago:
They use the money they get from the US to buy weapons from the US. They serve the purpose of enriching the billionaire class.
- Comment on It's honestly good advice, but I much prefer original hardware when possible. 7 months ago:
Not always, the mister would need more elements to do an actual 1:1 for many newer consoles and the cores are often reverse engineered best guesses and not replicating the original asic design.
- Comment on YSK the Internet Archive has a giant depository of scanned-in manuals for virtually anything you can think of that needs one, going back decades. 7 months ago:
Their search isn’t great, I get better results using on Google
- Comment on What's your financial cutoff point on game collecting? 7 months ago:
About $50-70 for me depending on the game. I am interested in playing the games more than collecting so I have zero interest in paying more for a game than it would have cost new at retail.
- Comment on Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined 8 months ago:
Yeah, I got a 14tb drive back in February and it’s 90 percent full already. My media collection will always grow to fill the space available.
- Comment on Helium-3: Mining the fuel of the future on the Moon 9 months ago:
Helium 3 is what we’re planning to use in fusion, that’s the point.
- Comment on Never make the mistake of visiting a community for your favorite podcasts 9 months ago:
Try liking sonic the hedgehog games. The characters are all children but the fandom does not care.
- Comment on After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year 9 months ago:
For me it’s near the top on the apps homepage. Looks like this
- Comment on Microsoft says it needs games like Hi-Fi Rush the day after killing its studio 9 months ago:
I’d argue that xcloud and gamepass are equally disruptive to the industry. In either case you don’t own the games and they are tied to a subscription. Whether the game is running locally or in remote hardware doesn’t change how it impacts development and sales of games.
Cloud based gaming is not going to replace owning hardware unless they can ensure sub 20ms response time for every and I don’t belive that target is feasible but either case is bad for gaming as a whole. Games with 100 million dollar budgets are never going to see a positive ROI on services like gamepass and are reliant on gamers being willing to pay full price at launch.
My point is that Gamepass and similar services will kill AAA games if they become the primary way people access games and that is something that is best avoided. Games need a 6-12 month buffer to hit sales targets before they are considered for subscription services, otherwise the entire business model will fall flat on its face and take gaming with it.
- Comment on After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year 9 months ago:
YouTube music has something like this. You choose a few artists you like then tune the randomness of what it plays. I have discovered more new artists Ina few months of using it than I have in the decade before that.
- Comment on Microsoft says it needs games like Hi-Fi Rush the day after killing its studio 9 months ago:
MS surprise launched hifi rush with zero marketing, put it on gamepass day 1 then complains it didn’t meets ales expectations and shuts down the studio that made it. Now, 48 hours later, they are saying they need more games like that.
It may not be directly referenced in the article but cloud gaming was absolutely a part of what led to the closure of tango gameworks.
- Comment on The Quest to Beat Trackmania's Hardest Tower Map 10 months ago:
I usually don’t care much for streamers but Wirtual is amazing. He’s a talented player in his own right but also does a great job explaining the nuts and bolts of the game. I’m still a mediocre trackmania player (odd since I am usually very good at racing games) but his videos have taught me a lot.
- Comment on After 48 years, Zilog is killing the classic standalone Z80 microprocessor chip 10 months ago:
Would it be possible to come up with an FPGA solution for things like that?
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I’m still ok with windows 10 and by the time it’s no longer supported, proton should be mature enough for me to make the jump with no regrets.
- Comment on Legend of Zelda 10 months ago:
Replayed it last year and it was as good as I remembered. Windwaker is my personal favourite but LTTP is so close it might as well be a tie.
- Comment on Anybody have favorite Master System games? 11 months ago:
Hangon, shinobi and rampage were what I played the most.
- Comment on They say nothing about bedbugs. 11 months ago:
If it’s not haunted then why is it sweating?
- Comment on San Andreas ROM for PS2 has been taken down by Rockstar on Vimm's Lair 1 year ago:
Still on so I’m not worried but I still hate to see stuff like this happen because of the precedent that it sets.
- Comment on Data contamination expert 👌 1 year ago:
A tool like that would almost definitely require api access to function. If that was still possible, most of us wouldn’t be here having this conversation.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
In many other languages homophones are often spelled differently. Hiragana and katakana phonetic alphabets so homophones all have the same spelling.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
The Japanese alphabets are phonetic so all homophones have the same spelling. In your example all the words are spelled differently.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I had to はし (hashi) over the はし because I forgot my はし at home.
Same word phonetically, three meanings. With Kanji it’s easy.
- Comment on HP CEO pay for 2023 = 270,315 printer cartridges 1 year ago:
What is that in r2000 white ink boxes?